Lost My Resolve

Posted by frances007 @frances007, Jul 26, 2023

Hello everyone who has followed my journey of madness in dealing with apartment dwellers and neurotic women. No offense intended. I too can be neurotic at times.

If being told by my "friend" that I looked like a Holocaust victim was not bad enough, I received a phone call this afternoon from my next door neighbor, a woman I met 10 years ago and for quite some time we had a very nice friendship. This friendship took a turn last summer while I was walking her dog (a dog that my dog and I had found and I had given to her). The dog had terrible diarrhea during the walk, and when we returned I asked her what she had fed the dog that morning. "Macaroni Salad from Walmart." I said to her that we had discussed her history of feeding dogs human food and what the result of doing so could be. She had killed her last dog by feeding her liverwurst along with every other "human"" food one could imagine. Think, McDonald Happy Meals that she spread out on the grass to eat with her dog. Yes, I am serious. "Don't you shame me about my dog" she says to me. This is just some background information so that whoever reads this will understand what happened this afternoon after I returned from a lovely shopping trip with a friend.

I was outside on my patio all morning, rearranging plants and repotting plants. Yes, I did use the cordless drill for a few minutes. Anyway, when I got home and finished up the gardening, I came inside and my neighbor called me and said, "You need to take your sign off of the fence." The sign in question reads: "Carpe Diem." I said to her, "you mean you don't want to seize the day?" She said, "that is your stuff and I don't want to look at it." Sighing. I went outside and said over the fence, "this 95 lb body does not have any energy left today to climb on a ladder with my drill and remove the sign." End of story. Almost.

This evening I began reading articles about the stigma attached to those who suffer from a chronic illness, and I wonder if anyone has had a similar experience. It was only when I began showing signs of being ill that those in my community pretty much steered clear of me. This behavior continues. In fact, when I was walking home from the friend I take care of a week or so ago, and just after being told I look like a Holocaust victim, I took note that several women I used to walk my dog with and talk to were out with their dogs and sped up so not to have to talk to me. I've let all of this roll off my shoulder as best I can because I know this crazy behavior is more about them than I.

However, one reaches a point where they feel like they just can't take it anymore. I am not inclined to do anything stupid, although my friend who I take care of suggested I "key" my neighbor's car on my way home this evening. I did not do this, and have no plans to do so. I am at a loss for words. When I first moved into this apartment, I hung up a rainbow windsock, and the same neighbor demanded I remove it because she did not want her grandchildren to see it. A rainbow? I did not put that out because of some "pride" thing, but rather as a decoration I thought was cheerful.

I understand now why some people who have no self control can just lose it over a situation similar to mine. I am not going to do anything other than remove the sign. And to think that just a few days ago I floated a balloon over the fence on which I had written, "Have a Great Day,"

Thank you for reading this. I broke my cardinal rule which is not to go online after 8 pm because I felt I needed to tell someone, a stranger even, just how I am feeling, presently. I went into my bedroom earlier, took hold of my dog's picture and cried because I do not understand why we must live in such a cruel world.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


Last Wednesday as I was driving myself home after a whirlwind visit from my son, I decided that I was going to stop the world and get off. Still not sure when I will get on again.

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Hi Marilyn!
Feel like I've lost the trail of your journey - especially since you came back from your ocean voyage! - but I want to hear how you are faring...I think you're a real "trooper" in the best sense of the word, and I am inspired by your doings.

As I read your post, I take it that you may need time to be still, collect yourself, recenter your thoughts and feelings, maybe just take a break from the (outside and/or your inner?) world. I completely get that!

I hope this post finds you feeling safe and calm/collected. Do let me / us know.



Hi Frances007,
I'm so sorry that people are being so cruel towards you! And here you are being so nice to them when you have your own physical problems to deal with. I wish you were my neighbor!

People are so thoughtless lately! My husband was very thin when he had a reaction to Keytruda and almost died. We were just going into the house when a neighbor who used to be our friend came by and said to my husband, "You look horrible!" I said, "Well, he almost died from Keytruda!" She just said, "Oh." and went about her way. That really bothered my husband. He had helped her many times in her house with things like putting in a new shower etc. We don't speak to her anymore.

Other neighbors have been unfriendly also since Ed got cancer. It's mostly younger people. They don't like older people. (Ed's 82 and I'm 77.) They want to park in our driveway since we don't go out a lot like they do. Nor, do we have a lot of company and they do. They don't ask. They and their friends just park in our driveway! Even when I explained that my husband had lung cancer and the driveway had to be kept clear in case we had to call the aid car. They still parked there! We got tired of making them move! Finally, I left my gardening clippings which were in a large black garbage sack in the middle of the driveway secured with a large rock. It worked! No one parks in the driveway anymore! But isn't it awful we have to resort to things like this? People are not good anymore like they used to be!

Frances, you are a good person. There aren't many like you around anymore sadly. I know how you feel about your dog. It's hard when our animal friends pass on. They are in heaven and we'll see them again. I know because both my Mom and I saw our St. Bernard, Max after he died. Now, Mom's dead too. I still miss them both.

I will say a prayer for you. Life can only get better for you. God will see to that!

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Totally agree with you, PML!!
Personal space - which includes intrusions on property, noise levels, loud comings and goings and doings in the evening / after dark, even being invited to neighbors' sons' graduation parties where the "young men" grunt when you hand them a gift, and "play" with knives at each others' throats and cut their cake with a machete!!...and on and on - is really a strain on one's peace of mind.

I've experienced this most of my life, living in apartment communities - even renting houses - where people park in your designated space, have parties at 2 am on a weeknight in the hot tub 3 floors below and when you call "Security" - they're just as inconsiderate as they join in on the party!!! and much worse...

Those of us who abide by (at least what used to be commonly recognized as) social norms and courtesies are made to feel that WE are overstepping boundaries. This sense of entitlement and even encouragement by their own parents - in the case of "youth" - is alarming, and by definition doesn't bode well for the future where they will continue this behavior, as many have noted here in the actions of neighbors, drivers, fellow humans.

Another benefit of MayoClinicConnect: supporting each other as we encounter and endure the daily concerns and intrusions and woes of life, be they medical, personal or societal. All for the purpose of peaceful, conscientious coexistence!

Hugs to humanity!


Hi Marilyn!
Feel like I've lost the trail of your journey - especially since you came back from your ocean voyage! - but I want to hear how you are faring...I think you're a real "trooper" in the best sense of the word, and I am inspired by your doings.

As I read your post, I take it that you may need time to be still, collect yourself, recenter your thoughts and feelings, maybe just take a break from the (outside and/or your inner?) world. I completely get that!

I hope this post finds you feeling safe and calm/collected. Do let me / us know.


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I am not yet ready to say I am calm and collected. If you have followed the posts you know that I had a dreadful reaction to visiting my husband's grave. But my son was not able to attend his father's funeral and I could not deny him this visit. My reaction frightened me. I did not expect it to be so violent. But it is over now. I doubt there is any reason to ever go back again. I also feel I am over my depression. Instead what I feel is loss of resolve. I do not want to live. Having said that I have no intention of doing away with myself. I just feel empty. There is nothing to live for anymore. So there is listlessness. I will discuss this with my therapist at our next meeting. One wonderful thing happened though. My son wanted to know about my therapy. So we discussed this at length and the reason for my diagnosis as having PTSD. He was horrified at what I went through. But he got it immediately. He told me that now he understands why I did certain things and said certain things that may have ruffled feathers. He said I should have told him about this a long time ago. But you don't usually discuss with your children your abusive childhood. At the time I thought I was doing and saying okay things but in reality I was not. Now that he understands what was happening with me we have a much stronger bond between us. Not so much with son No. 2. I explored talking about this with him but he is not interested. I know why. He and his wife have fixed ideas about me and my behavior. If they listen to actually what was happening to me they may have to change their minds and they don't want to do this. I had no hesitation in pointing this out to him. I also called him out for allowing a certain person to insult me in front of him and saying nothing. I told him his behavior was disappointing. He had nothing to say to that either. But as I am finding out more about myself it is easier to understand his and his wife's reluctance to change their minds. And you know what? I don't really care. It is their loss.
The day is early yet and I may feel like doing a bit more - or not. Nothing matters. I will do what I can when I can.
Thank you for caring.


Frances007, God Bless You greatly. I am so sorry for what you are going through with the friends and neighbor and your health. I apologize on their behalf for their thoughtlessness to you, how that must hurt. It's sad, but, some folks are just self-absorbed and it's all about them. There are two types of folks in this world: "Givers & Takers". I practice being a giver, because it truly it is more blessed to give than to receive. You have been greatly blessed with a lot of self-control that is for sure! I have found while battling chronic health issues, unless others battle chronic health issues, they can't handle it when you have them and so they distance themselves. I try not to unload my health on others. I am blessed to have a loving understanding family, church and a few intimate friends that are very compassionate. A few that were in my life, not so much so anymore and I had to accept that. This world lacks compassion for the hurting and the sick and that breaks my heart. I never want to be one of those people and by the grace of God...I won't. You are precious, priceless and loved. Praying for you!


I am not yet ready to say I am calm and collected. If you have followed the posts you know that I had a dreadful reaction to visiting my husband's grave. But my son was not able to attend his father's funeral and I could not deny him this visit. My reaction frightened me. I did not expect it to be so violent. But it is over now. I doubt there is any reason to ever go back again. I also feel I am over my depression. Instead what I feel is loss of resolve. I do not want to live. Having said that I have no intention of doing away with myself. I just feel empty. There is nothing to live for anymore. So there is listlessness. I will discuss this with my therapist at our next meeting. One wonderful thing happened though. My son wanted to know about my therapy. So we discussed this at length and the reason for my diagnosis as having PTSD. He was horrified at what I went through. But he got it immediately. He told me that now he understands why I did certain things and said certain things that may have ruffled feathers. He said I should have told him about this a long time ago. But you don't usually discuss with your children your abusive childhood. At the time I thought I was doing and saying okay things but in reality I was not. Now that he understands what was happening with me we have a much stronger bond between us. Not so much with son No. 2. I explored talking about this with him but he is not interested. I know why. He and his wife have fixed ideas about me and my behavior. If they listen to actually what was happening to me they may have to change their minds and they don't want to do this. I had no hesitation in pointing this out to him. I also called him out for allowing a certain person to insult me in front of him and saying nothing. I told him his behavior was disappointing. He had nothing to say to that either. But as I am finding out more about myself it is easier to understand his and his wife's reluctance to change their minds. And you know what? I don't really care. It is their loss.
The day is early yet and I may feel like doing a bit more - or not. Nothing matters. I will do what I can when I can.
Thank you for caring.

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Hi again Marilyn.
I appreciate your bring me up to date ... as I mentioned I've lost track of your doings since you returned from the ocean vacation. I'm not sure how or where to find those posts, but I'll be looking asap.
I'm sorry to heat about your recent experience at your husband's grave site.
Kudos for connecting some of the dots with your one son. Your motive for not going into this earlier in your son's / sons' life makes complete sense and was, I believe, protective and out of love.
Take your time, and I'm glad you have your therapist to share this with.


Totally agree with you, PML!!
Personal space - which includes intrusions on property, noise levels, loud comings and goings and doings in the evening / after dark, even being invited to neighbors' sons' graduation parties where the "young men" grunt when you hand them a gift, and "play" with knives at each others' throats and cut their cake with a machete!!...and on and on - is really a strain on one's peace of mind.

I've experienced this most of my life, living in apartment communities - even renting houses - where people park in your designated space, have parties at 2 am on a weeknight in the hot tub 3 floors below and when you call "Security" - they're just as inconsiderate as they join in on the party!!! and much worse...

Those of us who abide by (at least what used to be commonly recognized as) social norms and courtesies are made to feel that WE are overstepping boundaries. This sense of entitlement and even encouragement by their own parents - in the case of "youth" - is alarming, and by definition doesn't bode well for the future where they will continue this behavior, as many have noted here in the actions of neighbors, drivers, fellow humans.

Another benefit of MayoClinicConnect: supporting each other as we encounter and endure the daily concerns and intrusions and woes of life, be they medical, personal or societal. All for the purpose of peaceful, conscientious coexistence!

Hugs to humanity!

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Hi Brandysparks,
You are so right! People do make it seem like "We" are the bad ones. Several people have questioned my garbage sack with gardening clippings in it in the driveway; as if I should pick it up. When I tell them the reason for it, they act offended. It's almost like they expect us to allow people to park in our driveway. We live in a mobile home park. We own our mobile home but pay $900 per month for the space to put it on! At that price, we deserve to have it all to ourselves.

I was shocked about your mention of the graduation party and people grunting thank you! And the knives and machetes! What kind of people do this? That's terrible! It is the parents. They are not teaching kids right from wrong or good manners like we were taught.

You are correct about the Mayo Clinic Connect! It's been very helpful and welcoming! Such a nice change from regular society!

Thanks for putting a bright spot in my day!


Hi Frances007,
I'm so sorry that people are being so cruel towards you! And here you are being so nice to them when you have your own physical problems to deal with. I wish you were my neighbor!

People are so thoughtless lately! My husband was very thin when he had a reaction to Keytruda and almost died. We were just going into the house when a neighbor who used to be our friend came by and said to my husband, "You look horrible!" I said, "Well, he almost died from Keytruda!" She just said, "Oh." and went about her way. That really bothered my husband. He had helped her many times in her house with things like putting in a new shower etc. We don't speak to her anymore.

Other neighbors have been unfriendly also since Ed got cancer. It's mostly younger people. They don't like older people. (Ed's 82 and I'm 77.) They want to park in our driveway since we don't go out a lot like they do. Nor, do we have a lot of company and they do. They don't ask. They and their friends just park in our driveway! Even when I explained that my husband had lung cancer and the driveway had to be kept clear in case we had to call the aid car. They still parked there! We got tired of making them move! Finally, I left my gardening clippings which were in a large black garbage sack in the middle of the driveway secured with a large rock. It worked! No one parks in the driveway anymore! But isn't it awful we have to resort to things like this? People are not good anymore like they used to be!

Frances, you are a good person. There aren't many like you around anymore sadly. I know how you feel about your dog. It's hard when our animal friends pass on. They are in heaven and we'll see them again. I know because both my Mom and I saw our St. Bernard, Max after he died. Now, Mom's dead too. I still miss them both.

I will say a prayer for you. Life can only get better for you. God will see to that!

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in reply to @pml. Thank you for your kindness and encouragement. People such as yourself have been a blessing to me. Admittedly, while I was at the infusion center on Friday, a woman in the waiting area (not a patient) kept staring at me. It took everything I had not to say to her, "Are you looking at me?" Wasn't that a line from some Al Pacino movie?
What I have noticed in my community is that it is mostly the women who either shun me or have the audacity to ask me what is wrong with me, why I am so thin and things of that nature. On the other hand, the guys tell me I look great, inquire about my health and offer help if I need it. In the past when I was working, I generally liked working for men as opposed to women, because it had been my experience that many women, myself included, often let their emotions get in the way, and the end result is always counter productive.
As my world gets smaller because I no longer choose to have people in my life who are uncomfortable about my physical appearance, I am not giving in or up. I am much stronger than anyone may think that I am, and I will continue to honor myself and others with my sense of character. Having said this, I am really glad the experiences I have discussed here have not caused me to stop being the person who I am In fact, I recently wrote my sister a short letter that it took two things that enabled me to become a better person:1) the loss of my dog; and 2) having a chronic illness. I told her that it took until I was sick to finally discover that I think I am a pretty good person, and I have no intention of stopping those things I can do to bring joy to others.
As a side bar, I am an avid gardener when I am not making art. I have 10 avacado seeds in water, presently, and realized last night that I am busy growing all kinds of things because I have stopped growing, physically. I want to save the world, but I cannot. But I can sure save a plant every time.


Wow, such neighbors! You may look like you are ill but you certainly are active and interesting. This might sound extreme, but you are really not with people who "get" you--and I want to say, "Move!" In one place, I finally retreated to my backyard, but it may be that you are under no obligation to amend your decor for these passersby. "I appreciate your comment" might be something to say, and then you remove Nothing. Keep your spirit and do not turn yourself inside out for anyone."


I am not yet ready to say I am calm and collected. If you have followed the posts you know that I had a dreadful reaction to visiting my husband's grave. But my son was not able to attend his father's funeral and I could not deny him this visit. My reaction frightened me. I did not expect it to be so violent. But it is over now. I doubt there is any reason to ever go back again. I also feel I am over my depression. Instead what I feel is loss of resolve. I do not want to live. Having said that I have no intention of doing away with myself. I just feel empty. There is nothing to live for anymore. So there is listlessness. I will discuss this with my therapist at our next meeting. One wonderful thing happened though. My son wanted to know about my therapy. So we discussed this at length and the reason for my diagnosis as having PTSD. He was horrified at what I went through. But he got it immediately. He told me that now he understands why I did certain things and said certain things that may have ruffled feathers. He said I should have told him about this a long time ago. But you don't usually discuss with your children your abusive childhood. At the time I thought I was doing and saying okay things but in reality I was not. Now that he understands what was happening with me we have a much stronger bond between us. Not so much with son No. 2. I explored talking about this with him but he is not interested. I know why. He and his wife have fixed ideas about me and my behavior. If they listen to actually what was happening to me they may have to change their minds and they don't want to do this. I had no hesitation in pointing this out to him. I also called him out for allowing a certain person to insult me in front of him and saying nothing. I told him his behavior was disappointing. He had nothing to say to that either. But as I am finding out more about myself it is easier to understand his and his wife's reluctance to change their minds. And you know what? I don't really care. It is their loss.
The day is early yet and I may feel like doing a bit more - or not. Nothing matters. I will do what I can when I can.
Thank you for caring.

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I also grew up with an abusive parent and it is so difficult now that my spouse, in early stages of dementia, loses his temper, does not listen to my everyday comments and it triggers the old feelings. I cannot blame him for this and have tried to either walk away for a few minutes or be kind if he is frustrated. I cannot imagine how difficult it is to temper what you say when this happens to yourself. When I feel like a recalcitrant teenager, I like regrouping with an outdoor walk, a glass of cold water, changing to another activity--which is pretty much what I did for my young toddlers. Like you, my kids have no idea of my past, so I am glad for you that you have talked about it. Children can be so different from one another!


in reply to @pml. Thank you for your kindness and encouragement. People such as yourself have been a blessing to me. Admittedly, while I was at the infusion center on Friday, a woman in the waiting area (not a patient) kept staring at me. It took everything I had not to say to her, "Are you looking at me?" Wasn't that a line from some Al Pacino movie?
What I have noticed in my community is that it is mostly the women who either shun me or have the audacity to ask me what is wrong with me, why I am so thin and things of that nature. On the other hand, the guys tell me I look great, inquire about my health and offer help if I need it. In the past when I was working, I generally liked working for men as opposed to women, because it had been my experience that many women, myself included, often let their emotions get in the way, and the end result is always counter productive.
As my world gets smaller because I no longer choose to have people in my life who are uncomfortable about my physical appearance, I am not giving in or up. I am much stronger than anyone may think that I am, and I will continue to honor myself and others with my sense of character. Having said this, I am really glad the experiences I have discussed here have not caused me to stop being the person who I am In fact, I recently wrote my sister a short letter that it took two things that enabled me to become a better person:1) the loss of my dog; and 2) having a chronic illness. I told her that it took until I was sick to finally discover that I think I am a pretty good person, and I have no intention of stopping those things I can do to bring joy to others.
As a side bar, I am an avid gardener when I am not making art. I have 10 avacado seeds in water, presently, and realized last night that I am busy growing all kinds of things because I have stopped growing, physically. I want to save the world, but I cannot. But I can sure save a plant every time.

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Hi @frances007! I think that you are so on-target with your observations and how you articulate them, not to mention that you have succeeded in managing the intrusiveness you describe with creative and nurturing outlets!
On the topic of men vs. women above regarding their differing reactions to you:
It may seem off-topic at first, but I highly recommend seeing the new "Barbie" movie if you can. I was looking forward to seeing the bright (happy) colors and set design- which I thoroughly enjoyed! - but also was deeply impressed by the messages it conveyed - how men and women are treated - and treat - each other.
One can enjoy it as a well-written story about a childhood icon, AND/or as a parable of modern life.
Would love to know what your thoughts are if you see it, and, as always, look forward to hearing from you about more - experiences, movies, arts, challenges!
Hugs, BrandySparks

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