Has anyone gotten back to normal after one complication after another?

Posted by britelite @britelite, Apr 25, 2023

I’m 78 yr old female in good health. Able to swim 2 K and walk 1 mile 3 X week.
I tested positive for COVID on Feb. 10, 2023. I just had a cough - no other symptoms. Took a course of Paxlovid. After about a week, tested negative and was able to go back to short spurts of exercise - swimming and walking. After another week, noticed severe exercise intolerance. I’d get short of breath and my pulse would slow to 48 and become irregular. Saw cardiologist and EKG was essentially normal. Wore a 24 hr. Holter monitor which showed some irregularities but doc did not feel they were significant. In the meantime, chest congestion was getting worse so my internist put me on a course of prednisone. Then my blood pressure shot up to 210/110 and I landed in the ER. I was trending toward hypertension so I was put on Amlodipine. I’ve gotten my BP under control and have days when the shortness of breath is not too bad. (I use an Albuterol inhaler which helps). Then today (3/25) I woke up really lightheaded and had what I think was an anxiety attack. I was afraid I was going to die. I’m feeling better as the day goes on but still lightheaded. It’s just one thing after another. I wonder if I’m ever going to get back to normal.
I’m retired and don’t have to worry about work but my heart goes out to the younger ones who are experiencing similar post COVID symptoms and are unable to get back to work or a semblance of a normal life. I’m grateful to be able participate in this forum and read about other’s experiences and know that I’m not alone in all this. Thank you.

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The back & forth has been going on for several months. The first time I thought it was over, then I felt terrible again. I had hope again the next time I started to feel better. Now I know better, and just enjoy the reprieve. After all this time, it feels so good to have a few sort of normal days.

Just like you, I pretty much don’t go anywhere. I don’t know when I’m going to crash, and feel safest being at home. When I do go out, my husband drives me because I’ve gotten stuck, and can’t drive myself home.

One thing y’all are really helping me with is hearing you say how people are responding to you. It’s hard enough to be feeling so bad all the time. It’s terribly upsetting when friends don’t quite believe me, and keep pushing me to do things I’m unable to do. I get so tired of having to explain why I can’t go.

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You are absolutely right, or its all the advice on what to do to make you feel better like you haven't tried everything already. So like you I feel safer at home 🥺


The back & forth has been going on for several months. The first time I thought it was over, then I felt terrible again. I had hope again the next time I started to feel better. Now I know better, and just enjoy the reprieve. After all this time, it feels so good to have a few sort of normal days.

Just like you, I pretty much don’t go anywhere. I don’t know when I’m going to crash, and feel safest being at home. When I do go out, my husband drives me because I’ve gotten stuck, and can’t drive myself home.

One thing y’all are really helping me with is hearing you say how people are responding to you. It’s hard enough to be feeling so bad all the time. It’s terribly upsetting when friends don’t quite believe me, and keep pushing me to do things I’m unable to do. I get so tired of having to explain why I can’t go.

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Yes, I hear you! It would be so much easier if we had a visible problem such as a broken leg! I began feeling significantly better after taking Qi Gong!


Yes, I hear you! It would be so much easier if we had a visible problem such as a broken leg! I began feeling significantly better after taking Qi Gong!

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I say that all the time. This is invisible, so people don’t quite seem to believe it’s real. They even think that if my voice sounds strong I must be ok. I get so tired of hearing how wonderful it is the my voice sounds strong, so I must be feeling better. When I had a broken leg, it was obvious to the world, and no one pushed me to do anything.


I say that all the time. This is invisible, so people don’t quite seem to believe it’s real. They even think that if my voice sounds strong I must be ok. I get so tired of hearing how wonderful it is the my voice sounds strong, so I must be feeling better. When I had a broken leg, it was obvious to the world, and no one pushed me to do anything.

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Read The Long Covid Solution by Carla Kuon, MD
I have read many books on the topic and found this one to be very helpful! I also recommend How to Be Sick by Toni Bernhard. It helped me with my depression and to learn to go with the flow and to deal with living with Long Covid. It is not specifically for Long Covid.


I’ve had Long Covid for over a year and a half. The back and forth goes along with how much I do. If I rest, it’s durable. When I get up and try to do things is when I become even more sick.
A week ago I got sick with Covid again. This is my second time. Has anything completely healed after getting well from the 2nd bout of Covid?


Has anyone found something that works for day in day out headache. This is somewhat of a newer symptom and in the past few days it is a full time headache like nothing I have ever ex perienced.

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I get Botox shots for my migraines due to LC and after 2 rounds of them, my daily headaches became much less noticeable and decreased the number of migraines significantly. The catch is that insurance may not cover it (mine does thankfully), it takes a few days to take effect, and after 2 months, the shots begin to wear off, so the headaches come back and can lead to migraines if the triggers occur. That said, the shots are the only thing that has worked (tried other treatments and pain meds), and I’ll take two months of relief over the time before
I started the shots. I’m also on Low Dose Naltrexone Low Dose Guanfacine, Gabapentin, and take several anti-inflammatory supplements, but it’s clear that the shots make the difference for me. Hope that helps!


I am 55 now. I got covid 01/2021. I have never been the same. I wont get into the laundry list. I hear of Long Covid patients break thought the symptoms. I do aspire to be one of them.
I wish good health!!!!


The back & forth has been going on for several months. The first time I thought it was over, then I felt terrible again. I had hope again the next time I started to feel better. Now I know better, and just enjoy the reprieve. After all this time, it feels so good to have a few sort of normal days.

Just like you, I pretty much don’t go anywhere. I don’t know when I’m going to crash, and feel safest being at home. When I do go out, my husband drives me because I’ve gotten stuck, and can’t drive myself home.

One thing y’all are really helping me with is hearing you say how people are responding to you. It’s hard enough to be feeling so bad all the time. It’s terribly upsetting when friends don’t quite believe me, and keep pushing me to do things I’m unable to do. I get so tired of having to explain why I can’t go.

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This is so hard, and I’m so sorry. It is crazy-making, not knowing HOW you’ll be from day to day, minute to minute.
I think you can find all different experiences— some improving over time, others not. I recently ( finally) found an immunologist who is proactive about my treatment, BUT— this is after having it for ‘awhile’ ( March 2020! ) and realizing I was getting worse every flare up— until I stopped having breaks between flare ups. Now it’s one continuous yuck. My dr also said I had some autoimmune issues prior to Covid; but Covid has mangled all systems.


I’ve had Long Covid for over a year and a half. The back and forth goes along with how much I do. If I rest, it’s durable. When I get up and try to do things is when I become even more sick.
A week ago I got sick with Covid again. This is my second time. Has anything completely healed after getting well from the 2nd bout of Covid?

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Just when I was finally experiencing more good days and bad ones, I had a second long Covid infection, and as a result, experienced a Long Covid crash! It took five months to get back to where I had been along the road to recovery.


Just my 2cents worth, so leave it or take it or etc.
I wish I had an answer. I got Covid in 3/20 and was severely ill and quarantined until 6/20. I’ve seen numerous specialists, been told “there’s nothing wrong”, “I’m so sorry but can’t do anything”, “it’s in your head”, and “etc”! . I’ve gone thru a long Covid clinic: all labs all normal. I hesitated writing, because this may not help ANYONE at all… but I just found an immunologist who tested me and my labs came back w/ a zillion red arrows. I have been thrilled— bad news, but answers and validation. It’s so hard: everyone has different pre-existing, length and degree of illness w/ Covid, symptoms, etc. My point is that I think— heavy on the think— I will finally improve. You may want to see an immunologist; however, doctors are like dentists. Some are great and do great work, an few are sadistic money grubbers, and then there are the.vast majority who do a B average job and are invested a bit— but do not feel responsible to provide “the care” in medical care.
I so so hope you improve. All of us!!!

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To car0 - Of course this is “all in your head”! We feel what we feel! After feeling crappy for days on end for months or years, who wouldn’t go crazy?! We’re all hanging onto our sanity by a thread! I got a mild case of COVID in Feb. ‘23. Since then I’ve had horrible dyspnea, hypertensive crisis, anxiety, complete heart block and needed a pacemaker. I’ve finally gotten a handle on the dyspnea and wonky heart. Now I’ve been hit with digestive issues. Loss of appetite and queasy stomach. I’m always living on the edge - wondering what I’m going to be hit with next. Less us all!

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