Internal vibrations, not sleeping well, stressed out

Posted by nightops @nightops, Feb 23, 2023

Diagnosed MS 12/5/2022, 3 day run of IV SoluMedrol, and the tingling/pain in the feet went away. Tingling in right hand never went away. Been working a keyboard for 20+ years. Doesn’t seem to be any pinky involvement, so doc was thinking it might be CTS. Trying to get an EMG/nerve conduction test done to confirm. Things have been very mild up until 2 weeks ago when the vibrations started. Doc doesn’t think it’s MS related. No idea, but I know my stress is through the roof right now between health and job. I feel like I’m falling apart. In 4 months I went from no symptoms, to feeling like it’s the end. I know that’s dramatic compared to what so many others are going through, but I can’t help it.

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There is a bit on the net about tremors vibrations etc after covid, and the fact it can cause Parkinson type damage / inflammation in brain.

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Thank you. Was not aware. This is helpful.


Not snxiety 🙄 when they don't know something they blamed it on anxiety

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Yep, Just know your not alone ... I see a NUCCA
Chiropractors they treat underlyning problems that effect the nervous systems may help you.
They have video's and information on the web.
I hope you can get some relief.


Yep, Just know your not alone ... I see a NUCCA
Chiropractors they treat underlyning problems that effect the nervous systems may help you.
They have video's and information on the web.
I hope you can get some relief.

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Yep, Just know your not alone ... I see a NUCCA
Chiropractors they treat underlyning problems that effect the nervous systems may help you.
They have video's and information on the web.
I hope you can get some relief.

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Hi, how do I look for it in the web? What name or address?


Hi, how do I look for it in the web? What name or address?

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I have no name or address. You just have to look it up on the web. And it will give you a map and show you where they are.


Just thought I’d add, I’ve been added to this comment page because of MS.
Just thought I’d add I’ve been added to this comment page because of MS I do not have MS! I have had the vibrations after the second shot and they were getting better and then I caught Covid and then they increased. I do see a chiropractor, I see a neurologist. They have not gone away. I have been tested for every disease out there. And as it looks, I am healthy, but no explanation of why I have vibrations. I am 56 years old. I ran a Horse Rescue and a dog rescue before I had the shot. I just got married I worked out I swam amd horseback riding. I have ulcerative colitis that was in 10 years remission and came out every mission right afterwards. So I thought I’d leave this comment to maybe somebody else can help me with that. Now I can’t sleep. I have vibrations every single night at four and 5 o’clock in the morning. I can’t take naps anymore and I cannot drink coffee past 11 and I can only have 2 cups. Before all this, I could drink coffee at 5:30 at night. Something changed!!!!!!


Just thought I’d add, I’ve been added to this comment page because of MS.
Just thought I’d add I’ve been added to this comment page because of MS I do not have MS! I have had the vibrations after the second shot and they were getting better and then I caught Covid and then they increased. I do see a chiropractor, I see a neurologist. They have not gone away. I have been tested for every disease out there. And as it looks, I am healthy, but no explanation of why I have vibrations. I am 56 years old. I ran a Horse Rescue and a dog rescue before I had the shot. I just got married I worked out I swam amd horseback riding. I have ulcerative colitis that was in 10 years remission and came out every mission right afterwards. So I thought I’d leave this comment to maybe somebody else can help me with that. Now I can’t sleep. I have vibrations every single night at four and 5 o’clock in the morning. I can’t take naps anymore and I cannot drink coffee past 11 and I can only have 2 cups. Before all this, I could drink coffee at 5:30 at night. Something changed!!!!!!

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Hello @mac10, I'm rachel, it's nice to meet you. It's understandable how frustrated you must be to not be able to put your finger on exactly what is wrong with you and why. I'm sorry you're going through such uncertainty. In my early 40s I began having changes that were unexplainable. I saw a variety of specialists, took a variety of medications
and received a variety of treatments. I developed insomnia , depression and anxiety to name a few. I get you.

Here is something I'd like for you to watch. It's a video from the Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center in Florida - Dr. Sletten discusses chronic pain and explains Central Sensitization Syndrome. I think it's worth your watch as it may piece some of your confusing puzzle together.

Dr. Sletten - Central Sensitization Syndrome:


I anticipate your response and hope some of what you watch resonates with you and makes sense. Will you please get back to me with your thoughts and whether an approach like the pain rehab center is one you would entertain?


I’ve had internal tremors, or the feeling of an electrical charge running through my body, long before Covid was around. It’s constant, unnerving, but has become a part of my life now. I also have hand tremors. I take Gabapentin, Cymbalta and Keppra. I’ve also had two covid vaccinations and had covid twice, but because I had all of these problems prior to the appearance of Covid, I see no correlation.


Just thought I’d add, I’ve been added to this comment page because of MS.
Just thought I’d add I’ve been added to this comment page because of MS I do not have MS! I have had the vibrations after the second shot and they were getting better and then I caught Covid and then they increased. I do see a chiropractor, I see a neurologist. They have not gone away. I have been tested for every disease out there. And as it looks, I am healthy, but no explanation of why I have vibrations. I am 56 years old. I ran a Horse Rescue and a dog rescue before I had the shot. I just got married I worked out I swam amd horseback riding. I have ulcerative colitis that was in 10 years remission and came out every mission right afterwards. So I thought I’d leave this comment to maybe somebody else can help me with that. Now I can’t sleep. I have vibrations every single night at four and 5 o’clock in the morning. I can’t take naps anymore and I cannot drink coffee past 11 and I can only have 2 cups. Before all this, I could drink coffee at 5:30 at night. Something changed!!!!!!

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Since the vibrations start at the same time each night/early am, could they be related to the Cortisol Awakening Response? This is occurs when cortisol "spikes". I have issues every morning between 5-7. It causes discomfort, adrenaline "rushes" and anxiety. In my case, it started after traumatic and stressful events in 2021, and I haven't found a solution yet.


Just thought I’d add, I’ve been added to this comment page because of MS.
Just thought I’d add I’ve been added to this comment page because of MS I do not have MS! I have had the vibrations after the second shot and they were getting better and then I caught Covid and then they increased. I do see a chiropractor, I see a neurologist. They have not gone away. I have been tested for every disease out there. And as it looks, I am healthy, but no explanation of why I have vibrations. I am 56 years old. I ran a Horse Rescue and a dog rescue before I had the shot. I just got married I worked out I swam amd horseback riding. I have ulcerative colitis that was in 10 years remission and came out every mission right afterwards. So I thought I’d leave this comment to maybe somebody else can help me with that. Now I can’t sleep. I have vibrations every single night at four and 5 o’clock in the morning. I can’t take naps anymore and I cannot drink coffee past 11 and I can only have 2 cups. Before all this, I could drink coffee at 5:30 at night. Something changed!!!!!!

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I have vibrations now since shots as well, (along w so many long covid me/cfs symptoms) they fade in to the background a little when I’m rested but return w vigor if I exert myself, have too much caffeine, sugar, alcohol, lack of sleep, etc. Mine have a rhythm to them as well, it’s like a metronome of electric vibrations. I got prescribed Wellbutrin for brain fog and I think it’s actually making these symptoms worse.,. I also have tingling and numbness in my feet, and the vibrations run thru my feet as well. I desperately need my doctor to run more diagnostics. These symptoms haven’t even been addressed yet bc I have such bad fog, fatigue, and pain that that’s all we’ve been able to address! I’m certainly getting worse physically, not better. I take lots of supplements for nerve health. That’s All I know to do at this point, as patient led experiments seem to be the only real progress for long vax.

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