Erosive osteoarthritis pain but can't take NSAIDS

Posted by chris7121 @chris7121, Jul 1, 2023

I have erosive osteoarthritis and because of a heart attack, I'm on a blood thinner and not allowed to take anti inflammatories /NSAIDS. Tylenol no longer helps. Any suggestions for alternative sources of pain relief are most welcome!

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I too have Scoliosis plus arthritis in my spine.
PT is very helpful, but being in water is the best exercise for me - even if it is just floating.
The other tool that has been very helpful is my T.E.N.S. unit. Sounds like the "electric impulse" treatment that you are trying.
You can buy your own unit from a pharmacy/healthcare centre.
There is not one thing that will bring relief, but you can find a combination of treatments that may give some relief, some of the time.
All the best.


I too have Scoliosis plus arthritis in my spine.
PT is very helpful, but being in water is the best exercise for me - even if it is just floating.
The other tool that has been very helpful is my T.E.N.S. unit. Sounds like the "electric impulse" treatment that you are trying.
You can buy your own unit from a pharmacy/healthcare centre.
There is not one thing that will bring relief, but you can find a combination of treatments that may give some relief, some of the time.
All the best.

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I started using a tens machine and have also found it brings relief. Not long lasting but enough to make a difference. I tried waterfit exercises but that was a mistake as it aggravated the pain. Maybe tried too much. Next time I think I will just float and tread water...


I have Stenosis and arthritis on the spine. I do TaiChi exercises 3 times per week and find it helpful. I'm allergic to most medications so only take tylenol.


I started using a tens machine and have also found it brings relief. Not long lasting but enough to make a difference. I tried waterfit exercises but that was a mistake as it aggravated the pain. Maybe tried too much. Next time I think I will just float and tread water...

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Yes, a waterfit class would 'finish me off'!
"Slow & steady' is the method. When the season starts, it's floating only for about 15 minutes; then the next day a bit longer. By the end of the first week I'm treading water.
It seems that there is a 'bomb' in my back... and must use great care not to 'trigger it'.
The water gives strengthening, and blissful relaxation.
All the best in finding the 'Magic balance'!


I'm so sorry you are going through this! Where is your EOA? I have it in my hands. It's terrible and I won't do meds for fear of it affecting other organs. There is no help. It's painful and exhausting daily. I'm tired all the time. Absolutely no solutions offered.
Krista G


Tai chi helps me too- and quigong. With more fractures last year, I modify it a bit as needed.


Tai chi helps me too- and quigong. With more fractures last year, I modify it a bit as needed.

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I modify it too. Instead of doing it for the 45mins I do it for 30. I have a bad habit of pushing myself too hard.


I'm so sorry you are going through this! Where is your EOA? I have it in my hands. It's terrible and I won't do meds for fear of it affecting other organs. There is no help. It's painful and exhausting daily. I'm tired all the time. Absolutely no solutions offered.
Krista G

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Please explain EOA. Thank you.


I take turmeric and ginger daily as well and I definitely have less painful joints with consistent use. I use the fresh roots of each. Curcumin (which many take as a supplement) is the active component in turmeric that is extracted for supplements and is also supposed to be highly effective. But it might just be best to use the whole root as there are many synergistic compounds in it and historically, it's been used beneficially that way for thousands of years . Both ginger and black pepper will make the active constituents of turmeric more bioavailable. I also use collagen powder and Boswellia capsules, both of which are very helpful. Boswellia (Indian Frankincense) is a tree resin also used in Ayurvedic Medicine for thousands of years for arthritis. If you have GERD, boswellia may be contraindicated but you can always try it and if you have that response, discontinue. Overall, an anti-inflammatory (Mediterranean) diet might be helpful; lots of veggies, fruit, herbs, green tea, olive oil, berries, nuts and seeds, fatty fish like wild salmon (not farmed), etc.
Wishing you health and pain relief.


Please explain EOA. Thank you.

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erosive ostoearthritis

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