Lost My Resolve

Posted by frances007 @frances007, Jul 26, 2023

Hello everyone who has followed my journey of madness in dealing with apartment dwellers and neurotic women. No offense intended. I too can be neurotic at times.

If being told by my "friend" that I looked like a Holocaust victim was not bad enough, I received a phone call this afternoon from my next door neighbor, a woman I met 10 years ago and for quite some time we had a very nice friendship. This friendship took a turn last summer while I was walking her dog (a dog that my dog and I had found and I had given to her). The dog had terrible diarrhea during the walk, and when we returned I asked her what she had fed the dog that morning. "Macaroni Salad from Walmart." I said to her that we had discussed her history of feeding dogs human food and what the result of doing so could be. She had killed her last dog by feeding her liverwurst along with every other "human"" food one could imagine. Think, McDonald Happy Meals that she spread out on the grass to eat with her dog. Yes, I am serious. "Don't you shame me about my dog" she says to me. This is just some background information so that whoever reads this will understand what happened this afternoon after I returned from a lovely shopping trip with a friend.

I was outside on my patio all morning, rearranging plants and repotting plants. Yes, I did use the cordless drill for a few minutes. Anyway, when I got home and finished up the gardening, I came inside and my neighbor called me and said, "You need to take your sign off of the fence." The sign in question reads: "Carpe Diem." I said to her, "you mean you don't want to seize the day?" She said, "that is your stuff and I don't want to look at it." Sighing. I went outside and said over the fence, "this 95 lb body does not have any energy left today to climb on a ladder with my drill and remove the sign." End of story. Almost.

This evening I began reading articles about the stigma attached to those who suffer from a chronic illness, and I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience. It was only when I began showing signs of being ill that those in my community pretty much steered clear of me. This behavior continues. In fact, when I was walking home from the friend I take care of a week or so ago, and just after being told I look like a Holocaust victim, I took note that several women I used to walk my dog with and talk to were out with their dogs and sped up so not to have to talk to me. I've let all of this roll off my shoulder as best I can because I know this crazy behavior is more about them than I.

However, one reaches a point where they feel like they just can't take it anymore. I am not inclined to do anything stupid, although my friend who I take care of suggested I "key" my neighbor's car on my way home this evening. I did not do this, and have no plans to do so. I am at a loss for words. When I first moved into this apartment, I hung up a rainbow windsock, and the same neighbor demanded I remove it because she did not want her grandchildren to see it. A rainbow? I did not put that out because of some "pride" thing, but rather as a decoration I thought was cheerful.

I understand now why some people who have no self control can just lose it over a situation similar to mine. I am not going to do anything other than remove the sign. And to think that just a few days ago I floated a balloon over the fence on which I had written, "Have a Great Day,"

Thank you for reading this. I broke my cardinal rule which is not to go online after 8 pm because I felt I needed to tell someone, a stranger even, just how I am feeling, presently. I went into my bedroom earlier, took hold of my dog's picture and cried because I do not understand why we must live in such a cruel world.

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Hi @frances007! I think that you are so on-target with your observations and how you articulate them, not to mention that you have succeeded in managing the intrusiveness you describe with creative and nurturing outlets!
On the topic of men vs. women above regarding their differing reactions to you:
It may seem off-topic at first, but I highly recommend seeing the new "Barbie" movie if you can. I was looking forward to seeing the bright (happy) colors and set design- which I thoroughly enjoyed! - but also was deeply impressed by the messages it conveyed - how men and women are treated - and treat - each other.
One can enjoy it as a well-written story about a childhood icon, AND/or as a parable of modern life.
Would love to know what your thoughts are if you see it, and, as always, look forward to hearing from you about more - experiences, movies, arts, challenges!
Hugs, BrandySparks

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in reply to @brandysparks Thanks for the great idea. It's funny because while I was at the lab last week they had pink masks, and I said, "oh, like Barbie." It was all I could do not to grab a whole bunch of them. Later, when I went to the infusion center, I put the pink mask on and said I wanted to be "Barbie" and all of the RN's loved it. I will see the movie, wear my pink mask and pink Vans t-shirt. I will make a point to see the movie soon, even if I have to go solo.
My world of female friends has grown smaller, however the men are ever so kind to me. They tell me I look great, they do not offer help unless I ask (which I do not unless I really need it) and they are very gracious to me. The women ignore me, give me unsolicited advice, such as "oh, you cannot get another dog with your health issues" etc. They speed up when they see me coming, whereas the men walk over to talk to me. I have given up trying to understand this behavior. I always thought women would stick together. NOT. At least NOT in my community. The fewer bizarre women I have to contend with, the better off I am.


I agree Becky...Frances is really a model of restraint!

I'd just like to add, though, what a (world of!) difference it makes if you have someone in your life who SEES these behaviors alongside you, AND supports you AND acknowledges that the other person is the problem.

Having been single all my life (until the last 9 years in a relationship, the last 2 of which we've been living together) I can tell you how lonely it can get when these frictions - and worse - arise, especially if they're living in your "space" - whether it's next door, down below, or in the same complex. And, as satisfying as my relationship has been, in my case it doesn't necessarily mean the partner SEES, let alone commiserates, with your experience. But that's another subject for a separate section.

So, in summary, all I want to acknowledge here - and I feel it is significant to Frances' experience - is that going through these trials alone is so much more impactful when there isn't another soul nearby to SEE the behavior firsthand AND support (or at least HUG YOU!) when you endure it.

All warmth and support for Frances here!

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in reply to @brandysparks Thank you. I have to admit that sometimes it becomes exhausting dealing with so many different women with known personality disorders. I can say this with certainty because 1) I lived with a psychotherapist for ten years and learned a thing or two; and 2) I have had enough psychotherapy of my own, and probably put the children of at least two of them through college. My current psychologist agrees with me, so I know I am not imagining any of what I think is off the wall behavior. I am not perfect, that is certain, and I do have my issues, as we all do. Having said this, in order for me to keep myself sane in an insane world I have to keep creating, gardening, making signs that bring me joy and things of that nature. I am inspired by many, including the pharmacy tech who recently told me she is going to dental school. So the other night I got out my water color paints and made her a card with a tooth on it. After showing it to my former doctor, who is now a friend, told me maybe I should try a side kick of making medical illustrations. I am almost done with my painting of the digestive tract, so maybe I can turn this into a lucrative business. LOL.
I mentioned just a few minutes ago that every morning now I go outside and say, "Carpe Diem" which causes my neighbor to slam her door. I am not trying to get a rise out of her. Well, maybe I am, but so what? I take every day as a gift, as we all should. I just bought a poster that says: "Nothing For Granted." I will put this adjacent to the Albert Camus poster that arrived yesterday and says: "Should I Kill Myself or Have Another Cup of Coffee." LOL LOL


Absolutely! In my experience, unfortunately, any challenges I have had in the workplace were from undermining, &/or backstabbing women. Why? Could speculate, but whatever their motivation, it was completely unfounded and generally malicious. Best for me was to keep a safe distance.
Hugs & hope you enjoy the "Barbie" movie! Be well, and keep taking care of yourself - as you do so well!

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