Vaginal discharge without infection

Posted by dominos123 @dominos123, Jul 16, 2023

Hi everyone,
does anyone have problems with constant white and thick discharge without any vaginal infection? When I’m not using probiotics apt others vaginal suppositories I feel itching and burning. It seems like Candida but all my test were negative. I’ve tested negative on STD’s: mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia and Ghonorea. Also tested negative on HPV virus and on my bacteriological swab there are not present yeast nor fungi nor pathogen bacterias.

Please if anyone has same problem or if anyone has solved this, let me know…
It’s really frustrating and depressing…

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Also I've heard that it's safest to keep B6 to under 25mg/day, definitely under 50mg/day, to avoid nerve damage

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Thank you scolio so much!!!
I’ve also read that so I’m careful with vitamin b6. Im using it every two days for 20 mg because I also have it in some food.
I just really don’t know what else to do since I’ve tried literally everything.

Last 10 days I’m using boric acid vag. suppository at night and Gynophilius suppository (lactobacillus - probiotic) at morning and tapping with boric acid and at. Johns wort oil external part of vagina for 3-4 times a day but discharge is still present.
I’m drinking probiotic orally, yogurt, eating fruits, not eating fried food, drinking like 2-3 l of water and drinking tea every day and night (sometimess cranberry, heather tea and others…).
Also vitamins… but… nothing… I’m literally crying for help. Don’t know what else to do…


This is a long two part story on my vaginal healing.
I don't know your age or your hormonal situation. I had issues with itching and burning and moderate discharge before and after menopause even while on hormone replacement. Once I was no longer prescribed hormones in my early 60's my symtoms became dramatically more pronouned, basically I had burnng, pain and itching 24/7, not just occasionally. Intercourse was painful. Yes I had tested positive to yeast a few times, but with most of the testing I was negative in relation to yeast or bacterial infections. Doctor's had no solution. At a certain age no doctor wants us to take oral hormones and because of my allergies I couldn't go on estrogen creams inserted into the vagina, they burned my already inflamed vaginal and vulvar tissue, but a new gyno recommended Estring a silicone ring of time released estrogen which stays inside the vaginal canal for 3 months. Surprisingly I've had zero reaction to it. About 6 months previously I gave up all processed sugar and followed a 3 month detox plan in which all carbs are withheld. Trust me when I say this is the hardest thing I have ever done. I had a women's doctor recommend dietary changes years earlier, but ignored it not wanting to face this sacrifice. My miracle book which is a simple short read written for the layperson, The Yeast Connection Handbook, William Crooke, MD, explained and had hand drawn diagrams on how sugar and carbs feed the yeast colonies we all have living in our intestines and how their waste transfers though the intestinal linings into our bloodstream raising our histamines and causing various health issues. Carbs, especially processed sugar feeds them and yeast demands this food and sends messages to the brain, that's why we have sugar craving. It's the yeast colonies sending messages to the brain which need to die,you stare them out without sugar. This will pass once you've been off processed sugar for a about two years. Yes it takes that long for the cravings to go away totally. The brain must be rewired. My vaginal symtoms did improve by the 3rd month, but I still wasn't 100%. Mind you my swabs were negative for yeast he vast majority of the time, yet I believe the yeast was living in my internal skin inside the vagina. Now 4 or 5 years later I'm still off processed sugar but eat all other foods normally including moderate fruit portions and sugarless carbs. I can pass a sugary dessert and not care. I am free of the pain, itching, burning and nasty odor.
Diet alone wasn't enough, I needed estrogen in my vagina to rebuild my vaginal tissues which were thinned due to age and years of inflamation. No more inflamation! My sex life is wonderful again and it's such a blessing not to be dealing with the misery you are going through now. Pain is a serious motivator. I made up a jingle trying to brainwash myself when saliva would flood my mouth (by this I mean my mouth would acutally squirt out saliva like a dog) just thinking about sugar. Mind you I have never been overweight and only ate foods with processed sugar a few times a week. But it's in so many hidden places like ketsup and other processed foods which all must be avoided. I was amazing at how challenging the detox would be.
Here's my brainwshing jingle.
"When will you learn, it's going to make you burn".


Hey, thank you very much on your comment. I will try everything that could make me feel and be better.

I’m just not quite sure how does food have such influence to vaginal flora because I’ve eaten a lot more sugar and unhealthy food before but didn’t have any issues down there.
I’m 27.


Those are good points, @gardeningjunkie ! I know for me, a lot of women in my family have had early menopause, and even if you don't, still our hormones start to change long before, like even 10 or more years before we get the more obvious symptoms. I think my hormones were probably out of balance in some way when I was having problems, and I know my diet wasn't great.

By the way, dominos123, have you had a chance to look at those nutrient-tracking sites? I was wondering what you think about them?


Those are good points, @gardeningjunkie ! I know for me, a lot of women in my family have had early menopause, and even if you don't, still our hormones start to change long before, like even 10 or more years before we get the more obvious symptoms. I think my hormones were probably out of balance in some way when I was having problems, and I know my diet wasn't great.

By the way, dominos123, have you had a chance to look at those nutrient-tracking sites? I was wondering what you think about them?

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Yes. I’ve installed Cronometer and I’m using it. It’s really helpful to stick my diet under control.


I'm glad you like cronometer so far. I find it especially helpful to look at the vitamins and minerals.


Hey, thank you very much on your comment. I will try everything that could make me feel and be better.

I’m just not quite sure how does food have such influence to vaginal flora because I’ve eaten a lot more sugar and unhealthy food before but didn’t have any issues down there.
I’m 27.

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Hi dominos123. I think I can see what you mean about how even when you used to eat more sugary foods, you didn't used to have this problem, so why now? One thing I see is that there is something that has changed between then and now: specifically, your body has been through quite an ordeal. I might even say, not just an ordeal but a series of traumas. Maybe an original infection was one trauma, and then on top of that all the treatments, which as you pointed out were obviously very rough.
So back to the question of diet, and what that has to do with anything: I've heard that people who have suffered severe burns need a whole lot of extra nutrition in order to heal. The normal requirements don't apply anymore because of the extreme repair that their bodies have to do.
Well, I think your body has been through something like that. Almost like you are a burn victim, your body is fighting a very serious battle on your own because, despite all that modern science knows about our bodies, this is one area where no one seems to have a lot of help to offer, as you have experienced.
So your body is out there on the battle field, fighting this all alone. One of the few tools you can offer is perfect 5-star nutrition --- only the best and plenty of it. You've already made a lot of changes, and I hear you when you say you are ready to try anything to beat this. I really don't know what is going on, and I don't know if improving your nutrition even more as @gardeningjunkie suggests will gain you any ground, but I hope it does.


Hey, thank you very much on your comment. I will try everything that could make me feel and be better.

I’m just not quite sure how does food have such influence to vaginal flora because I’ve eaten a lot more sugar and unhealthy food before but didn’t have any issues down there.
I’m 27.

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I didn't have major health issues before middle age. I could pack a carry bag, get a eurail pass and jump on trains throughout europe without carrying any meds, not even asprin, or having to think about any of my physical contacts because of the Allergic Contact Dermatitis, ACD I would develop and eat and drink whatever I wanted. I think the toxic overloads we face from our foods and environment finally overstress our bodies. Plus ome of us are genetically weaker then others.
At age 50 my health went haywire, I got Adult Leukemia, aka Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and began my battle with eczema. My body was inflamed with raging histatamines.
Today I a one of the less then 1% for who this chronic form of leukemia vanished without any treatment, no trace now for 8 years. Also all 3 form of my eczema are under control because of testing I know what contacts to avoid and I am vigilant. The inflamation in my vagina and vulva is gone and healing and rebuilding of the vaginal membranes has been successful. Trust me this has been a battle and my husband has hung in there and now at almost 75, yes that's old, I don't mind some arthritis and knees that are failing- these issues aren't even in the same catagory of pain as the eczema and vaginal inflamation.


Scolio, thank you very much!!!!!!!!!! You’re such a good person.

I’ve read it all. I just didn’t quite sure is she talking about orally pils of vitamin C? Not about vaginal suppositories?
That’s kinda little bit… I don’t know…
I will talk with my gyno about this but sure I will try…

But I can also assume that my problem is that I have vaginal discharge every day. She said like: use metrodinazol gel for 5 days and then vitamin C for 6 days first month, and other 5 months only 6 days use vitamin c and other days nothing.
I’m not sure how can I not using anything if my discharge would still be present…
However… I will try it. Maybe discharge will stop after vitamin C till end of month.

Thank you sooo much!!!!

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