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@loribmt Yes, i was wondering why these are using a Jakafi type inhibitor on me when im not even jak2 positive. (i'm Calr + Axl1 mutations) And i was wondering if I'm already immuno compromised (just with my condition alone). It looks like i reported my bmt matching donor results wrong. They just had'nt told me yet because i guess i had'nt asked. Today I found out they actually have a potential 9/10 donor but wanted to see how closely my brother might also be my match. Thats going to be exciting to find out about. ☀️🌻🤗

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Replies to "@loribmt Yes, i was wondering why these are using a Jakafi type inhibitor on me when..."

Quite a few of our cancer meds are used for multiple conditions. Conditions tend to overlap.

Most of us with a blood condition tend to be immune compromised. Especially if our white counts are down. If you’re on treatments, they also tend to lower our ability to fight infection.

That’s fantastic news if there’s been a donor match. Ideal doctor’s would like a 10/10 match, but 9/10 will work fine!
A sibling is also a great match so finger’s crossed your brother comes through. The medication he’d have to take is a very small price for helping his sister. It’s not that big of a deal! My donor did it for a perfect stranger! I still don’t know who this kid is but he was only 20 at the time. I know you’re not real close with your siblings but c’mon…he could save a life by doing this. Giving someone a second chance at life is a priceless gift!! 😍

Be The Match foundation is who Mayo uses to procure donors. https://bethematch.org/

You won’t be able to find out who your donor is for 1 year if from the US. Europe, I believe is 2 years.