Correlation between peripheral neuropathy and low RBC?

Posted by Ray Kemble @ray666, Jul 1, 2023

I have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. I've no pain but terrible balance. I also have two swollen feet. Doctors noticed my swollen feet long before I received my PN diagnosis, but they've never figured out why. I also have a low RBC (red blood count), for which I have seen a hematologist; he didn't appear to be terribly alarmed. I'm wondering: Do any of you with PN also have swollen feet? And has anyone (doctor-type) linked it to your PN? Same thing for a low RBC: Have any of you had a low RBC connected in some credible way to your PN? I'd sure love to know.

Ray (@ray666)

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@ray666 Ray - just had all labs done and my RBC came in normal levels. When I went to my PCP last week, I asked her if a low RBC could be a possible cause for ankles swelling. I was curious because of your post. She said that would be a rare cause, normally no. My ankles and lower legs tend to swell but I've increased my water consumption especially in warmer weather to about 50 oz of water a day and swelling has been less. I've also reduced my salt consumption. I have no pain or discomfort....of course, my PN probably takes care of that! Ed


Good morning, decrepit (@decrepit)

Thanks for calling my attention to lymphedema. I'd not heard of that before. I looked over the symptoms, but no, lymphedema is not the cause of my feet swelling. It's something else. My PCP, to her credit, has considered several possibilities, none of which has proven to be the culprit. Fortunately, other symptoms do not accompany my swollen feet; I pay my feet no mind until the evening when I pull my socks off and think, Mmm? I wonder why … ?


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It’s when I get into bed that the bottoms of my feet swell up. They are also red. Is this your experience too?


What have any of you taken that at least takes the edge off of the pain? If I am going to an event, I will take either 1 or 2 Aleve's wait a couple of hours and take a Trimodol-would you please share what you have done so that you can at least be out and about some-I do walk, work in the yard and shop when necessary; but, we are all trying to enjoy life somewhat or why bother being here!!!


It’s when I get into bed that the bottoms of my feet swell up. They are also red. Is this your experience too?

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Hi, mitfit (@mitfit)

My feet are swollen, but not all the time or at any special hours of the day (like bedtime). No redness. And most curiously, no pain. Just this inexplicable swelling or puffiness that I notice only twice each day: when I'm putting on or taking off my socks,

Ray (@ray666)


The only thing I've been taking for the past 3-4 months specifically for my PN (suggested by my neurologist) is alpha-lipoic acid, 600 mg, twice daily. I' already been taking things like a multi-vitamin, B-3, B-12, magnesium, etc. When it arrives (tomorrow?) I'll begin taking EB-N5, which contains alpha-lipoic acid, plus various mega vitamins, like B-12.

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My supply arrived, but my fasting B6 lab results came in -- measured P5-P at 357.7 when lab normal high is 125, so no form of B6 for me . . . one more hope for help dashed.


My supply arrived, but my fasting B6 lab results came in -- measured P5-P at 357.7 when lab normal high is 125, so no form of B6 for me . . . one more hope for help dashed.

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Hi, @zav

Your message motivates me. You may have read in other posts on this thread that I was content to wait until I meet with my PCP in September to press for a B6 lab. Now, from what you learned from your lab, I'm less inclined to wait, I'm going to call my neurologist and ask if he'll give me a script for a B6 lab. I'm pretty sure he will.

Ray (@ray666)


Hi, @zav

Your message motivates me. You may have read in other posts on this thread that I was content to wait until I meet with my PCP in September to press for a B6 lab. Now, from what you learned from your lab, I'm less inclined to wait, I'm going to call my neurologist and ask if he'll give me a script for a B6 lab. I'm pretty sure he will.

Ray (@ray666)

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In many states you can order your own at Labcorp. Needs to be fasting. Not sure Medicare will pay for it; I heard $68 at Labcorp, but have not checked. The university warned me that it could be over $400 if Medicare denies it.


I'm hot on the trail of a B-6 test. I just moments ago left a message for my doctor, If I don't hear back before 5, I'll follow up with another call. ––Ray


@ray666 - I have my neuro doc appointment in September and I'm going to ask her to recheck my B-6. I went back on my labs and I don't see it for past 3 - 4 years. They check the B-12 each year but not the B-6 which I know low B-12 is a smoking gun but elevated B-6 can cause issues as well. My PCP did not order it. From a neurologist standpoint, I will also ask if there are any other lab tests that should be ordered along with B-6.


I am interested to learn about the B-6 test and the results you receive. This is new to me!

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