Widespread Body Pain and High ANA

Posted by amykcpa @amykcpa, Jul 5, 2023

I have had periodic episodes of widespread body pain for more than 5 years. The pain is burning and aching. I have burning pain in my spine and aching in my front hip bones, front shoulder area and base of thumb. I also have heel pain for a few minutes when I begin walking in the morning or after sitting for a long period of time. I have no other symptoms and no swelling.

I am currently having a bad episode of pain that has lasted for about 3 weeks now - it is slowly getting better. The pain episode started 2 days after a routine dental visit with cleaning.

I recently had blood tests with the following results:

ANA Screen IFA is Positive A
ANA Titer is 1:320 (normal is < 1:40)
ANA Pattern is Nuclear Speckled A

hs-CRP is

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I would wait to see what the rheumatologist orders. The ANA w/reflex is a panel that breaks it down to several antibodies. If you don't meet criteria for any specific disorder, they might want to monitor you for awhile. You might even hear that you have fibormyalgia. Keep us posted!


These discussions are most helpful and I am coming to realize how difficult it is to get an accurate diagnosis of a specific autoimmune disease. My nature is to find out my diagnosis and treat accordingly. I was diagnosed with borderline Lupus back in May. I have had Raynauds, Fibromyalgia, both thyroid diseases, & osteoarthritis for a while. After Covid everyting ramped up. I have elevated markers for Lupus and have all the symptoms, BUT, I get mixed info from my endocrinologist & rheumatologist, so I was put on Plaquenil to treat the symptoms in May by the rheumatologist. Did great for a while, felt better, less pain and more energy and then the side effects kicked in and I came off of it this past Monday. I have had every bloodwork imaginable, even was tested to see if my thyroid medicine (Methimazole) was causing medicated induced lupus per my endocrinologist suggestion. I just got back results and it isn't the culprit. Was told I may have a mixed bag of autoimmune issues. My pain is ramped back up now. I see rheumatologist this week, hopefully for answers and pain relief. I may never get an "EXACT' diagnosis and I have accepted that. Sorry for the length and best to all. God knows what it is even if I don't and in faith I accept that. Prayers & Hugs to all....


Hi — I am reporting back from my original post. I have widespread body pain (at times) and an ANA of 1:320. I had an appointment with a rheumatologist this week who ordered an Antinuclear Antibody Panel (with automatic ENA panel).

All the test results were in the very low normal range except for the anti-RNP which was 2.7.

I have an upcoming appointment with the rheumatologist but was wondering what was next given the test result.

I understand that no one is providing medical advice and you are offering information based on your personal experiences only.

I am quite scared and do not have a follow up appointment with the rheumatologist until August 28th.

I do not feel very sick right now and actually very rarely have any arthritic pain that causes me to take pause.

I know that autoimmune disease diagnosis is tricky. Do the blood test results point to any one autoimmune disease?

Will this be a progressive disease? Does stress impact the progression of the autoimmune disease?

I already had plans in place to cut back at work. Would it be best if I quit work altogether to preserve my health? I am in a financial position to be able to do so but fundamentally enjoy my work as a CPA. But the hours can be long and deadlines can be stressful which is why I am reducing my hours.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


Hi — I am reporting back from my original post. I have widespread body pain (at times) and an ANA of 1:320. I had an appointment with a rheumatologist this week who ordered an Antinuclear Antibody Panel (with automatic ENA panel).

All the test results were in the very low normal range except for the anti-RNP which was 2.7.

I have an upcoming appointment with the rheumatologist but was wondering what was next given the test result.

I understand that no one is providing medical advice and you are offering information based on your personal experiences only.

I am quite scared and do not have a follow up appointment with the rheumatologist until August 28th.

I do not feel very sick right now and actually very rarely have any arthritic pain that causes me to take pause.

I know that autoimmune disease diagnosis is tricky. Do the blood test results point to any one autoimmune disease?

Will this be a progressive disease? Does stress impact the progression of the autoimmune disease?

I already had plans in place to cut back at work. Would it be best if I quit work altogether to preserve my health? I am in a financial position to be able to do so but fundamentally enjoy my work as a CPA. But the hours can be long and deadlines can be stressful which is why I am reducing my hours.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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@amykcpa 1:320 is not that high and people walk around perfectly healthy with a positive ANA. I had 1:5120 and the doc said even some of those occur in healthy people.

Was the anti-RNP positive? I see a reference range where under 20 is normal. Was yours flagged?

If the RNP was positive you could have an autoimmune disorder that your doc can try to diagnose.

I have had lupus for 20 years and now high antibodies for scleroderma. It hasn't been bad at all. It is for some. I would not assume you are going to become sick and would continue your life as is until you have a reason to change! You may continue as you are with pain at times but nothing serious.


@windyshores — Thanks so much for your quick response. I really appreciate this forum.

My anti-RNP was 2.7. The normal range was listed as < 1.

The rheumatologist was very helpful. She asked a lot of questions. I have widespread body pain that comes and goes. I don’t have other issues like swelling of joints, dry eyes, rashes etc - all the other symptoms often seen with specific autoimmune diseases.

I was reading that an elevated anti-RNP absent any other elevated results in the Antinuclear Panel (with automatic ENA panel) signifies MCTD which is a combination of the more common autoimmune diseases. But I don’t have any other symptoms that go along with the very specific autoimmune diseases at this time.

I am wondering if the advice will be to watch and wait and see if other symptoms arise in the future.


@windyshores — Thanks so much for your quick response. I really appreciate this forum.

My anti-RNP was 2.7. The normal range was listed as < 1.

The rheumatologist was very helpful. She asked a lot of questions. I have widespread body pain that comes and goes. I don’t have other issues like swelling of joints, dry eyes, rashes etc - all the other symptoms often seen with specific autoimmune diseases.

I was reading that an elevated anti-RNP absent any other elevated results in the Antinuclear Panel (with automatic ENA panel) signifies MCTD which is a combination of the more common autoimmune diseases. But I don’t have any other symptoms that go along with the very specific autoimmune diseases at this time.

I am wondering if the advice will be to watch and wait and see if other symptoms arise in the future.

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Probably will be watch and wait. I have been doing that for 20+ years. I get sick in the sun, have pain, and paresthesias. But not bad!

The level of the ANA does not correlate with level of illness I have been told. Good luck!


Hi — I am reporting back from my original post. I have widespread body pain (at times) and an ANA of 1:320. I had an appointment with a rheumatologist this week who ordered an Antinuclear Antibody Panel (with automatic ENA panel).

All the test results were in the very low normal range except for the anti-RNP which was 2.7.

I have an upcoming appointment with the rheumatologist but was wondering what was next given the test result.

I understand that no one is providing medical advice and you are offering information based on your personal experiences only.

I am quite scared and do not have a follow up appointment with the rheumatologist until August 28th.

I do not feel very sick right now and actually very rarely have any arthritic pain that causes me to take pause.

I know that autoimmune disease diagnosis is tricky. Do the blood test results point to any one autoimmune disease?

Will this be a progressive disease? Does stress impact the progression of the autoimmune disease?

I already had plans in place to cut back at work. Would it be best if I quit work altogether to preserve my health? I am in a financial position to be able to do so but fundamentally enjoy my work as a CPA. But the hours can be long and deadlines can be stressful which is why I am reducing my hours.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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My ANA was very high . Went to a good Immunologist whom had around 30 lab test. I have
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
Non Hiv Chemical Acquired Auto immune Deficiency Syndrome
Many on the horizon
More quetionable markers
Hemolytic Anemia POSSIBLE autoimmune


Has any one heard of Chemical Aides not HIV.
No Helper T cells no defense against Fungal Yeast Viral or Cancer.. Yet has Numerous Auto Immune Diseases.


Hi — I am reporting back from my original post. I have widespread body pain (at times) and an ANA of 1:320. I had an appointment with a rheumatologist this week who ordered an Antinuclear Antibody Panel (with automatic ENA panel).

All the test results were in the very low normal range except for the anti-RNP which was 2.7.

I have an upcoming appointment with the rheumatologist but was wondering what was next given the test result.

I understand that no one is providing medical advice and you are offering information based on your personal experiences only.

I am quite scared and do not have a follow up appointment with the rheumatologist until August 28th.

I do not feel very sick right now and actually very rarely have any arthritic pain that causes me to take pause.

I know that autoimmune disease diagnosis is tricky. Do the blood test results point to any one autoimmune disease?

Will this be a progressive disease? Does stress impact the progression of the autoimmune disease?

I already had plans in place to cut back at work. Would it be best if I quit work altogether to preserve my health? I am in a financial position to be able to do so but fundamentally enjoy my work as a CPA. But the hours can be long and deadlines can be stressful which is why I am reducing my hours.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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@amykcpa Unfortunately, you’re caught in a nebulous place of symptoms but no diagnosis. You may not want to hear this, but it can take multiple years to get a diagnosis. That’s why the following article can be so helpful. It gives you some things to research in your life that will prove helpful to the doctor.

This is another good article on autoimmune diseases and the difficulty diagnosing them.
You have a n appointment with a rheumatologist this week and a follow-up at the end of the month? Will you please keep me and other members informed about what happens?


Hi — I am reporting back from my original post. I have widespread body pain (at times) and an ANA of 1:320. I had an appointment with a rheumatologist this week who ordered an Antinuclear Antibody Panel (with automatic ENA panel).

All the test results were in the very low normal range except for the anti-RNP which was 2.7.

I have an upcoming appointment with the rheumatologist but was wondering what was next given the test result.

I understand that no one is providing medical advice and you are offering information based on your personal experiences only.

I am quite scared and do not have a follow up appointment with the rheumatologist until August 28th.

I do not feel very sick right now and actually very rarely have any arthritic pain that causes me to take pause.

I know that autoimmune disease diagnosis is tricky. Do the blood test results point to any one autoimmune disease?

Will this be a progressive disease? Does stress impact the progression of the autoimmune disease?

I already had plans in place to cut back at work. Would it be best if I quit work altogether to preserve my health? I am in a financial position to be able to do so but fundamentally enjoy my work as a CPA. But the hours can be long and deadlines can be stressful which is why I am reducing my hours.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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I think everyone has told you a version of the same thing. Your life as you know it isn't over and don't make any big changes because of your diagnosis. Is stress a factor? Lots of studies have been done along those lines and a big "maybe" seems to be the result. Stress does effect the immune system but what is stress to you? If you enjoy your job then power to you. Just find meaning in your life and go for it. Do your own research, follow our stories (lots to learn from others) and trust your doctors to a certain extent. They are all human and not all good at the same things. Also, there is personality fit to consider. It's valid. Speak up if you need to. It's your life and no one can live it better.

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