Lupron generated hot flashes: Any tips on how to manage them?

Posted by alwayspositive92 @alwayspositive92, Jul 3, 2023

Nearing completion of 18 months lupron hormone treatment along with EBR.
Side effects so far manageable but intense hot flashes along with severe and deep bone pain are 'pushing the envelope'. Any suggestions on natural based coping stategies. Want to avoid any further drug based treatment if possible.

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I have been on Lupron for 16 months. ..with hot flashes. I keep the house 2 degrees cooler and go to bed with a fan blowing on me all night. The hot flashes have gone down from 10-15 per night to about 2-3. I also have a small fan on my desk. These make it much easier to manage.


I have been on Lupron for 16 months. ..with hot flashes. I keep the house 2 degrees cooler and go to bed with a fan blowing on me all night. The hot flashes have gone down from 10-15 per night to about 2-3. I also have a small fan on my desk. These make it much easier to manage.

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Thank you. Much appreciate these suggestions. So frustrating as I rip the covers off in the night only to be putting them back on a few mins later as I freeze. I now have a much better appreciation and respect for what my dear wife went through during menopause. The oncologist told me this would happen.😬😟


On ADH over 5 years! No more hot f I also take a low dose of Paxil, and it worked for me quite well.

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Great those hot flashes can be terrible.


Thank you. Much appreciate these suggestions. So frustrating as I rip the covers off in the night only to be putting them back on a few mins later as I freeze. I now have a much better appreciation and respect for what my dear wife went through during menopause. The oncologist told me this would happen.😬😟

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That’s exactly what happens to me,I sleep in my underwear with a sheet try keeping your bedroom colder ,I leave my ceiling fan on low,have you ever tried any medication for them there’s one that starts with a E side effects scared me away I would like to hear from people who have tried it good luck Dave


Just spoke to my oncologist yesterday and she suggested magnesium, vitamin E. I personally developed unbelievable night sweats 9 months before I was diagnosed and add what you call hot flashes ( I call them Heaters ) to that and man they come on anytime and it’s instant sweats !! I can deal with the hot flashes but add them to horrible night sweats and the sweat just drips off me like I just got out of the shower!! I sweat so much at night it wakes me from the sweat dripping into my eyes and ears . And that has been going on for 20 months now !!!


I get a shot of medroxyprogesterone every three months along with Lupron. I have been on it for six months now and no hot flashes no after effects.


I get a shot of medroxyprogesterone every three months along with Lupron. I have been on it for six months now and no hot flashes no after effects.

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Russ gets them quite a bit very irritating for him 😞😳


Have been managing hot flashes with plenty of hydration a small fan and AC. Still have them but less frequent or intense. I was having those strange leg pains and mentioned it to a pharmacist. He asked what was the source. When I told him Lupron he said he'd been a pharmacist with an oncology group for 8 years and they actually studied the leg cramps. What they found was that people taking antihistamines daily had few if any leg cramps. He said it did not seem to matter which antihistamine you took. I take Alegra 24 hour in the winter but was not at taking when my Lupron injections started. Have returned to 24 hour Alegra and have had only very seldom light cramps (~1 to 2x's/week). And, they are a 1 to 2 versus previously 7 to 8 on a 1 to 10 pain scale. Hope it helps you as well.


I too have found a small fan and slightly cooler AC has reduced night sweats to the minimum. I am also working with a PhD clinical nutritionist and am on a number of supplements and my hot flashes have never been severe or frequent.
Leg pains - A pharmacist who previously worked for an oncology group told me that a study they did while he was with the group showed that patients taking antihistamines had few if any leg pains. I have been taking Alegra 24 hour now for about a month and leg pains that woke me most nights have essentially disappeared. Might want to try antihistamines. He said it did not seem to matter which antihistamine the patient took. Good luck!


I showed an article where a man of my age reduced/eliminated his hot flashes with a prescription of Venlafaxine. My Primary doctor changed me anti-depressant to Venlafaxine, 37.5 mg, twice daily.

It worked like a charm!

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