Will lumbar spinal fusion solve my leg pain or just add new pain?

Posted by roma76 @roma76, Jul 15, 2023

I have spinal stenosis with increasing leg pain and decreasing ability to walk, stand, or do PT work. Next week I will have L4-L5 fusion with bone graft. I’m anxious about the surgery but also worn out from the leg and hip pain. Anyone else have this fusion surgery? Did it add new pain or resolve the leg pain once the nerves were freed up? Thanks for any input.

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Hi I had minimal invasive spinal fusion of l4-5 June 22nd. I had a lot of different pains going on. Numbness in right leg all the way to toes. It later disappeared in right but went to left. I had hip and buttocks pain, groin pain which they did not think fusion would do anything for groin pain. Leg pain. I was dealing with this for 2 1/2 years. I was holding out for a device that just recently fda approved which I thought sounded better than fusion, but unfortunately 2 Dr's. said it wouldn't work for me. Maybe because I have too much scoliosis. Anyway all these aches and pains and numbness I had before spinal fusion I wondered is it because of my spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis. Well now that I've had my fusion I'm thinking yes. Even my groin pain is gone. I only now in my left groin have it feels like someone squeezing an organ occasionally which I did have before but not the groin pain I was referring to. The groin pain would start when walking around at lower panty line which Dr. thought was arthritis. But pretty much all pain is gone or deteriating quite a bit. I only took pain meds 4 days. Hope you do well with your surgery.

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It sounds like you're doing all right my question to you is how long was the recovery time for the fusion thank you


Hi! I am now 10 days out from L4-L5 fusion. No leg pain at all dispute being crippled by it before surgery. Recovery is going quite well with more activity each day and less systemic “blahs” each day. I have felt like someone with flu and a backache much of the time. That leg pain was so ferocious I had thought nothing could be that painful. With respect to post op pain, I was certainly correct. No one warned me about the muscle soreness of thighs, hips, and butt after this surgery. I was face down on a flat table (after spending 4months in self imposed flexion posture) for the 5 hour surgery. Hence the feeling like I had just completed a track event. Other than that and feeling more tired than expected this 10 days has been close to expectations. I feel very blessed to not be among those with scary stories of pain and disability. My heartfelt wishes to those brave people who check it out, learn the complex lingo, then plunge in to the surgery. May you ALL enjoy recovered function and joy of life!


It sounds like you're doing all right my question to you is how long was the recovery time for the fusion thank you

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I'm not sure what you are referring to as recovery time. It has been 5 weeks. I didn't have terrible pain or tòo much muscle pain. The fusion part won't be finished for awhile. I'm able to lift 15 lbs. It's hard to remember not to do too much even though you feel as you can. Sure don't want to mess up what the great surgeon fixed. I have signs around my house reminding me not to twist, lift and bend. Any other questions let me know. I have a surgery spot on back that feels hard and a few times it feels like someone is taking their claws to my back but doesn't last very long.


I'm not sure what you are referring to as recovery time. It has been 5 weeks. I didn't have terrible pain or tòo much muscle pain. The fusion part won't be finished for awhile. I'm able to lift 15 lbs. It's hard to remember not to do too much even though you feel as you can. Sure don't want to mess up what the great surgeon fixed. I have signs around my house reminding me not to twist, lift and bend. Any other questions let me know. I have a surgery spot on back that feels hard and a few times it feels like someone is taking their claws to my back but doesn't last very long.

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I had two vertiflex implants put in a year ago L4 L5 they are not doing the job I'm thinking of going back and having the fusion done I was just wondering how long the recovery time is you get all sorts of different answers thank you again


Had L4 L5 fusion 4 months ago (because 4 was overlapping 5) and at 69 years old my spine has taken its tole. I’m still having a lot of pain but it’s mostly my feet. Still have 8 months of recovery left…PT in pool and daily stretching. Just have to keep moving through the pain with Tylenol and pain prescription.
Looking for help…


I had two vertiflex implants put in a year ago L4 L5 they are not doing the job I'm thinking of going back and having the fusion done I was just wondering how long the recovery time is you get all sorts of different answers thank you again

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I'm not sure if vertiflex was device that a pain mgmt. Dr. suggested he could do or if it was something else but 2 surgeons said that would not work for me whatever he was suggesting. I don't know if you have any scoliosis bc I have 18 degree scoliosis which there is a new device called tops but I had too much scoliosis. You could only have 10 degrees in trial and it was fda approved in June. Mayo Clinic had said whenever device is approved they may still not have access to it for a few months. You might see if that could be an option for you. I was holding out for it to be approved and getting it then told it wouldn't work for me but since I've had this and feeling a lot better than I did I should be happy. A lady that does my taxes said she had fusion about 5 years ago and each year it gets better. I know some people talk about 1st year being rough. I'm not sure if they mean bc they can't do things or if they do have a lot of pain bc I don't think I've really had much pain. I was leary from hearing others stories and there are so many variables each person's condition to start, your surgical team, if you do what they say before and after surgery. So I'd go in with an open mind but I hear fusion process can take up to a year. I hope the best of luck to you.


I'm not sure if vertiflex was device that a pain mgmt. Dr. suggested he could do or if it was something else but 2 surgeons said that would not work for me whatever he was suggesting. I don't know if you have any scoliosis bc I have 18 degree scoliosis which there is a new device called tops but I had too much scoliosis. You could only have 10 degrees in trial and it was fda approved in June. Mayo Clinic had said whenever device is approved they may still not have access to it for a few months. You might see if that could be an option for you. I was holding out for it to be approved and getting it then told it wouldn't work for me but since I've had this and feeling a lot better than I did I should be happy. A lady that does my taxes said she had fusion about 5 years ago and each year it gets better. I know some people talk about 1st year being rough. I'm not sure if they mean bc they can't do things or if they do have a lot of pain bc I don't think I've really had much pain. I was leary from hearing others stories and there are so many variables each person's condition to start, your surgical team, if you do what they say before and after surgery. So I'd go in with an open mind but I hear fusion process can take up to a year. I hope the best of luck to you.

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Thank you for all the information it will be helpful as I move ahead to make a decision whether to have surgery and have my back pierced thank you again


Hi! I am now 10 days out from L4-L5 fusion. No leg pain at all dispute being crippled by it before surgery. Recovery is going quite well with more activity each day and less systemic “blahs” each day. I have felt like someone with flu and a backache much of the time. That leg pain was so ferocious I had thought nothing could be that painful. With respect to post op pain, I was certainly correct. No one warned me about the muscle soreness of thighs, hips, and butt after this surgery. I was face down on a flat table (after spending 4months in self imposed flexion posture) for the 5 hour surgery. Hence the feeling like I had just completed a track event. Other than that and feeling more tired than expected this 10 days has been close to expectations. I feel very blessed to not be among those with scary stories of pain and disability. My heartfelt wishes to those brave people who check it out, learn the complex lingo, then plunge in to the surgery. May you ALL enjoy recovered function and joy of life!

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The leg pain is the WORST! Mine is in constant cramping mode from top of left buttock down to my toes. No meds touch it.
I’m scheduled for a L5S1 fusion in 4 days and praying it provides relief. I am currently debilitated and ready to get back to living.
Any advice on what to take for the hospital stay would be greatly appreciated. Praying you heal quickly and the pain subsides!


I hope you have the same immediate relief that my fusion brought. I was almost in tears the day after surgery when they got me up to walk. Bad back ache? Yes? But ripping searing leg pain? No!! I could walk pain free. Miracle. In terms of what to take, the huge list they gave me was essentially useless. Here’s what I did appreciate: a small kit (remember you won’t be able to twist to reach anything) with chapstick, eye drops, couple of Kleenex sheets. Also, a couple pairs of comfy loose underpants. Phone and earbuds. Music that first night was helpful. Best wishes. You’ve got this!!


@roma76 well by now you’ve had your surgery and her post operative by days. I had my same fusion in 1992 with stainless steel bars. Since then I’ve had ongoing issues having not continued my PT daily. So my best advice is once you get a home PT program do not ever stop it. Once you damage your spine you have chance of long term crap unless your keep caring for your back. Keep your weight down, don’t smoke and don’t fall and injure your back. The titanium cages they used should do you well for a life time. Good luck.

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