Sounds/ringing Tinnitus!

Posted by robinr144 @robinr144, Aug 9, 2023

I have had sounds and ringing in my right ear for a month now. I saw an ENT and he ordered an MRI because I have a history of breast cancer. He also said I need a night guard since I grind my teeth. He says it can be cause by my stress and teeth grinding. The medication I’ve been taking for 20 years has a risk of tinnitus as do many other medications including some antibiotics. Honestly, I am not sure I can live with the ringing.. sounds on my ear!

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Do you know what triggered it? Any exposure to loud noise? You think it was a medication? (That does happen.) Mine first started after an MRI!

I also had breast cancer but noone did an MRI for my tinnitus. I got the same advice about a mouth guard. Ugh.

All I can say is it DOES get better. It can take a few months. Some people "mask" it with rain or ocean sounds etc. but if I do that overnight I get vertigo. So I cope with the ringing in silence.

If it affects your ability to fall asleep it is okay to get some Klonopin (recommended for this) - just a few- because getting sleep will help you heal.

I was very distressed back in January after I forgot about my tinnitus and went to a music performance without ear protection. ENT's were no help at all. I am much calmer about it now and it is quieter most of the time.

Sympathies! ps there is a tinnitus forum that can be helpful and hopeful but some people are depressing on it


... I wont give my story as you say there are other chat rooms talking about it, and mine is also there; what I find frustrating is different reasons why it starts/stops/continues/.... also been on Clonazapam over 15 yrs for sleep and then they just kept prescribing yet still got tinnitus plus now my body is dependent on it so as a senior they are leaving me on it..... too hard to stop...get withdrawal but no longer works for sleep -I do agree that, for me, cannot listen to waves or rain or such, but do put you tube on to get to sleep with a relaxing meditation, do a search for it with "voice only" so no background noise..I also pay about 13. a month Canadian for no ads. I like one if you dont mind the British accent, "Blue Gold" read by Stephen Fry.. its not relaxation tape but if you are into plants, its about the Lavender fields in Europe but there's something about his voice and that sends me to sleep. OK, so i wake up during the night but at least have a few hours of shut-eye! Best of luck with the tinnitus and hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones whose tinnitus just goes away J


Hello ,
I have ringing in 1 ear , and it can be
Recently purchased hearing aids and it does help, at times barely noticeable ,


@lacy2 it had occurred to me that someone speaking might work: I often fall asleep with a movie on and that does not make me dizzy when I wake. Glad you at least have that.

I used a steroid spray in my nose a few days ago and the fluid seems to have migrated to my left ear. I have pain and vertigo and my tinnitus is much worse.

I am starting to feel a little safer that these flares will die down, but who knows. I hope you find relief!


thanks windyshores... had these issues and others quite a few years my last 5 or so years steadily decreasing in quality of life , enjoyment of former life and frustration dealing with medical issues...since diagnosis of narrow angle glaucoma in 2018, had c diff from too many antibiotics for uti and 4 friends died of the few i had. ears? tinnitus, hyperacusis, eustachian tube disfunction and last yeas or so "musical ear syndrome" - have been hearing Amazing Grace for 4 hours right side of head..someone here said he just listens and enjoys but how can one enjoy repetitive first few bars of various songs and melodies for up to five hours and sometimes together with the rumbling tinnitus etc..not me for sure. history of medical issues, as many many other people on this site cancer ; p.n, laser each eye re vitreious; fecal incontinence on top of ibs-d...since c.diff also in 2018 and for last year burning hot face and seen 2 specialists derma saying not his field and neurologist saying not his; then mid June afteer Trimethorprim 24/7 dark or light night or day have tiny wormy things in vision moving the whole time esp. against plan background.... optometrsit saying stress or migraines, but my migraines are since childhool and are migraine with aura - not it - now waiting a month - like many others I realize, to see nurse practitioner who is not an optometrist! and probably left out a few things: however, i do so realize it could be worse, only have to think of husband's issues we both have had cancer and he triple bypass heart surgery... so its not really the tinnitus itself, its the tinnitus on top of everything else, on top on other stuff, on top of ..... the list - a sprinkling of depressin and anxiety and that's my life now... constant battle and lack of medical specialists where i live, one place i phoned said 6 to 7 year wait if glaucoma.... can you believe it??? odd after making suggestions about listening to you tube etc i turned out light at 10 and didnt get to sleep til 4.00am and onlyh til 5.30am..... it happens!!! right now was outside ten minutes and right side of face off but no dr or nurse seems interested in spending the time to find out what it is so am doing my own research ... no wonder I dive into the chocolate box a lot lately!!! best wishes to all, illnesses big or small, no matter the weather - hope you feel better ! J.


thanks windyshores... had these issues and others quite a few years my last 5 or so years steadily decreasing in quality of life , enjoyment of former life and frustration dealing with medical issues...since diagnosis of narrow angle glaucoma in 2018, had c diff from too many antibiotics for uti and 4 friends died of the few i had. ears? tinnitus, hyperacusis, eustachian tube disfunction and last yeas or so "musical ear syndrome" - have been hearing Amazing Grace for 4 hours right side of head..someone here said he just listens and enjoys but how can one enjoy repetitive first few bars of various songs and melodies for up to five hours and sometimes together with the rumbling tinnitus etc..not me for sure. history of medical issues, as many many other people on this site cancer ; p.n, laser each eye re vitreious; fecal incontinence on top of ibs-d...since c.diff also in 2018 and for last year burning hot face and seen 2 specialists derma saying not his field and neurologist saying not his; then mid June afteer Trimethorprim 24/7 dark or light night or day have tiny wormy things in vision moving the whole time esp. against plan background.... optometrsit saying stress or migraines, but my migraines are since childhool and are migraine with aura - not it - now waiting a month - like many others I realize, to see nurse practitioner who is not an optometrist! and probably left out a few things: however, i do so realize it could be worse, only have to think of husband's issues we both have had cancer and he triple bypass heart surgery... so its not really the tinnitus itself, its the tinnitus on top of everything else, on top on other stuff, on top of ..... the list - a sprinkling of depressin and anxiety and that's my life now... constant battle and lack of medical specialists where i live, one place i phoned said 6 to 7 year wait if glaucoma.... can you believe it??? odd after making suggestions about listening to you tube etc i turned out light at 10 and didnt get to sleep til 4.00am and onlyh til 5.30am..... it happens!!! right now was outside ten minutes and right side of face off but no dr or nurse seems interested in spending the time to find out what it is so am doing my own research ... no wonder I dive into the chocolate box a lot lately!!! best wishes to all, illnesses big or small, no matter the weather - hope you feel better ! J.

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I have the face thing too. Tinnitus, hyperacusis and eustachian tube issues and vertigo. And cancer, lupus, osteoporotic fractures, other stuff. So I get it.

I really feel for you with the repetitive music. MD's don't seem to understand the distress this kind of thing can cause. I hope you find some empathy- and actual help- though I know it is a rabbit hole!


... not sure but if got fluid in ear with nose spray? I tried the nasal rinse pot thing and did make tinnitus worse... too bad as they say it is good to use ... you hit the nail on the head saying about the distress all these non life-threatening illnesses/problems can add up to - yes this "musical ear syndrome" I had never heard of either nor medical people I told but a hearing specialist out of town i had a couple zoome with she knew exactly what it was... and its odd but the repetitive melody is often a hymn, Christmas carol, nursery rhyme from when a child, deep South strains etc., and there can be a sort of babbling like high speed talking but cannot make out what is being chanted... someone on here had same one - i was thinking of starting a list to compare!!! Really not funny tho... but painless... today it's been Amazing Grace as it is right now, as if someone in another room has radio on... they keep saying it is not a mental health problem but brain making up for hearing loss but I dont think it is... otherwise why dont all hearing impaired people get it - and who chooses the song??? To me it is a brain disfunction of some type, but then so is tinnitus I suppose. Sorry to go on, eye drops in and lights out for me soon, having my last chatter !! Take care! ps sorry to hear you have vertigo too, that's horrible even on its own!


I also got fluid in my ear from a nose spray 6 days ago and saw doc today who agreed. I am doing Mucinex tomorrow. I would do sudafed but can't due to heart. Doc gave me augmentin to take if I feel I need it. Definitely made tinnitus worse.


@windyshores ...ah, am same in that some meds that would help me I cannot take or choose not to take... I think for first time in years almost slept thru night, I cant believe it! Up twice for "P" but back to sleep, although only had an hour or so night before.... am not getting too happy about it, see what happens tonight. Just want to say re listening to waves, rain, etc. and not working for me, the is another that you MIGHT like.. she has a long name, Australian as a lot used to be on You Tube: It is called
I'm OK original by Lauren Ostrowski Fenton 25 minutes, on my favourites list on you tube but i think i said i payd 12.00 a month for no ads so not sure if they put ads on hers. I do a a search for
Lauren Ostrowski Fenton voice only then no background music as now when i listen to music it sets off my own music speaker in head!! Hope the nose spray helps if not, would an anti histamine tablet still work without liquid from spray getting into your ear tubes? J


@lacy2 thanks for the suggestions. Yes taking Claritin. Glad you got some sleep. Makes sense that music would not be helpful to you!

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