Neuropathy and constipation

Posted by korgman123 @korgman123, Nov 6, 2022

I've always had issues with constipation. I've got SFN now for 2 years in my feet and hands, numbness mainly, and notice my constipation is getting worse. Any suggestions?

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Make up this recipe: 1/2c unsweet applesauce, 1 tsp of Vit c powder, 1 tsp of Mag Citrate powder plus 1 tsp Chiaseed. Mix well. Swallow a heaping T of it at bedtime or with a 1st liquid of the day. usually wks in 6 to 8 hrs. If not, use Colon Max and a little Miralax or Colon Support by Peak and a little Miralax.


I'll just throw this in. I was at my PCP today. For the constipation thing... she said to take equal parts of bran, applesauce and prune juice. Yep, weird combo. Yep, I will let you know...hahaha this is so strange to talk about!

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Ugh, that sounds gross! I’m sure that works for people without neuropathy, but since I know that nerves that tell my colon to move briskly and normally are “broken”, I’ve focused more on what foods to avoid (bran would form a thick sludge in my colon that would sit there and expand) and find a daily supplement or mild laxative that helps. I don’t want to always have special food combinations on hand. That’s just extra irritation. Since I have about 25 more years of dealing with this (I’m 62) I want something easy and efficient. But try it and report back!


I don't know if Neuropathy has anything to do with constipation? In any case, it is one more thing to deal with that I have had some advice and good results. There is a product called 'Colon Max" that is all Natural and can be bought online. Just a bit of info from PA. We need to share all of our discoveries and ideas, right? Keep it goin!

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The pills I am on for neuropathy cause constipation. It should say that on your medication bottle. I take two senicot at night and have changed my diet to have lots of ruffage and it works for me. Drinking lots of water helps too.


Ugh, that sounds gross! I’m sure that works for people without neuropathy, but since I know that nerves that tell my colon to move briskly and normally are “broken”, I’ve focused more on what foods to avoid (bran would form a thick sludge in my colon that would sit there and expand) and find a daily supplement or mild laxative that helps. I don’t want to always have special food combinations on hand. That’s just extra irritation. Since I have about 25 more years of dealing with this (I’m 62) I want something easy and efficient. But try it and report back!

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I really like your concept of "focused more on what foods to avoid." I am histamine intolerant and certain FODMAP food option will cause gas/bloat and constipation. I've been working with my nutritionist to see what works well and what's not. Hopefully I will find a combination that will work for me for a long while. Thanks for sharing.


The pills I am on for neuropathy cause constipation. It should say that on your medication bottle. I take two senicot at night and have changed my diet to have lots of ruffage and it works for me. Drinking lots of water helps too.

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Every comment on this "condition" is helpful! Thanks, I will have to be much more diligent
about my diet. I have had to concentrate on Very low salt, but "move over".... I need more
raw veggies, I too will have to change my diet.

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