Undiagnosed Autoimmune Disease - No one will listen to me

Posted by katies0lvi3 @katies0lvi3, Jun 11, 2022

Hello All - so would love some advice or thoughts.
I'm 43, wife and mother of 3. In May 2017, healthy but slightly overweight, I went to visit family in Texas and had strep throat (which I had about 4 previous times in the previous 2 years). Took antibiotics full round, returned home. Two days after finishing antibiotics, I woke up and could barely even move (couldn't even pull my covers over me, barely walk, severe joint pain muscle pain, you name it. Went to Doc and they sent me to rheumatologist.
They ran so many test with really no avail. The only thing that came up positive was HLA-B27. At the time ANA was negative.
Over the last six years it has been just so much joint pain, muscle pain, muscle weakness. They tried plaquinel first, nothing. Then started my process of biologics. I moved rheumatologist a couple of years into it and she ran more test, but still not much answers. I was put in the spondyloarthropathy category, but really unspecified. My new rhematologist over the last few years has been thorough but has really put me in the complex sector of things. Here's current breakdown:
> have Chronic Kidney Disease, unspecified found in 2008 with proteinuria only; two kidney biopsies only showed some scarring but nothing else
> Clinically: Knees, Elbows, Ankles feet inflammed, swollen, heat; muscle weakness in arms, some tingling in arm and thigh; right SI joint pain (chiropractor manages well); weight gain from predisone and lack of mobility); ringing ears, tops of hands swell for several days at a time; ankles swollen throughout day; itching skin, some low grade fevers at time; High blood pressure; fatigue, cant focus; memory bad
> CRP and ESR both elevated in the 80's - 100's most of the time, can dip down to 50's, 30's if biologic works
> New last month ANA: Positive, 1:2560, Homogenous
> ANA Antibidies: dsDNA was 1, all other antibodies were <0.2 (ALL within normal range) :/
> Vit D: deficient (lowest 11, highest 32) last 5-6 years, currently on 100,000 dose
> Vit B: also low, currently taking injections every other week
> Homocysteine: elevated
> CBC: all normal except elevated WBC (prednisone) and HBG slight low; RDW slight elevated
> CMP: all normal except for creatinine (High) and GFR (Low) from CKD
> All GI scans normal (with only a little GI involvment)
> On my six biologic with doc submitting under Ankylosing Spondylitis
> All Thyroid testing normal except Reverse T3 Elevated
> No RA positive labs
> Started seeing Functional Medicine Practitioner and did mold testing, negative; she is going to help me get rid of inflammatory foods to hopefully help some

Really just frustrated at lack of answers! I know my Rheumatologist is doing her best…I’m just complex. My insurance just denied my next infusion because of dx of 'undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy' being experimental. Doc is considering change of dx to seronegative RA so we have option of a IL-17 drug instead of TNF Blockers. So trying to consider that option.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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suetex, Yes. I was having peripheral neuropathy symptoms in my arms & legs....especially when sleeping. My primary was not aware that I had been put on Naltrexone by my Endocrinologist. When I went to see my primary physician for the symptoms he asked if I was on any new medication. I told him about the Naltrexone. He wasn't familiar with Naltrexone and looked it up on his ipad. He told me to get off the drug immediately. Two of the side effects were migraines (which I already suffered from) and peripheral neuropathy. I will add, that my B12 was low and that can also cause peripheral neuropathy symptoms. I came off the Naltrexone and got B12 injections and the peripheral neuropathy symptoms went away in 2 weeks and for that i am grateful. I have to say I have had low B12 again (I am presently on B12 injections) and did NOT have peripheral neuropathy symptoms at all this time. I cannot be 100% sure that it was all Naltrexone, but, I have a gut feeling it was. I hope it works for you. Blessings.....

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Unfortunately the broad effects of B12 deficiency is not well understood in the medical profession. Part of the reason is that a better understanding of B12 absorption process has only become developed in the last 5 years. Add to that the recently understanding that the absorption process declines with age and the result is rampant under diagnosed and under treated B12 deficiencies.
My own treatment experience with B12D has ranged from monthly injections of 1 cc of B12 starting about 15 years ago to the precent 0.5 cc injections every 5 days! The increases in injections was necessitated as my symptoms evolved from Anemia/Fatigue in the beginning to short term memory and balance issues
Because my B12D was triggered by Celiac Disease gut damage my B12D adsorption problems were more widespread that just the symptoms listed above and the B12 injections have helped significantly in managing them in part because B12 is a powerful anti-infamatory!
Chris47 -


I have had several symptoms that are all consistent with an Autoimmune Disease, but no doctor will ever give me a diagnosis or do further testing to determine one. I have been to emergency care, undergone several tests for indicators, and seen several specialists, but for some reason they are all clueless despite their proficiency in medicine.

I have bad joint pain, sudden bouts of severe itchiness, occasional numbing in my left arm (which isn't common but not unheard of), severe fatigue, swelling in my joints (specifically in my fingers), and the swelling of my lymph nodes. I know this is immune related because taking an antihistamine like Benadryl normally clears it up for a short time. My symptoms started almost immediately after I got COVID for the first time a couple months ago. The most likely causes are Lyme Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Sarcoidosis, or another autoimmune disease. (I say Lyme Disease because I was bit by a tick a few weeks later but my symptoms were pre-existing that.)

I feel like this is important, but no one is taking me seriously. I go in, get tests done, my results are fine, and they send me home saying not to worry about it. I am told I don't have any of the usual markers or indicators, and that I'm young and healthy, but how can I not worry when my knees buckle with random joint pain, or I'm trying not to sleep the day away because I'm so tired and can't get out of bed?

I don't know what to do right now honestly. If anyone with similar or the same symptoms could give input on their own diagnoses that would be great. I could really use some advice or ideas on how to get a diagnosis so I can be treated. I have a bad feeling this will only become worse as I start doing more activity.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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Hi , Did you see an Endocrinologist? I have Hashimoto disease, thyroid underactive disease and all your symptoms are on the list. I take Levothyroxine 75 mcg, which has helped.


Unfortunately the broad effects of B12 deficiency is not well understood in the medical profession. Part of the reason is that a better understanding of B12 absorption process has only become developed in the last 5 years. Add to that the recently understanding that the absorption process declines with age and the result is rampant under diagnosed and under treated B12 deficiencies.
My own treatment experience with B12D has ranged from monthly injections of 1 cc of B12 starting about 15 years ago to the precent 0.5 cc injections every 5 days! The increases in injections was necessitated as my symptoms evolved from Anemia/Fatigue in the beginning to short term memory and balance issues
Because my B12D was triggered by Celiac Disease gut damage my B12D adsorption problems were more widespread that just the symptoms listed above and the B12 injections have helped significantly in managing them in part because B12 is a powerful anti-infamatory!
Chris47 -

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I, too, had undiagnosed B12 symptoms. I had the first set of injections, which normalized the number, but became very unhappy with maintenance injections.

I did some research, which suggested that oral B12 was actually just as effective, when dosage is correct. I talked with my GP, got her blessing, and my B12 is at the high side of normal now!

You might check out oral B12


I have had several symptoms that are all consistent with an Autoimmune Disease, but no doctor will ever give me a diagnosis or do further testing to determine one. I have been to emergency care, undergone several tests for indicators, and seen several specialists, but for some reason they are all clueless despite their proficiency in medicine.

I have bad joint pain, sudden bouts of severe itchiness, occasional numbing in my left arm (which isn't common but not unheard of), severe fatigue, swelling in my joints (specifically in my fingers), and the swelling of my lymph nodes. I know this is immune related because taking an antihistamine like Benadryl normally clears it up for a short time. My symptoms started almost immediately after I got COVID for the first time a couple months ago. The most likely causes are Lyme Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Sarcoidosis, or another autoimmune disease. (I say Lyme Disease because I was bit by a tick a few weeks later but my symptoms were pre-existing that.)

I feel like this is important, but no one is taking me seriously. I go in, get tests done, my results are fine, and they send me home saying not to worry about it. I am told I don't have any of the usual markers or indicators, and that I'm young and healthy, but how can I not worry when my knees buckle with random joint pain, or I'm trying not to sleep the day away because I'm so tired and can't get out of bed?

I don't know what to do right now honestly. If anyone with similar or the same symptoms could give input on their own diagnoses that would be great. I could really use some advice or ideas on how to get a diagnosis so I can be treated. I have a bad feeling this will only become worse as I start doing more activity.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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Hi. I'm so sorry to hear your suffering like this. I am 50 and have been dealing with this since I was 32. All of what you said but threw the years things have gotten worse by far. So I would say don't stop becuz finally now docters fear I have ulcerative colitis which untreated all that time means I could be in serious trouble bc it's an auto immune. Which I've known like u that your problem is auto immune. So my advice is keep going to every specialist you can until something is found don't ignore it or any symptoms. Keep a log!! Good luck!!!!


Hi , Did you see an Endocrinologist? I have Hashimoto disease, thyroid underactive disease and all your symptoms are on the list. I take Levothyroxine 75 mcg, which has helped.

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I agree with you. I too have Hashimoto disease and on same med as you. Could well be this.


I have had several symptoms that are all consistent with an Autoimmune Disease, but no doctor will ever give me a diagnosis or do further testing to determine one. I have been to emergency care, undergone several tests for indicators, and seen several specialists, but for some reason they are all clueless despite their proficiency in medicine.

I have bad joint pain, sudden bouts of severe itchiness, occasional numbing in my left arm (which isn't common but not unheard of), severe fatigue, swelling in my joints (specifically in my fingers), and the swelling of my lymph nodes. I know this is immune related because taking an antihistamine like Benadryl normally clears it up for a short time. My symptoms started almost immediately after I got COVID for the first time a couple months ago. The most likely causes are Lyme Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Sarcoidosis, or another autoimmune disease. (I say Lyme Disease because I was bit by a tick a few weeks later but my symptoms were pre-existing that.)

I feel like this is important, but no one is taking me seriously. I go in, get tests done, my results are fine, and they send me home saying not to worry about it. I am told I don't have any of the usual markers or indicators, and that I'm young and healthy, but how can I not worry when my knees buckle with random joint pain, or I'm trying not to sleep the day away because I'm so tired and can't get out of bed?

I don't know what to do right now honestly. If anyone with similar or the same symptoms could give input on their own diagnoses that would be great. I could really use some advice or ideas on how to get a diagnosis so I can be treated. I have a bad feeling this will only become worse as I start doing more activity.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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You and they are right, technically it could be anything. However, all of these symptoms can be caused by hypothyroidism. And of course an often goes undiagnosed or ignored in women especially older women. I would go to an endocrinologist and have lab tests done correctly, and make sure it's someone who's willing to test out a low dose of thyroid hormone.


I have had several symptoms that are all consistent with an Autoimmune Disease, but no doctor will ever give me a diagnosis or do further testing to determine one. I have been to emergency care, undergone several tests for indicators, and seen several specialists, but for some reason they are all clueless despite their proficiency in medicine.

I have bad joint pain, sudden bouts of severe itchiness, occasional numbing in my left arm (which isn't common but not unheard of), severe fatigue, swelling in my joints (specifically in my fingers), and the swelling of my lymph nodes. I know this is immune related because taking an antihistamine like Benadryl normally clears it up for a short time. My symptoms started almost immediately after I got COVID for the first time a couple months ago. The most likely causes are Lyme Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Sarcoidosis, or another autoimmune disease. (I say Lyme Disease because I was bit by a tick a few weeks later but my symptoms were pre-existing that.)

I feel like this is important, but no one is taking me seriously. I go in, get tests done, my results are fine, and they send me home saying not to worry about it. I am told I don't have any of the usual markers or indicators, and that I'm young and healthy, but how can I not worry when my knees buckle with random joint pain, or I'm trying not to sleep the day away because I'm so tired and can't get out of bed?

I don't know what to do right now honestly. If anyone with similar or the same symptoms could give input on their own diagnoses that would be great. I could really use some advice or ideas on how to get a diagnosis so I can be treated. I have a bad feeling this will only become worse as I start doing more activity.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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I also suggest as previously recommended to see a naturopath or a functional medicine doctor. They do run more tests and look at causes of your symptoms. After taking prescription meds that did more harm than good for me, I gave up on my health providers. There can be many reasons why you’re feeling they way you do. I found my functional medicine doctor by googling in my area. You can search for one on the website by city and state at ifm.org. Wishing you the best in finding an answer.


I have had several symptoms that are all consistent with an Autoimmune Disease, but no doctor will ever give me a diagnosis or do further testing to determine one. I have been to emergency care, undergone several tests for indicators, and seen several specialists, but for some reason they are all clueless despite their proficiency in medicine.

I have bad joint pain, sudden bouts of severe itchiness, occasional numbing in my left arm (which isn't common but not unheard of), severe fatigue, swelling in my joints (specifically in my fingers), and the swelling of my lymph nodes. I know this is immune related because taking an antihistamine like Benadryl normally clears it up for a short time. My symptoms started almost immediately after I got COVID for the first time a couple months ago. The most likely causes are Lyme Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Sarcoidosis, or another autoimmune disease. (I say Lyme Disease because I was bit by a tick a few weeks later but my symptoms were pre-existing that.)

I feel like this is important, but no one is taking me seriously. I go in, get tests done, my results are fine, and they send me home saying not to worry about it. I am told I don't have any of the usual markers or indicators, and that I'm young and healthy, but how can I not worry when my knees buckle with random joint pain, or I'm trying not to sleep the day away because I'm so tired and can't get out of bed?

I don't know what to do right now honestly. If anyone with similar or the same symptoms could give input on their own diagnoses that would be great. I could really use some advice or ideas on how to get a diagnosis so I can be treated. I have a bad feeling this will only become worse as I start doing more activity.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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I feel for you! Like you I was in pain, sleeping a lot, gaining some weight, I was shedding some hair and was sick a lot. A specialist diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I finally got in to see an Endocrinologist years ago. Tests showed my TSH was very low and I have Hashimoto's autoimmune disease. I started taking Synthroid and having my TSH checked every six weeks slowly increasing the dose until it was right. My endocrinologist said my thyroid disease had likely gone on since adolescence so the doctor recommended testing my 12yr. old daughter. She was diagnosed with the same as I was. My doctor had said that the lab test range is incorrect. She had 30 years of experience. For example...the normal range goes to about 5.0 according to the labs. This is to low she said and can cause many symptoms. The TSH level shouldn't be lower than about 2.5. I feel best when my TSH is about 2.0. If it's high I feel shaky, have trouble sleeping and a lot of anxiety! Now this year I was diagnosed with an extremely rare autoimmune disease, Esophageal Lichen Planus. My immune system is attacking all of the mucus membranes in my body. It's in my esophagus, mouth and skin. No cure for this disease! There's approximately 25-30 cases in the country. Hashimoto's may be a contributing factor! I was also diagnosed with Colitis this year which is also an autoimmune disease. I sure hope you can find a good Endocrinologist! I feel for you!


I was born with migraines but manage to control them later in life and the LDN did not trigger them. I'm sorry you are one of the unlucky few. It seems to bear lots of promise to those of us with unruly immune systems Best of luck...

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HI, LDN is also used to treat many chronic pain conditions. I have CRPS 2 neuropathy from abuse. LDN did not help me. It helped my granddaughter. She was on high opiates that stopped working. LDN has got her pain under control at 4.5. I had a strange autoimmune disease hit me when I had my second spinal cord stimulator implanted. My liver enzymes went up. I had every liver test known. I don't drink and I started a healthy Keto diet. They are almost normal now. I eliminate racing/junk thought. I do my best to live in the present moment. Keep positive thoughts that everything is fine. Not so easy to do, but the diet change and brain change help. I have been on Levothyroxine for 23 years. I was on the brand Synthroid and thought it was better than the generic. The co pay is out of control now. I will keep positive thoughts for you and everyone. Can't go wrong with that. I use Ketamine to beat my pain. I have a friend with severe Migraines several times a month. He uses the Ketamine nasal spray. He has relief in 2 minutes. He does stay in the dark for a few hours. At work we massage his neck, head, and face gentle. I feel the horrid tension he has. No clue to the cause. He can feel it coming on. I do not drive until it wears off. That is just me and might not affect someone else. Ketamine is also used in lower doses for depression.


HI, LDN is also used to treat many chronic pain conditions. I have CRPS 2 neuropathy from abuse. LDN did not help me. It helped my granddaughter. She was on high opiates that stopped working. LDN has got her pain under control at 4.5. I had a strange autoimmune disease hit me when I had my second spinal cord stimulator implanted. My liver enzymes went up. I had every liver test known. I don't drink and I started a healthy Keto diet. They are almost normal now. I eliminate racing/junk thought. I do my best to live in the present moment. Keep positive thoughts that everything is fine. Not so easy to do, but the diet change and brain change help. I have been on Levothyroxine for 23 years. I was on the brand Synthroid and thought it was better than the generic. The co pay is out of control now. I will keep positive thoughts for you and everyone. Can't go wrong with that. I use Ketamine to beat my pain. I have a friend with severe Migraines several times a month. He uses the Ketamine nasal spray. He has relief in 2 minutes. He does stay in the dark for a few hours. At work we massage his neck, head, and face gentle. I feel the horrid tension he has. No clue to the cause. He can feel it coming on. I do not drive until it wears off. That is just me and might not affect someone else. Ketamine is also used in lower doses for depression.

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LDN does not help everyone but the people it does help, often have tried everything else. Since you mention ketamine I must advise not to use ketamine and LDN together. Nothing bad will happen but the LDN will not allow the ketamine to work- even though it is not an opiate. Scientists haven't figure out why yet.
Since you like the mental approach, you might enjoy "The Genie in your Genes" by Dawson Church, PhD. It is more than a self help book. Thank you for the positive thoughts. Sometimes they move mountains.

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