← Return to Iron Tablets! And learning about fatigue and to pace myself

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My wife is mentally ill, and has Alzheimer's as well. I do all of the cooking and housework, as well as all the yard work. I experience many of the same symptoms that you described. I have learned to drink lots of water, handle jobs like lawn mowing by working a little, resting a lot, then back to pulling the plow. My doctor told me to stay on my feet, keep busy, and only rest when I have too, not just when I want to. I'm not saying that you should do likewise. Maybe you and your husband should have a serious talk about division of labor. No one but you can know how physically and emotionally tired you are. Times like these are when true love really shines. God bless you! And I hope you get better soon.

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Replies to "My wife is mentally ill, and has Alzheimer's as well. I do all of the cooking..."

Thank you @puddknocker, I respect all you are doing and appreciate your timely advice. I have almost weaned myself off Pepsi and have begun drinking more water every day. The weaning was difficult, but I seem to have accomplished that. Taking care of the house and all that entails, plus the yard work have been my tasks for many years. Things are slowing on all fronts as I find myself sitting down more, then picking up where I left off. We must persevere to the best of our abilities. God bless you and your wife.

Your comment really made me smile puddknocker, it’s really nice to read how much you care for your wife while managing your own situation 🙌🏻🙂
I had a husband, however the request for him to be at my side when I would be coming out of surgery (back then it was his face I really wanted to see) became too much to repeat - having to wonder if they’d turn up at all..well, that’s just not cricket, and so I drew the line at forgetting I wasn’t home besides running out of food and wondering where the clean clothes were.
There was one time i needed to chaperone an orthodontist visit so he could have someone to care for him because he wanted the gas to make him feel better during the procedure on his tooth (minor root canal with filling), while I had been fasting since the day before because I would be dropping him home and setting him up for his day of recovery before I headed straight into a knee OATS (driving myself there, and sleeping off the anaesthesia in the car after the 12hr post surgery discharge and then driving myself home - it was my left leg so I kept it straight by angling it over the passenger seat, in Au). My ex was still on the couch with his tooth recovery process still in full swing, and so I was back on the job managing the household - albeit not quite hitting the ground running, hehe. Cutting that snag off the line was one of the best things I’ve ever done 🙌🏻🙂