Does anyone find relief for arthritis in knees with Gabapentin?

Posted by molly7234 @molly7234, Jul 22, 2023

I’m 78 years old. First case of Covid in May 2023. It was accompanied by pneumonia and strep throat and I tested positive for 18 days in July while walking my dog I pulled a muscle in my left calf going up a slight incline, just radiated into my left knee with some swelling and nerve pain, I’ve been prescribed gabapentin for restless leg and take 300 mg at night. I have a prescription for 100 mg which I started with. I’ve never had arthritis like this and now it’s in the other knee as well. My thigh muscles are extremely weak and I know I need to exercise to strengthen them. Advice please

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After using Mirpex and then Ropinerole, over a number of years for my restless leg syndrom (RLS). I have central sleep apnea and a year ago my sleep doctor gave me a script for Gabapentin, gradually raising the dosage to 300 mg an hour before bedtime. I had been experiencing extremely painful pain in my left wrist, radiating to my left thumb which I attributed to arthritis, because I had been told I had arthritis in my right knee and left hand, many years ago. My right knee was bone on bone and I had a total knee replacement in 2010. When I reached 300 mg of Gabapentin my RLS was gone and, amazingly to me, all the pain I had attributed to arthritis was also gone! After about ten months of 300 mg of Gabapentin, some mild discomfort has returned in my hands. I have requested a lower dosage of Gabapentin to take in the morning for daytime discomfort. I have a September appointent with a neurologist, which will be my first opportunity to talk with a neurologist and try to sort out what I am experiencing. I had had peripheral neuropathy dx in about 1990 and ideopathic small fiber neuropathy dx in 2014. I am 85 years old and have a number of issues that come with old age. Sorry for the scatter shot. I was trying to relate to those of you dealing with pain and Gabapentin.


After using Mirpex and then Ropinerole, over a number of years for my restless leg syndrom (RLS). I have central sleep apnea and a year ago my sleep doctor gave me a script for Gabapentin, gradually raising the dosage to 300 mg an hour before bedtime. I had been experiencing extremely painful pain in my left wrist, radiating to my left thumb which I attributed to arthritis, because I had been told I had arthritis in my right knee and left hand, many years ago. My right knee was bone on bone and I had a total knee replacement in 2010. When I reached 300 mg of Gabapentin my RLS was gone and, amazingly to me, all the pain I had attributed to arthritis was also gone! After about ten months of 300 mg of Gabapentin, some mild discomfort has returned in my hands. I have requested a lower dosage of Gabapentin to take in the morning for daytime discomfort. I have a September appointent with a neurologist, which will be my first opportunity to talk with a neurologist and try to sort out what I am experiencing. I had had peripheral neuropathy dx in about 1990 and ideopathic small fiber neuropathy dx in 2014. I am 85 years old and have a number of issues that come with old age. Sorry for the scatter shot. I was trying to relate to those of you dealing with pain and Gabapentin.

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That was good and very complete. Helpful. Hope the neurologist has some answers. I will keep on with the 300 mg gabapentin at bedtime. Really helps with sleep also.


Yes, used for epilepsy. Gives brain can stop the drug anytime. One need not taper off.


This drug is not habit forming. It was made for epileptics. The only thing it does is shut you up. You can go off at any time.

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Shut you up? I'm not sure why you mean. Also, yes you cannot just stop it or go off it without side effects. It also depends on your dosage. If you are only taking maybe 100mg you may be able to but if you talk to any Dr. or pharmacist they will tell you to taper off it gradually to avoid side effects. I actually know people who have just stopped it and there can be side effects from doing that which is why it's recommended to taper it. Yes it was originally for people who suffer from seizures but is also used for nerve pain and it does help some quite a bit. I have no neck pain anymore at all and it help with the sciatica in my lower back. Many drugs have off label uses like Gabapentin and your body can get used to it just as it can pain meds which should not be stopped suddenly either if you have taken them for some time. Google Gabapentin and you will see all of what I have just commented and much more.


Do take a look at this doctor who specializes in knees website.
Another view of "inflammation" as a causal problem .... www,


Shut you up? I'm not sure why you mean. Also, yes you cannot just stop it or go off it without side effects. It also depends on your dosage. If you are only taking maybe 100mg you may be able to but if you talk to any Dr. or pharmacist they will tell you to taper off it gradually to avoid side effects. I actually know people who have just stopped it and there can be side effects from doing that which is why it's recommended to taper it. Yes it was originally for people who suffer from seizures but is also used for nerve pain and it does help some quite a bit. I have no neck pain anymore at all and it help with the sciatica in my lower back. Many drugs have off label uses like Gabapentin and your body can get used to it just as it can pain meds which should not be stopped suddenly either if you have taken them for some time. Google Gabapentin and you will see all of what I have just commented and much more.

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Thank you
Who said “shut you up”?
Not me


Thank you
Who said “shut you up”?
Not me

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It was commented on the post that said you didn't have to wean off and stop anytime....maybe it was edited. It had said that "it can shut you up" or something to that effect. No clue what that meant.


Thank you
Who said “shut you up”?
Not me

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This drug is not habit forming. It was made for epileptics. The only thing it does is shut you up. You can go off at any time.

I copied and pasted this from above....if you look there are two replies one was mine asking what they meant by "only thing it does is shut you up". It confused us. It was in response to one of the replies above.


This drug is not habit forming. It was made for epileptics. The only thing it does is shut you up. You can go off at any time.

I copied and pasted this from above....if you look there are two replies one was mine asking what they meant by "only thing it does is shut you up". It confused us. It was in response to one of the replies above.

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Only about a week and a half on only 100 mg of gabapentin my legs and knees started to feel funny, weak, achy, & hurt when I went down steps, walking, & during the night. I was taking it for back spasms. I stopped taking it because my legs were hurting more than my back spasms.

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