How did you cope with the side effects tapering off prednisone?

Posted by abbeyc @abbeyc, Mar 19, 2022

Has anyone experienced issues when they first started to taper? this is day 2 for me (went from 16 mg to 14 mg) and I am experiencing headaches. Wondering if this is normal and if it will improve.

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I was diagnosed with PMR 3 years ago. I started at 40mg of prednisone. Then slowly tapered down to 5mg. After about 2years+
at 5 my rheumatologist wants
me to slowly taper down to zero. I’m also on hydroxycloriquine.
It’s been almost 3 weeks at 4mg. I’m miserable. Body ache, and a mild
nausea. My doctor told me it would be rough, and to ride it out.
Is the sick feeling normal? How long does this last? I’m ready to throw
in the towel and swallow a handful of prednisone.

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I’m similar to you, I can’t go below 4 mg without flaring badly. I took HQC like you for a year but it had no effect on PMR, might have kept me from getting Covid lol. Prednisone is all that works for me so far.


I showed my bruised arms to my dermatologist and asked "Is there anything I can do to counter the effect of prednisone thinning my skin?" He looked at me and said, "Nope." I'm getting used to touch-bruises and gashes on my legs but I don't like it. Presently on 8 mg prednisone.

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The bruising is so unsightly! I bought thin white leggings to wear with dresses and I don’t wear shorts. Yuck. Sorry for us.


I showed my bruised arms to my dermatologist and asked "Is there anything I can do to counter the effect of prednisone thinning my skin?" He looked at me and said, "Nope." I'm getting used to touch-bruises and gashes on my legs but I don't like it. Presently on 8 mg prednisone.

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I relate to getting the bruises and gashes. In my pre prednisone life if I bumped the coffee table there was little to show. Now disaster ! I get bleeding ( I’m on blood thinners ) and the wound takes forever to heal. It just seems to be one complication after another.


My friend referred me to Arnicare Gel for bruising. This is the first time I have used it. Previously, it would have taken at least a full month to heal the ugly red marks on my arms. It has now been two weeks and the marks are substantially healed. I would guess they would be totally gone within a week. So, I am probably eliminating at least a week of looking like an abused woman by using Arnicare.


Someone suggested Emu oil to me. I just bought some and will be trying it. Worth a try.


My friend referred me to Arnicare Gel for bruising. This is the first time I have used it. Previously, it would have taken at least a full month to heal the ugly red marks on my arms. It has now been two weeks and the marks are substantially healed. I would guess they would be totally gone within a week. So, I am probably eliminating at least a week of looking like an abused woman by using Arnicare.

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i have been using arnica. it doesn’t do much for older bruises but seems to be helping large solid one a little.


I found it didn’t do much initially and then All of the sudden , an 8 inch bruise started to gradually disappear. I bet it will be gone in three weeks. Normally something this big would have taken at a minimum a month. I agree that you need to get it on immediately and that it doesn’t do much for older bruises.


I've tapered from 15mg (6 weeks) to 12.5mg (two weeks) daily and realized just yesterday that I'm feeling oddly normal suddenly. I'm not even noticing much in the way of Prednisone side effects.
I see the doctor this afternoon and will ask about going down to 10mg daily then get the 1mg tablets for a slower tapering.
He's also questioning the Tramadol (for Fibro pain) and since I get migraines, I'll see if I can try Topamax. If so, I may be able to taper off the Tramadol and no longer take the Imitrex for migraines. Very exciting!


I relate to getting the bruises and gashes. In my pre prednisone life if I bumped the coffee table there was little to show. Now disaster ! I get bleeding ( I’m on blood thinners ) and the wound takes forever to heal. It just seems to be one complication after another.

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So sorry about the effects of steroids on your skin. We could have a contest to vote on which side effect we hate the most.


I too can relate. Tapering off very conservatively (1 month 1/2 mg decrease) had increased pain at 3 mg so jumped back to 5 mg and pain decreased. But tiredness is unreal. I know the adrenals do take time to “wake up” and function again. Brain farts are constant! I’ll do something and completely forget I did it, and do it again. Hence one rather fat cat lol.

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In April started 20 ml steroid. It was wonderful. Started tapering to 17.5 then 15. Pain came back and doctor said go back up to 20. Now 20 doesn't seem to have same effect as it did before. Profound weakness and unsteady in walking. Can't see doctor till August. About ready to give up.

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