New here referred from suicide hotline

Posted by cody123567890 @cody123567890, Jul 31, 2023

New to the site. Been having a rough time lately with life as I'm sure many of us have. Just would like people to talk to I guess.

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Let me say that I am a victim of my brother's tragic suicide that involved 8 other people including 3 children. I want to say to anyone contemplating suicide, this is the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. Please, if it is possible, consider who will be left behind. Get help anywhere you can - doctors, churches, medicine, support groups, family, friends and us here. REACH OUT!


Hello, Cody. I’d like to offer my welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It looks like our members saw your initial post and are providing support that you’ve already found helpful. This is a safe place to share any information that you are comfortable sharing. Mayo Clinic Connect is carefully moderated and every single posting here is read by our Director, Moderators, or Volunteer Mentors and we try our best to make sure our members are supported with what they need.

I’d like to offer some suggestions as you figure out contacting mental health professionals. While Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) are good methods for therapy and there is research support for both of these methods there are two other considerations that are highly supported by the research. These are 1) the connection you feel with the mental health therapist; and 2) the amount of experience that the mental health therapist has. In my case, I tried working with two different psychologists and realized only later that I did not emotionally connect with either one of them. It was when I saw a psychiatrist who also did psychotherapy that I realized at the very first session that I « knew » I could open up to him and his emotional support was palpable.

You can and should ask a lot of questions during your first meeting with a new therapist such as what methods they use, how often you will have sessions, and of course the cost. Please pay attention to not only what they say but how they say it. Do you feel listened to? A very well known psychologist, Dr. Carl Rogers, stated that therapists should offer « positive unconditional regard » which means: accepting and valuing the client precisely as they are without judgement, criticism or evaluation.

I’ve been thinking of you ever since you first posted here. You have value in this world and to your family. By calling the hotline when you did and then came to Mayo Clinic Connect I know you feel this. What are you willing to do today to act on your values and take care of yourself?


I would greatly appreciate that.
My name is cody have a wife and a daughter with another kiddo on the way. We are very much stuck on what to do about our housing situation due to my wife lost her job the last time she got pregnant. We barely make it by and are debating on moving back in with my parents but that comes with its own issues and worry about my mental health due to id lose being able to do my hobbies as well. Over the past few days I kept feeling hopeless then yesterday it got really down hopelessness and reached out to the hotline.

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@cody123567890 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Keeping your mental health can really be a challenge in any circumstances, and adding in uncertainty of housing and employment simply adds to the stress! I'm glad you are reaching out.

The support of your family is so important. You mentioned moving in with relatives may not be a good option. Are your hobbies such that you could do them in another location?


Hello. I hope this chat group
helps you . I am struggling……. I take meds and have anxiety, depression and insomnia. I have always had anxiety but mine was triggered from COVID and now my husband as cancer . I go to therapy. I would be more then happy to listen to you and what your going through . Stay strong !


@cody123567890 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Keeping your mental health can really be a challenge in any circumstances, and adding in uncertainty of housing and employment simply adds to the stress! I'm glad you are reaching out.

The support of your family is so important. You mentioned moving in with relatives may not be a good option. Are your hobbies such that you could do them in another location?

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Due to my mental health we have decided to stay in our current location and not move. Hobbies I do plan on picking back up very soon which is woodworking.

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