Which is better for neuropathy foot pain DRG or Nevro HFX?

Posted by dbaps @dbaps, Jan 2, 2023

I do not have any back or leg pain. I have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy foot pain. Which do you think is better for this type of pain, DRG or Nevro HFX?

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Has anyone used dorsal root ganglion nerve stimulation for pudendal nerve pain?

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This is how my first pelvic pt set my Tens. Instructions in box. And the tens I have. If you try it and like it, I would order extra pads, wires have a tendency to get loose after a bit if you are sitting on it.
It is a great thing for any ouchy part of your back, legs etc.


This is how my first pelvic pt set my Tens. Instructions in box. And the tens I have. If you try it and like it, I would order extra pads, wires have a tendency to get loose after a bit if you are sitting on it.
It is a great thing for any ouchy part of your back, legs etc.

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Thank you for taking the time to share all this with me. I really appreciate it. I have a Tens unit, and I will give it a try.


Has anyone used dorsal root ganglion nerve stimulation for pudendal nerve pain?

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Good luck!!! I also found out that if I put the pads on my thighs, or anywhere on my legs after pt etc, when things are tight, it helps relax all those muscles that are attached to your pelvic area…I was using a foam roller to try and relax them, and I thought why not the tens? Works awesome…


Has anyone used dorsal root ganglion nerve stimulation for pudendal nerve pain?

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Hello @romans8. I happened to find an existing discussion on DRG nerve stimulation so you will notice I have moved your post here:
- Which is better for neuropathy foot pain DRG or Nevro HFX?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/which-is-better-for-neuropathy-foot-pain-drg-or-nevro-hfx/

I see you've had several members join you, and their posts have moved here too so you can continue to compare notes.


Thank you so much for your reply. I am sorry you have been suffering from pudendal nerve pain. It certainly can interfere with one’s life! I’ve been dealing with it for several years, along with peripheral and small fiber neuropathy, without much real success in pain relief. Have tried multiple treatments, but some of the things you mentioned are new to me, so I appreciate that. I’ve seen 2 different pelvic pts over the last three years, 2 neurologists, and 2 pain docs. The DRG only recently came to my attention, so I exploring its effectiveness. I will pass along anything substantial that I learn. I am curious about how to use the TENS unit for pudendal pain relief. Thanks again.

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I used the TENS for a couple of months, it feels good when using, but did not help me at all long term. Had to replace battery often, replaced the unit twice and finally decided it was not worth the trouble and mess. My pt explained me how to use the Tens, but agreed that I may as well stop - no long term relieve.
I have been reading about the DRG, but not sure I will be able to get it here at Mayo, Jacksonville.
Afraid there is no solution for me, which is tough to live with.


I would be interested in your doctor’s perspective. I just had a pudendal nerve block done at Mayo in Phoenix. I plan to ask him about the DRG stimulation. It’s new to me.

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Did your nerve block work? I could not get it in the preferred area, due to some other issues and ended up getting the block in my tailbone. As expected my pain increased for a couple of weeks, then went back to how it was before, maybe even a little bit worse. Hopefully you had more success getting the block in the right place.


Thanks for asking about the pudendal nerve block. I am on my 28 th day after procedure, and I am experiencing some relief in some areas that the pudendal nerve affects, but not all. I will be sending feedback to the doctor soon thru the portal, and will see what he says. He told me that it would be 3-6 weeks before I felt full effect. We will see . . .


Hello @romans8. I happened to find an existing discussion on DRG nerve stimulation so you will notice I have moved your post here:
- Which is better for neuropathy foot pain DRG or Nevro HFX?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/which-is-better-for-neuropathy-foot-pain-drg-or-nevro-hfx/

I see you've had several members join you, and their posts have moved here too so you can continue to compare notes.

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I've been researching this and have an appointment with a pain management specialist at Columbia University Medical in New York in a couple of weeks. A Nevro sponsored study recently publish results indicating that patients with the HFX stimulator experienced up to 75% PN pain reduction which is huge . I believe Nevro stimulators are MRI safe. My understanding after speaking to the neurosurgeon who implanted my current SCS (Boston Scientific)
is that DRG stimulator is good at targeting specific pain and can have a positive affect on reducing DRG pain although not as great as the Nevro. There may also be limitations with MRI use but I have not yet confirmed that. I'm attempting to contact Nevro for further info.

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