ANA positive then negative then positive...

Posted by comptomama @comptomama, Sep 8, 2022

I have spent my whole adult life with strange symptoms. As a child I would get high fevers and I would have bouts of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. It was feeling like my body parts would get big then small. I also experienced "seeing" shapes get big and small. I was not actually seeing this. My eyes are closed and I would visualize it against my will. It caused quite a bit of anxiety for me. But it went away as I became a teenager. Then I started having skin issues. It looked like eczema. It was so itchy. I got it on my arms and fingers. When I was in my 20s I started having hip pain. Diagnosed with bursitis. This was the first time I had a positive ANA result. I seemed to become allergic to the sun especially when I was pregnant. I would get those itchy eczema like bumps on my chest. I also had a yeast or fungus all over my back and chest only when pregnant. Curiously my sister had the same experience 10 years later during her pregnancies. It was quarter size circles all over that were intensely itchy. I have an itch on the bottom of my big toe that has come and gone for 26 years. The same toe started getting numb in 2010. I started experiencing pain in my shin and a doctor said it could be ms. I brushed it off (no insurance) Then in 2012 , I was having pain in both legs. I elevated them and went to sleep. When I awoke, I had pain, numbness and tingling and trouble coordinating my legs to walk. It was both legs from my feet to my thighs. It has been 10 years and I have experienced pain numbness and tingling everyday since. Anf the AIWS came back. I have seen countless doctors. I have had MRIs of my full spine. My ana goes back and forth from positive to negative. My titer is 1:80 which is low. Doctors have literally said healthy people can have a positive ana. I am not healthy. Makes me angry. I take 600 mgs of gabapentin to help some pain. I do not want pills. I want a diagnosis. Idiopathic neuropathy is my diagnosis which is no diagnosis at all. It is a symptom of something. I do have CKD stage 3. My grandma had lupus and CKD and died from ILD at 77. My uncle had ILD and died at 68. My mom and brother also have CKD. My son and daughter have CKD. My son also has celiac disease. It all sounds hereditary and autoimmune to me. I get sick of doctors who just want my co-pay. Blood work looks good see ya in 6 months... Do my symptoms and family history make sense to anyone? Sorry for the long post.

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Hi Everyone,
I have been in chronic pain for 20+ years, I could never get anyone to believe me or how much pain I am in. This pain has caused me to have depression, family problems and so much more! I have never had quality if life because of it. I received my blood work today and my ANA came back positive ANA titer 1:40-ANA Pattern Cytoplasmic abnormal-Nuclear speckled abnormal - I do not understand what all that means. I need answers to understand this and why I have felt so bad for so long.
Thank you


@netty0329 Chronic pain for 20 years?! That just sounds awful and unacceptable! I am so sorry, but we’re not qualified to evaluate your lab tests. None of us are medical professionals. But, I can ask if you’ve ever kept a daily pain journal? Keep it for about a month and record your pain levels throughout the day. Here is a good scale to use:
You might also insist on a referral to a pain management doctor. INSIST. No one should have untreated pain!
Will you call tomorrow?


Check for CKD and diet.

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