Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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Gabapentin...beware!!! Yes it really helped me with my Neuropathy and spasming, but it really messed with my cognition. I had wean off of it. Now I'm trying Pregabalin, which is providing relief without the confusion.

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I take Gabapentin 900mg a day & my cognitive thinking is bad. I forget & I get in a middle of a sentence & the words will not come out of my mouth. I go to get something in the next room & I get there & Forget what I went into there for.
I will not increase it & just accepting the pain.


Do you need a prescription to get it? Thank you for the info!

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Your doc needs to refer u to a surgeon for the implantation. In my case, it was my pain management doc who approved the recommendation and the it was approved by Medicare.


I take Gabapentin 900mg a day & my cognitive thinking is bad. I forget & I get in a middle of a sentence & the words will not come out of my mouth. I go to get something in the next room & I get there & Forget what I went into there for.
I will not increase it & just accepting the pain.

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Reduce mgs and take only at night. Wean off slowly. I take about 400mg Gabapentin but your tolerance increases so stay low mgs. Buy tablets you can cut too. Its mainly for calming nerves. Near Infrared/red wrap will calm spasms. Flexeril 2.5-5mg at night will calm muscles and joints. Nerve stem will heal spasms so you can lift and bend called NeuX, NeuFit or Neuby. The Exercise Coach gym paid by insurance slowly introduces 2-way muscle resistance, computerized to increase stability in back.


Do you need a prescription to get it? Thank you for the info!

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Hi this is Lioness I lost contact with you What is the pain killer? I could sure use it


@katrina Welcome to connect We aren't Dr,s but tell of our experience . I have neuropathy ,fibromyalgia and lots of back problems . Have you seen your Dr or rheumatologist ,neurologist about Gabapentin for the neuropathy? Also I use for mine a product called Fibro cream by Topricin It does help me along with the gabapentin. Stretching your feet helps also along with exercise of the feet as you said. Good luck

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I tried Gabapentin but it didn’t work…only made me extremely hungry all the time, therefore weight gain.


I'm not sure that mine is comparable as my unit is implanted whereas the Tens is used outside of the body...but anyway, mine is an Abbott Spinal Cord Stimulator here's a link. I'm on Medicare with a supplemental was 100% covered by insurance.

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Thank you! Is your stimulator MRI compatible? I just met with a doctor. We were talking about putting a Medtronic chargeable battery stimulator in me. I can’t make my mind up. I am reading mixed reviews on pain stimulators.
I’ve had 9 failed surgeries. And this chronic pain is worse than torture.
Are you having success with your stimulator?


It has helped me but bear in mind that its a process. You get the stimulator implanted and after a couple of weeks of healing, the rep meets with you and turns the thing on and sets up which programs might work for you. As a patient, you need to keep notes on what works and work with the rep to make necessary adjustments. I know that mine works as I forgot to recharge and the thing ran down to -0-. Ouch!!! Between the SCS and my exercise classes, I've been able to discontinue the muscle relaxers. I'm glad I got mine for sure.


For some reason, lying prone (gets hard to do with age) with my feet hanging downward off the end of my bed helps the PN pain go away. I suspect it’s a circulation thing.


Exercise has made a huge difference in my physical and mental states. Once I got back to classes (finally, after COVID prevented all gatherings for me), my nightly leg muscle spasms totally stopped and I was able to get off of the muscle relaxers. I also have a Spinal Cord Stimulator which has made a big difference. Treatment for my condition seems to be a big science experiment. My docs and have tried one thing after another, observing results and moving on. I think the biggest key to finding relief is to have a good relationship with a doc who takes you seriously and gives you the time to fully discuss your situation.

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Magnesium help my leg and foot cramps when taken just prior to going to bed. Good Luck mimifromtexas.

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