Anyone dealt with degenerative disk disease with PV diagnosis?

Posted by sap21981 @sap21981, Aug 7, 2023

I was just wondering if any of you have dealt with degenerative disk disease with PV diagnosis? I have it in my C5/C6. Just wondering if it could be a side effect.

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No I haven’t had PV. I started in 2016 with ET JAK 2 and was controlled with Hydroxyrea until May 2022 and then progressed to ACML JAK 2


Interesting about degenerative disc disease and pv. I have lumbar degenerative disc disease confirmed on X-ray, but no one has suggested pv as a cause. I am 78 and was diagnosed with pv two years ago. Just started jakafi, but I think my back pain is age related. I know the md’s are not worried, just me. Stretching helps. JJD


Interesting about degenerative disc disease and pv. I have lumbar degenerative disc disease confirmed on X-ray, but no one has suggested pv as a cause. I am 78 and was diagnosed with pv two years ago. Just started jakafi, but I think my back pain is age related. I know the md’s are not worried, just me. Stretching helps. JJD

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Interesting to read this because today I saw my doctor regarding back pain.


My back pain goes back years and predates my pv diagnosis. I’m treating it as unrelated. Good luck with your treatment. JJD


My back pain goes back years and predates my pv diagnosis. I’m treating it as unrelated. Good luck with your treatment. JJD

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Same here- comes with being tall! Lol!


Interesting about degenerative disc disease and pv. I have lumbar degenerative disc disease confirmed on X-ray, but no one has suggested pv as a cause. I am 78 and was diagnosed with pv two years ago. Just started jakafi, but I think my back pain is age related. I know the md’s are not worried, just me. Stretching helps. JJD

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My husband has had degenerative disc disease for years and this year diagnosed with MDS another blood cancer. So this is interesting I have read before where back pain can be a precursor yet no way doctors can check everyone with back pain for certain cancers.


I too have degenerative disc disease, was diagnosed in my mid-30s, lower back to begin but damaged my cervical area in car accident which re-supported the diagnosis. Have had one shoulder surgery which helped but now when they x-ray they just say, Man! Your spine is a mess, lots of arthritis in it too. I do not know if this is related to PV but who knows...something with the bone for sure...Others have osteoporosis as well so maybe its a good discussion to have with a doctor. thank you


I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease with arthritis, spinal spondylosis, some kind of a twist in my spine and some other spinal problems with long medical names and have the remains of a lumbar herniated disc from about age 30 which now is called a bulging disc. I’m in a lot of lower back pain pain and am allotted 2 - 7.5 hydrocodone with Tylenol a day. The doctor took an X-ray and I was told the above along with the comment: man, your spine is really messed up. I’m a 73 year old woman. The doctor also ordered a MRI but when I got to the hospital and I told them I had a pacemaker in addition to my right knee replacement, they wouldn’t do the MRI. I live near Key West and apparently there are no hospitals in the Florida Keys that have a MRI machine for people with a pacemaker. I have to drive over 110 miles to get to the mainland of Florida and another 30 or 40 to get to a hospital equipped with the right MRI machine so I’ve been putting that off. Other than being a great swimmer, my exercise was work related. I owned and operated a tree nursery myself which is strenuous. The last big hurricane retired me and the nursery so I haven’t really exercised since 2017 except for occasional swimming.

I have just been given cardiac clearance for light exercise after being diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation, Atrial Flutter, Coronary Heart Disease, Tachycardia and Bradycardia. My history shows 2 Myocardial Infarcts although I didn’t feel anything. Medical care is limited down here (remember that if you think the Keys is a great place to retire) and I don’t really know what to do. I was hoping for a stem cell transplant for the damaged discs but just found out that’s not FDA approved. I don’t want spinal fusion after reading your letters. Any suggestions?


Maybe there is a connection between Blood Diseases and back pain, ? I was diagnosed with PV in Jan 2020 but refused to take Hydroxyrea for 2.5 years. It wasn't until my PLT count went over 2,057 in July 2022 that I started with 500 mg a day. Now it's gone down into the 800 range, twice what is considered "normal". But...about 9 months ago I notice my back is starting to disintegrate, leaning to the left, so much so my trousers are now almost 1 inch longer on the left. As to pain, I don't have much but I attribute that to the fact I do floor exercises 6 days a week. I also drink a smoothie with about 1 oz of fresh ginger every day and take many other holistic supplements, thus for being 75 with PV I am doing rather well just looking somewhat deformed.

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