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I am considering consulting with my new cardiologist to see what he thinks.

The problem is with my PCP, who is new to me. She recently took over for my 30 year PCP who knew me well. It is a concierge practice. He was an MD and knew his stuff. She is a DO, and tells me every time I see her how good she is.

Yet, it took my wife to figure out it was the Hydrochlorothiazide that this new PCP had put me on 7 days earlier that was causing me problems. This new doctor, to this day, says it was not the medication she Rxed, but that it is my heart!

Now she wants to put me on another Thiazide Diuretic and I don't know what to do. My blood pressure continues to escalate.

I have received two responses to my post. Both of you have said to get second opinions. I am now leaning on calling my new cardiologist, who I have never seen, and see what he says. I hope he will give me an opinion without having yet seen him. My first appointment with him is not until the middle of October.

Thanks for listening and for your advice. I really appreciate it!

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Replies to "I am considering consulting with my new cardiologist to see what he thinks. The problem is..."

Hi Selfadvocate,
May to October is a LONG time to wait for an appointment with a cardiologist. Does your medical clinic allow patients to be on a waiting list for cancellations? I have several times gotten an appointment within a few days by calling each morning and asking if there have been any cancellations?
Best wishes to you - for a timely resolution to your heart issues.