Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LRP) - severity and outlook?

Posted by davearnatt @davearnatt, Jan 9, 2017

I have had LPR / reflux for about 5 years and have made the normal lifestyle changes (diet, bed, etc) which reduced symptoms slightly. PPIs do not seem to help so we suspect pepsin rather than acid. The severity of symptoms changes over time with throat "experiences" occuring roughly as follows:

No problem (10%)
Cold feeling like finishing a breath mint (30%)
Like a mild burn from food + tightness (40%)
Moderate to intense pain/redness (20%)

By now, the odds of resolving this seem remote. My doctor talked about me entering "another phase" which feels like it will get worse. My questions:

1. Does anyone have any feedback/experience about the potential impact of this type of continual inflammation leading to severe problems including cancer? Is it possible that just learning to live with this is an option that will not end with something awful?

2. Does anyone have any experience/feedback on surgery options besides classic Nissen fundoplication? I have read about Linx (magnetic ring) and partial (270 degree) fundoplication.

Thank you for any advise or help you can offer!

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How long have you had Barrett's? Sorry to hear that. Wha brand is low acid coffee? I usually drink Decaf, but that is probably still acidic.
I ordered the book and am anxious to see what I can eat.
God bless

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I buy ALEX'S LOW ACID ORGANIC COFFEE along with the DECAF from Amazon. It taste very good.


I know someone who had the magnetic ring type of surgery. He was a young man and had it done in a private clinic. he was uncomfortable for about 3 weeks and then it all settled down and he is fine.


Hi all,
I’m recently diagnosed with LPR and new to this platform. Dietary changes and nexium helped many of my symptoms but dry mouth/burning mouth and periodic halitosis persist. My doctor thinks it’s unrelated but the onset of my symptoms happened simultaneously. Anyone else experience this and were you able to get relief or recovery? It’s very uncomfortable.


Hi all,
I’m recently diagnosed with LPR and new to this platform. Dietary changes and nexium helped many of my symptoms but dry mouth/burning mouth and periodic halitosis persist. My doctor thinks it’s unrelated but the onset of my symptoms happened simultaneously. Anyone else experience this and were you able to get relief or recovery? It’s very uncomfortable.

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LPR which is Gerd that has travelled all the way up in your throat, can cause dry mouth and also can cause damages to your teeth, per Google. Try brushing your mouth with baking soda, water and tooth brush gently to see if it helps. Drinking alkaline water helps me with dehydration.


LPR which is Gerd that has travelled all the way up in your throat, can cause dry mouth and also can cause damages to your teeth, per Google. Try brushing your mouth with baking soda, water and tooth brush gently to see if it helps. Drinking alkaline water helps me with dehydration.

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I struggle with this too. Cough drops have become a necessity for me. The menthol ones particularly help me.


I struggle with this too. Cough drops have become a necessity for me. The menthol ones particularly help me.

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I used to cough four years ago, but stopped. Now, lots of mucous and pain in center of my upper GI. Try Gaviscon Plus from Amazon. It coats your esophagus and hopefully acid will not damage it. Baking soda and warm water and salt water do magic too. I rinse my nose with salt and warm water and gergle with it as well. I also gurgle and brush my tongue and mouth with baking soda and warm water. If you can Tagamet, take it and see if helps. Tagamet helped me but got Sibo had to stop. After eating, don't bend over. The cough is the result of acid. Diet is the best solution. Google and find out what you should not drink or eat.


I had the Nissen Fundoplication procedure in 2018 and have not experienced any issues or problems. However, I was instructed not to eat hard breads and be very sure to chew food very well before swallowing because of the smaller entrance into my stomach. I struggled quite a few years and had a lot of tests done before I was told to have this procedure. I do not take any medicines other than over the counter Gas-X when I don't do what the doctor told me, and I overeat.


I have terrible excessive mucous too, and post nasal drip and feel like I have to clear my throat all the time. I was told after a 24 hour Impedance Study that I do not have reflux, no acid anyway. I guess Naso Pharyngeal Silent reflux can present a excess mucous. I have tried PPIs and they don't help.

Phil, do you clear your throat or cough? I also had a lung infection-mycobacterial- not sure if the mucous has to do with that, but does not seem like lung, seems like throat and nose. Would love to get rid of it.
Phil, I eat small meals, don't eat processed. Do you drink coffee? Alcohol? I have a cup a day and maybe a drink or 2 a week when we go out to dinner. Is your eating improving the mucous? Anything else that works?

Mine goes away mostly, when I sleep. Does yours? Do you ever get the mucous on an empty stomach. Sorry, lots of questions.

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Amitrytiline or Nortryptiline, believe it or not these have an affect on the neurological aspect of the chronic cough caused by reflux. After suffering for 7 years w/nothing helping. Nortryptiline was like someone flipped a switch.
Read ‘Chronic Cough Enigma’ by Jamie Kouffman & ‘Killing Me Softly’ (can’t remember author. < 3

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