Vestibular Migraine with associated tactile illusions
My wife (age 67) was recently diagnosed with chronic Vestibular Migraine disorder. For the past year she has experienced constant (24/7) vertigo, along with false sensations of objects in her mouth, a metal brace around her face, and an undulating energy field around her. The diagnosing otoneuroligist believes the VM could be impacting the trigeminal nerve system also, which could explain the facial and energy field sensations. She has another neuro appt coming up soon, and has not yet begun a treatment for this. Ativan gives her an hour of relief a couple times a day. Has anyone else experienced or heard of these odd tactile sensations being associated with VM? Thx!
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I have such strange sensations I was afraid to mention them and unless you get to the right doc they think you are off the wall or making it up and who would do that? I feel as though I am constantly rocking in a boat, yesterday it started with my eyes seeing shadows then a really bad spell of vertigo which sends me spinning in fear, then feeling of stabbing in my skull and like someone hit me in the back o f the head then it shoots down my neck, numbs my face, shoulder and chest feel like pain inside my skin then I am in bed for the rest of the day, stomach is a mess, side of my mouth tingles, it is like a monster circulating in my body. Sometimes lasts for three days then I am shot and can't function then anxiety and fear set in. Sometimes my skin feels like it is burning. I have a heightened sense of smell along with things. The metal band around your head generally happens
Boston Eye and Ear diagnosed my wife with VM a year ago after several hours of testing, so we felt we were on the right track. The oto-neurologist there did feel the VM could be impacting the trigeminal nerve system also, which could account for my wife's odd tactile sensations. Other neurologist however have questioned whether this is actually what's going on, so we are not certain she is on the right track. Boston is too far away for us, so she is now seeing new primary care and specialists at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (NH) and they have been great. Multiple disciplines are involved and they are taking her symptoms seriously. Her symptoms are relentless 24/7, so we desperate for some relief for her after 2 years of suffering.
@jenniferhunter has suggested resources to us regarding interaction of vestibular and trigeminal nerve systems that have been informative.
Hi there
I am six months into my diagnosis of vestibular migraine. After many negative MRI and cat scans, I am working with a neurologist. I am on my third trial of medicine. The level of imbalance has lowered significantly, however remains daily. I still walk like and feel like I'm on a boat often. Have you noticed the heat and humidity as a trigger? Realizing our triggers are individual, I was curious. I kept a journal to help.