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PMR Diet: Foods to eat and avoid

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) | Last Active: Nov 11, 2023 | Replies (98)

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I was diagnosed with PMR and started on Prednisolone 12 weeks ago. I now avoid high oxalate and high lectin foods (spinach, corn, all night shades, seeds, nuts, all wholegrains, sweet potato, turmeric and other spices, etc) and believe my PMR was likely brought on by high consumption of "superfoods" while I was on a weight loss diet. Most so-called superfoods contain high oxalates, known to cause kidney problems and joint pain in some people.

Specifically, I strongly suspect the hydrolysed marine collagen supplement I bought as a treat may have triggered the PMR. It contains type2 collagen (used to induce chronic arthritis in lab rats and pigs in kidney and arthritis experiments) and it's full of hydroxyprolines that convert to oxalates in the body. My PMR suddenly started after 5 days on the marine collagen, but I didn't suspect it at first and kept taking it because all the sellers insisted it was wonderful for joints.

I've managed to avoid weight gain and have even lost 11 pound in the last 12 weeks by continuing my low carbohydrate diet and avoiding snacks. Whenever the Prednisolone raises my blood sugars which sends hunger signals, I check how long it was since my last nutritious meal and instead of eating, I have a glass of water and do some gardening for 10 minutes. That fixes it every time and the garden is looking better, win/win.

I've also avoided fluid retention by drinking plenty of extra water and keeping moving, gently but frequently, during the day.

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Replies to "I was diagnosed with PMR and started on Prednisolone 12 weeks ago. I now avoid high..."

Hmmm. Doesn't seem to be the case with me. I'm a registered dietitian and my diet is full of "superfoods" and daily turmeric and I only had a very mild case of PMR with no blood markers. I try to eat a Pegan diet, but I do include oats and a tiny bit of processed food each day. I just recently weaned off of a 2 mg. dose of Prednisone after about 6 months. I had kidney stones about 20 years ago, but since then my diet has improved and I drink more water. Water and a little wine is all I drink. My diet is full of carbohydrates, but very little processed carbs. When I eat sweet potatoes or potatoes, I always eat the skin to keep my blood glucose from spiking. Fiber is an essential nutrient--probably the most important. It feeds your gut microbiome and that this where 70% of your immunity takes place.