What are people's experiences with spinal fusion surgery?

Posted by heatherm @heatherm, Oct 27, 2020

After trying pretty much everything, with little pain relief, my surgeon has put me on his priorty elective list for fusion of my L3/4/5, and maybe S1. I've heard both positive and negative experiences with this surgery. What are people's experiences, with this? ,

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The surgery and 4-5 day hospital stay was covered by my United Health Care Medicare Advantage PPO (Primary Ins.). My insurance will pay for 100 days of skilled nursing care. The hospital tried to get approval to transfer me into their Acute Recovery Unit after my surgery and it was denied by UHC. Then my surgeon called to discuss my case and he was also denied.

So then my husband (quite persuasive) called UHC and explained that our home had steps down into our living room and kitchen. We also have a 20 step stairway up to the bedroom and bathroom showers, we don’t have a shower downstairs. He told them I was in my 70’s and needed more medical care than I our skill nursing facility provides (he called them before my surgery to find out what services they provided). He explains that I needed more than one physical therapy session a day, and additionally needed the medical care that TriCity’s recovery unit provided. He told them about the intense nerve pain I was experiencing and his concern about my other health issues (heart, pain ). After talking with our UHC advocate, he wanted to help my husband get approval for the Acute Recovery Unit care. It took a few hours to get the approval, but God worked through the hearts of the ultimate decision maker.

I had surgery on April 25, and and filled with gratitude, my nerve pain is almost gone! I am almost pain free. I am walking 2-3 times daily, short distances that gradually increase each week. I won’t begin Physical therapy until after mid/the end of July.

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What a blessing that the Lord (and your husband) worked out. It's a shame that people have to jump through all these hoops to get the help that they so desperately nee. I have been fortunate that Aetna has been very good about approving procedures for me. It's too bad they are not helping with my pain. I wish you many pain-free years!


In 2005 I had an artificial disc put in instead of having the fusion. Doctor said it would help me keep my range of motion. In 2008 it got loose and started breaking off bone fragments that got into my spinal cord. That has created Adhesive Arachnoiditis There are 5 levels of scar tissue inside my spine, the nerves are clumped together and the arachnoid membrane is inflamed all the way to the brain. I have brain fog, ringing ears, blurred vision, and joint pain all over my body. My back legs, knees, and fee are in intense constant pain. The scar tissue has filled the nerve sack and no spinal fluid can reach the bottom 5 levels. This is slowly killing the nerves. If I had to do it again I would have had the fusion. I am a very active person and this might not happen to everyone with the artificial disc. Pray hard and do your research.


Badtothebone - Wow, I'm sorry this has happened to you. I've heard of ADR breaking off bone before. I think I read it on this site somewhere. I had L4-5 fused and now getting a spinal cord stimulator due to chronic S1 nerve damage and surgery won't help. I wish you the best.


I too currently have plans for a TLIF for my L4/L5. I trust the doctor/surgeon that has recommended the procedure. I would just like to hear others on their first TLIF, how it went, if there were complications and how bad they were and also if the was an non temporary alternative and if so why didn't you go that route?


I am anxious to hear opinions on this. I was told mine involve 10. I am 71 and have read that the results aren't good for my age group and seriousness of the surgery.

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I am 67 yrs old. was told I have to get lumbar surgery L4/5. My Dr said he wouldn't give me pain meds as I take benzodiazepines for 30 yrs. For yrs I was on heavy duty pain rx. My chiro said let's find you a diff dr.

Tramadol, flexeril, Soma etc don't help my pain. I am wondering what other choices there are for me. I hear the success rate isn't very good.

There was a woman who posted her story on mayo site but I can only gwt.in touch via facebook. If anyone knows her pls have her email me. Thks


@dreams999 - Best focus your medical treatment discussions with fully trained and experienced medical doctors. Your spine is so critical to your health - it's important to discuss your options with a qualified neurosurgeon who knows spines.

Please note that chiropractic manipulation of an injured spine can lead to a worsening of the underlying problem. Please be careful!


I had fusion of my L-4-5 & S-1 in May of 2023. Recovery is about a year. Listen to your surgeon, move as much as you can early on & do PT when ordered by the surgeon. My sciatica is completely gone, but I was left with right foot neuropathy.

Now facing ACDF as I have cervical pathology including poor balance.


I am 67 yrs old. was told I have to get lumbar surgery L4/5. My Dr said he wouldn't give me pain meds as I take benzodiazepines for 30 yrs. For yrs I was on heavy duty pain rx. My chiro said let's find you a diff dr.

Tramadol, flexeril, Soma etc don't help my pain. I am wondering what other choices there are for me. I hear the success rate isn't very good.

There was a woman who posted her story on mayo site but I can only gwt.in touch via facebook. If anyone knows her pls have her email me. Thks

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I hope you find some pain relief soon. It never hurts to get a 2nd and even 3rd opinion. I actually got 3 opinions about my L5 chronic nerve damage. It was the 3rd neurosurgeon that said I might be a candidate for a Spinal Cord Stimulator, the other two never mentioned it. I had no idea what it was. Anyway, it's been a game changer for me. I wish you the best.


I had fusion of my L-4-5 & S-1 in May of 2023. Recovery is about a year. Listen to your surgeon, move as much as you can early on & do PT when ordered by the surgeon. My sciatica is completely gone, but I was left with right foot neuropathy.

Now facing ACDF as I have cervical pathology including poor balance.

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@coachdavid - Morning. You didn't ask but I have some perspective that might help you with your pending ACDF.

I had a C4-7 ACDF three months before my four-level lumbar work a little over a year ago. In comparison - the ACDF was much, much easier to recover from. I wore a rigid neck brace for six weeks and experienced some swallowing difficulties on and off for several months - but now recovery feels complete and - compared to the lumbar recovery - a relative breeze. All cervical stenosis symptoms are 100% gone with my only price being some restriction in head-twisting range. A worthwhile trade-off for me.

Do you have your ACDF scheduled? How many levels?


@coachdavid - Morning. You didn't ask but I have some perspective that might help you with your pending ACDF.

I had a C4-7 ACDF three months before my four-level lumbar work a little over a year ago. In comparison - the ACDF was much, much easier to recover from. I wore a rigid neck brace for six weeks and experienced some swallowing difficulties on and off for several months - but now recovery feels complete and - compared to the lumbar recovery - a relative breeze. All cervical stenosis symptoms are 100% gone with my only price being some restriction in head-twisting range. A worthwhile trade-off for me.

Do you have your ACDF scheduled? How many levels?

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Thanks so much. I appreciate your input and feedback. I'm having the surgery for my imbalance post fusion, so very hopeful that I get back on track. ☮️

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