Do you have an inspiring or favorite quote to share?

Posted by Zebra @californiazebra, Jun 21, 2023

I'll start with three quotes from the very inspiring Helen Keller as noted in "Your Year of Healing" book by Amit Sood, MD:

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart."

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

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Been there. Done That. Bought the T-shirt! (Posting for a friend lol)

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I like to take it a further:
Bought the T-shirt, burned it and spread the ashes!!!


........To err is human - to forgive, Devine.

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Taking it to the 21st century…”To err is human-
to really mess up takes a computer!”


........To err is human - to forgive, Devine.

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....To err is human - to forgive, canine.


WOW. That is amazing. Thanks so much. I shall look for Smuckers on Facebook?

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in reply to@olderdiva12345 Instagram. You may have to create an account, but it is very easy and totally different from Facebook. You have control over what you want to follow and things of that nature. My profile is frantogo21


Thanks, fran. I'll try again, this afternoon if I have time. Have a great day.


Hi Francis,
They are my best friends. I've had them each since they were the size of a shoebox. They brings tears of happiness to me daily. Have a Blessed day,

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in reply to @psychoticnonconformist Thank you. I understand. I lost my dog in March 2022 and it was a good 6 or more months before I could sleep in my bedroom at night, and I still have trouble sleeping. She was a pit bull that I rescued from the shelter and out of the many dogs I have had in my lifetime, she was overall the best dog. I am hearing impaired so I had trained her to be a "hearing dog" because when I am alone in my apartment I do not always wear my hearing aids. She was my protector and best friend. After she died I planted an olive tree in a pot so that I could move it indoors during the winter. For what it is worth, I talk to that tree everyday and say "Goodnight Ducky" every evening. The SPCA had named her, she had been there over 150 days and had been rescued from a dog fighting ring. The SPCA interviewed over 100 people before deciding to give her to me. While I probably could have changed her name, I did not because that was the name she was used to. However, everyone really did think she was "just ducky." I sorely miss her, as you can imagine. Her pictures adorn my walls, but lately I have been thinking that maybe I should take some down and perhaps make some kind of shadow box instead so that my apartment does not look like some shrine to a now deceased dog. Just typing this brings back so many wonderful memories. I have given thought to getting another dog, but I could never love another dog as much as I loved Ducky. My friend, who was once my rheumatologist, told me that sometimes things do happen for a reason, and I believe that my dog died because she knew I was sick. Always putting her nose where my liver is, following me into the bathroom etc. We all know how smart dogs are in this way. I have a picture of her on the way to the vet on that fateful day, and she has the biggest smile on her face. It was after this, that I began trying to live more like my dog, "in the moment." Dogs teach us many things, don't they?


Yes they do, primarily to remember the humanity part of our existence. I sure hope I do not lose my two in the medical journey I am on. I've lost everything in the process and received notice from a lender they want to repo my only last asset because I am behind in my payments. The worst part of that is I only have 2 payments left so it would be a huge windfall for them to repo. And they don't seem to care about my medical situation, only the windfall they make if they repo the truck. Hope your day is going better than mine.


Yes they do, primarily to remember the humanity part of our existence. I sure hope I do not lose my two in the medical journey I am on. I've lost everything in the process and received notice from a lender they want to repo my only last asset because I am behind in my payments. The worst part of that is I only have 2 payments left so it would be a huge windfall for them to repo. And they don't seem to care about my medical situation, only the windfall they make if they repo the truck. Hope your day is going better than mine.

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,,,sorry to hear this. I am in Canada. Not sure about here or U,S.A.but I was under the impression that if over a certain percentage of payments had been made on something, then could not be repossessed? Anyone here know how the law applies to this, or does it depend on which State one lives in? ... we have places to get free legal advice ... any chance they could help you if one close to you Douglas?


,,,sorry to hear this. I am in Canada. Not sure about here or U,S.A.but I was under the impression that if over a certain percentage of payments had been made on something, then could not be repossessed? Anyone here know how the law applies to this, or does it depend on which State one lives in? ... we have places to get free legal advice ... any chance they could help you if one close to you Douglas?

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Thank you Valerie. Unfortunately it does not work that way here, especially in my situation. The truck is worth much much more than the 2 payments owed so they can repo it, sell it to a friend of their cheap, then claim there is nothing left over to give me back. You would think we would have a better system but ours favors the lenders on all ways.


Never thought about this situation happening when we first purchased our vehicles years ago. Maybe as we had borrowed the money from our Credit Union ... as they would have probably been able to defer the payments etc. or even write off if illness or such... so maybe your payments are directly to the company that sold you the truck. Agree it does not seem a good system if only two payments left! So even proof of your illness means nothing to them? e.g. defer the payments or even charge a small "penalty" for when you get better? I suppose they have rules but rules are meant to be broken they say! Have you tried speaking to the lender's supervisors or head office? Anyone with any more suggestions here? Sorry and I hope your medical journey ends up that you get better!

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