Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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Thank you! Is your stimulator MRI compatible? I just met with a doctor. We were talking about putting a Medtronic chargeable battery stimulator in me. I can’t make my mind up. I am reading mixed reviews on pain stimulators.
I’ve had 9 failed surgeries. And this chronic pain is worse than torture.
Are you having success with your stimulator?

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Hi, since you had 9 failed surgeries, you might qualify for a pain pump. If you have a pain management doctor, you might want to discuss that therapy with them. Just a thought. Sorry you are suffering so much.


Thank you! Yes I did meet with a pain doc and we did start the process for a stimulator. I just can’t decide if I want to do that or not. There seems to be so many people that it hasn’t helped and they had to remove it. The doc that did all my surgeries said that the pain pump and pain stimulator would not work with my type of pain. Their pain clinic backed him up on that. But then recently I had a. Apt with a Mayo doc and he recommended that I have the pain pump or stimulator put in and he thinks it will help my pain. But reading all the reviews from so many people, most say it didn’t help sadly. I was disappointed in hearing this. Or some helped during the trial but then it didn’t once it was permanently put in.


I like using a RAD (little spikes) ball (Naboso makes these also) for a gentle massage of the foot, pausing at the reflexology points to give a little pressure. I leave the ball whole and simply, while seated, roll it under the foot, then manually do the same on the top of the foot. I don’t split it in halves and stand on it, as I’m not looking for tendon/muscle release, just an awakening of the foot. I do it first thing in the am, and last thing at night.
Naboso sells socks and insoles (different degrees of spikes) also, but I haven’t tried/needed those.


@marieltha at my first neurologist appt last week they gave me a series of foot exercises with rolling a tennis ball under my feet. Maybe I’ll try your spiked ball!


My feet are all but numb and now moving into my hands
Not sure what to do?


@marieltha at my first neurologist appt last week they gave me a series of foot exercises with rolling a tennis ball under my feet. Maybe I’ll try your spiked ball!

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When my feet are tired, I sometimes use a tennis ball (until my cat 🐈‍⬛ wants to play with it).
I also have a set of 2lb squishy (gel?) balls I got at Walmart for shoulder and hand exercises. I roll my feet around on these sometimes when sitting watching tv when my feet are tired. They are about the size of grapefruits.


My feet are all but numb and now moving into my hands
Not sure what to do?

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Welcome @rdowd58, Sorry to hear the numbness in your feet is now starting in your hands. Have you seen a neurologist and/or been diagnosed with neuropathy? How long have you had the numbness?


My feet couple of years my hands a few months now. Have an appointment with neurologist in a couple months


My feet couple of years my hands a few months now. Have an appointment with neurologist in a couple months

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The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has some information that you might find helpful to learn more about the condition and possible treatments.
--- Newly Diagnosed:
--- Living Well:

If it is neuropathy, there are treatments that help with pain but not much available in the way of making the numbness go away. There is another discussion that you might find helpful.
--- Neuropathy: Numbness only, no pain:

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