Is Neuropathy curable or just treatable? Does anyone know?

Posted by Berk @gba, Jul 12, 2023

We go found and around on this issue, does anyone know?

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I can't talk about other people with Neuropathy but two different Neuroopathy doctors suggested that I use Vitamin B12 daily and Alpha Lipoic acid twice daily. Both supplements really seem to help the tingling in my feet and the pain has subsided. Jack

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I saw the same treatment on google and my doctor agreed to give them to me to try to get some relief because I don’t sleep for days sometimes and the pain and tingling keeps me crying and screaming and scratching because the pain is intense.


I saw the same treatment on google and my doctor agreed to give them to me to try to get some relief because I don’t sleep for days sometimes and the pain and tingling keeps me crying and screaming and scratching because the pain is intense.

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@foxylloyd - Not being able to sleep for days at a time can make any condition much worse. Hoping you get some relief soon. Here are some more things that you may find helpful.

--- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy - Complementary Therapies:


My husband are I are both getting treatments on the Sanexus machine. We both say there is improvement but not complete relief yet. Although I had intense burning in my hands that ran up into my arm. That stopped after two treatments. It's worth a try. Medicare DOES cover it.


@foxylloyd - Not being able to sleep for days at a time can make any condition much worse. Hoping you get some relief soon. Here are some more things that you may find helpful.

--- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy - Complementary Therapies:

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Thanks for answering me I think that I’m going to die from sleep deprivation because I lay awake screaming and crying all night from the pain being so agonizing but now I’m in a nursing home unable to walk or even stand up anymore. I don’t know how much medical care that I will have access to being in this place waiting to die of agonizing pain and sleep deprivation. Thanks Foxylloyd


Sadly, I say this: Neuropathy is not curable (I am talking about peripheral neuropathy). All doctors have told me this. As for treatable, I don't think it is either. Everybody has to search and choose for something that gives you relief. It might not work for others. I have tried just about everything but when the nerves flare up, there is nothing I can do. Good luck to everybody, I pray for you all.


Thanks for answering me I think that I’m going to die from sleep deprivation because I lay awake screaming and crying all night from the pain being so agonizing but now I’m in a nursing home unable to walk or even stand up anymore. I don’t know how much medical care that I will have access to being in this place waiting to die of agonizing pain and sleep deprivation. Thanks Foxylloyd

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Thanks for the hug. I lay here alone in a nursing home wondering if anyone even thinks about me. foxylloyd


Thanks for the hug. I lay here alone in a nursing home wondering if anyone even thinks about me. foxylloyd

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Is the nerve pain in your feet? If so, 5 percent lidocaine patches may help. My podiatrist prescribed mine. They were life-changing for me in terms of pain control.


Thanks for answering me I think that I’m going to die from sleep deprivation because I lay awake screaming and crying all night from the pain being so agonizing but now I’m in a nursing home unable to walk or even stand up anymore. I don’t know how much medical care that I will have access to being in this place waiting to die of agonizing pain and sleep deprivation. Thanks Foxylloyd

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So sorry for all your challenges. Peripheral Neuropathy is difficult enough but feeling alone with it is awful.

Hopefully this group will help.


I am a diabetic since 2017 and diabetic neuropathy started with my feet (tingling, numb, painful nerve strikes, etc..) in 2018 which nerve damages eventually spread into my calves and thighs plus waist. Until this day(2023), I have been dealing with unmanaged/uncontrollably diabetes II and painful neuropathy.

After all the doctors, neurologist, emergency rooms, hospitals, etc.. , plus prescribed medications (gabapentin, Juniva, Metformin, Duloxetine, etc.. I completely regret to spend thousands and thousands of dollars (Out of Pocket and/or Insurance)… The Gabapentin and Juniva helped a bit with the bad nerve strikes but was not a complete cure. I am still numb from feet to hips especially feet.

After 5 years with such conditions, you DO NOT want the neuropathy (nerve damage) to quickly grow and affect your entire feet, calves, thighs, and hands as it is an extremely terrible feeling along with very poor state of mind, anxiety, stress, daily activities, etc..

Sadly, REAL answer for these serious mental and health complications and conditions were experienced as "NO CURE" ! The only solution provided is to amputate feet, legs, and hands. I could not live with myself with such situation as I will continue to suffer and convince mind it is part of the remaining part and style of my life.

I adopted a 5 year dog (German Shepherd) to help encourage walking at least 4 times a week. She is a wonderful dog! I should have adopted a dog years ago....

My advice is to eat healthy, exercise, and most definitely "Save your Money"…

My prayers are with you …


Hello @intlguyct, Welcome to Connect. I wished I had some good answers for you. I know it's a struggle dealing with neuropathy whether you know the cause or not and it can be painful and scary. I also have idiopathic neuropathy but fortunate for me I only have the numbness and some minor tingling. The reality is that knowing the cause may or may not be helpful in treating the symptoms. My best advice I have to offer is to learn as much as you can about your condition and what treatment options are available that might provide some relief. Two of the best sites to learn more that have helped me are:
--- Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy:
--- Neuropathy Commons:

I shared my neuropathy journey in another discussion here - Member Neuropathy Journey Stories: What's Yours?:

You mentioned that the gabapentin and pregabalin didn't work. Did your neurologist offer any other treatments or suggestions to help with the pain?

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My Neurologist recommends an over the counter medication. Lidocaine 4% to numb pain away.
Even though I don't have pain, it helps improve my numbness.
I also exercise a lot. Water aerobics, strength training, and walking help.
Iay have difficulty walking later on in my case. But, not today.
Also, keep your mind busy so that you don't give up!
I hope this helps, Pat

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