Is there anyone that had estrogen positive cancer, without use of AI?

Posted by tygerrag2 @tygerrag2, Jul 14, 2022

Is there anyone with stage 1 breast cancer, estrogen positive that had a lumpectomy followed by radiation without any other treatment and has remained cancer free?

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Just found this site and discussion. I had stage 1 IDC 2.5 yrs ago, 2 cm (but 2 smaller lumps also detected when operated) lumpectomy followed by radiation for 3 wks.
AI was recommended, but as my Oncotype score was low (10) and I already was borderline osteoporosis, and hearing all the bad side effects, after consultation with my radio oncologist I decided to forego AIs. Lo and behold, 2.5 yrs later (now!) I just underwent 5 days ago a mastectomy due to recurrence in same place.
I underwent CT and bone scans and fortunately no spread detected. Am waiting to hear about nodes (axillary dissection). I will never know if taking the AI would have prevented this recurrence. I've almost convinced myself that it would not have. After I get thru this post-op discomfort, will indeed have to take the AIs. Worrying about spreading was terrifying.

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Just curious ,were the other two lumps cancerous also and IDC? Also did you do lifestyle changes after your lumpectomy like diet, exercise and weight loss? So sorry for your recurrence. Glad it was only in your breast and hadn’t spread elsewhere . 💓


Just curious ,were the other two lumps cancerous also and IDC? Also did you do lifestyle changes after your lumpectomy like diet, exercise and weight loss? So sorry for your recurrence. Glad it was only in your breast and hadn’t spread elsewhere . 💓

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I assume the other 2 lumps were identical in nature to the larger one. I had been largely vegetarian but went essentially 'vegan' stopped eating cheese, other dairy, etc; my cholesterol has improved, but I didn't give enough attention to iron and became anemic (now on iron supplements). This time around will try for more consistent exercise, I have a desk job which is not good. My weight is good, lost a little with transition to vegan diet. Not sure why cancer targets me, no immediate family history and I was hit with Hodgkins lymphoma 12 yrs ago only to be subjected to this new cancer and its recurrence! For the record, I am 70 yrs old.


I assume the other 2 lumps were identical in nature to the larger one. I had been largely vegetarian but went essentially 'vegan' stopped eating cheese, other dairy, etc; my cholesterol has improved, but I didn't give enough attention to iron and became anemic (now on iron supplements). This time around will try for more consistent exercise, I have a desk job which is not good. My weight is good, lost a little with transition to vegan diet. Not sure why cancer targets me, no immediate family history and I was hit with Hodgkins lymphoma 12 yrs ago only to be subjected to this new cancer and its recurrence! For the record, I am 70 yrs old.

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I wish you all the best. Thank you for your reply. CANCER SUCKS!!! Take care.💓


I had my bilateral lumectomies at the beginning of covid, 2019. I did the radiation treatment and tried the AIs but could not tolerate them. I did them for 6 months on and off with terrible side effects, that I still have residual problems from. I stopped all and went on a healthy diet, lost 60 pounds in one year and still going strong. I have never felt better in my life, following a whole food plant based no oil starch diet. I do not believe all thhe hype about them. I am now heading to 4 years, and have never felt better. Even if it comes back, I know I am in a better place to fight it again if necessary. Follow your intuition. The drugs are pushed hard, but the results of success are low as far of benefit, in my belief. and the side effects too crippling to be of true benefit to any well being and quality of life.

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@jeaniebean would you mind sharing your diet? Is it Gerson therapy? How are you feeling?


I’ve talked with 2 oncologist & they were not adamant about taking the AI med, left it up to me. I’m 25 years post menopausal & feel there’s very little estrogen in my body anyway. Had no lymph inv. with clear margins. Oncotype was under 25. So, I’m hoping with some lifestyle changes & exercise I will be ok,

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I am 22 year post menopause, and my estrogen level test showed "below detectable levels" my Oncotype DX score was 10, most other indicators of cancer pathology very "good". I chose lumpectomy, and 5 sessions of radiation but no drugs. My oncologist did not argue, said my stats were excellent, and my history of a horrific menopause, current osteopenia, plus an anxiety disorder were both red flags for taking anti-estrogens. She is very supportive and said she respects my decision, "your body, your choice." Glad I did not end up with a doctor who insists on drugs or you are not their patient!


I am 22 year post menopause, and my estrogen level test showed "below detectable levels" my Oncotype DX score was 10, most other indicators of cancer pathology very "good". I chose lumpectomy, and 5 sessions of radiation but no drugs. My oncologist did not argue, said my stats were excellent, and my history of a horrific menopause, current osteopenia, plus an anxiety disorder were both red flags for taking anti-estrogens. She is very supportive and said she respects my decision, "your body, your choice." Glad I did not end up with a doctor who insists on drugs or you are not their patient!

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So many years ago when the medical profession adopted and recommended annual mammograms to detect breast cancer- women fully adopted this effort and signed up for their annual mammogram. The common denominator here was the meeting of the minds - this prescribed effort encouraged by the medical entities and the women who adopted this action as an integral part of their annual health options.

Current options are overwhelming women who are asking why they fit into such a vague set of circumstances (one size fits all) and why they are pronounced candidates for 5 year remedies that leaves THEM physically and emotionally unable to return to their daily life. They are offered alternatives to the prescription they are currently trying to deal with that can only promise a different set of side effects to endure.

Among many questions that individual women might have re their individual prescriptions seems to be an overwhelming question - why is their no meeting of the minds of medical professionals. The one size fits all in this day and age seems to beg for clarification.

We are left feeling like a study group without being given this knowledge and understanding that we are in a study group.

One size fits all is only a description of we women who feel the terrible anxiety that breast cancer can cause.

God bless mammograms and God’s speed to future viable options for women that can join us together in feeling confident in making a course of action a part of our daily life that has an understood result.


I would love to know about that new pill!

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Me too


Thank you all. Have only had awful biopsy so far!! Was found on ultrasound in enlarged node in armpit... No breast tumor.

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update! had PET/ct scan and no tumors or evidence of meestatic disease!! Praise Goo! Prayers work.


@cctoo I looked up Estrohalt, which "contains two potent aromatase inhibitors and one natural estrogen blocker." It is used to reduce excess estrogen/estrogen dominance which causes symptoms like breast tenderness or mood issues. It is not intended to eliminate estrogen from the adrenals entirely, the way the pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors do.

If Estrohalt does have the same effectiveness, then the side effects presumably would be the same as the pharmaceutical AI's since side effects are from suppression of estrogen.

If Estrohalt does not have the same effectiveness, then your cancer is not being adequately treated.

I hope you will consider medications! Is there a way for you to determine if you are stage 4 w/spread?

Antivirals sound interesting but I assume they are not yet available for you.

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No Als but recent PET/ct scan said no tumors or medistatic disease. Praise God!


I assume the other 2 lumps were identical in nature to the larger one. I had been largely vegetarian but went essentially 'vegan' stopped eating cheese, other dairy, etc; my cholesterol has improved, but I didn't give enough attention to iron and became anemic (now on iron supplements). This time around will try for more consistent exercise, I have a desk job which is not good. My weight is good, lost a little with transition to vegan diet. Not sure why cancer targets me, no immediate family history and I was hit with Hodgkins lymphoma 12 yrs ago only to be subjected to this new cancer and its recurrence! For the record, I am 70 yrs old.

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Cancer has no “rhyme or reason” I had no family history of BC . No weight issues, glucose always within normal range. I was diagnosed w/BC at age 50.
I have 23 cousins, no cancer of any type.
Just the luck of the draw. 🤷‍♀️

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