Has anyone improved bone density without meds?

Posted by naomid @naomid, Mar 21, 2023

I have a very problematic dental history and will continue to need additional root canals and implants. I also have Sjogren's Syndrome and want to avoid any drugs that cause rheumatic symptoms. Other issues in my health history make all of the meds risky for me. That said, I work out almost daily, lift weights, maintain a healthy diet, take all the recommended supplements, and get most of my calcium nutritionally. My endocrinologist wants me to take an infusion/injectable drug. I dread the side-effects, yet I'm afraid of fracturing, which hasn't happened over the many years I have had osteoporosis. That said, my numbers are getting worse (-3.2 spine, -3.1 hip). I need to do something more than I've been doing, and am at a loss. I need hope and solutions I can be at peace with. Thanks for any comments or suggestions!

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@artscaping do you have an preexisting GERD issues?

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Hi there,

No @windyshores. GERD has never visited me. In fact, I don't have any internal diseases or issues. My challenges are bones, bones, and more bones. Orthopedic surgery should have been named after me. Toes, ankles, knees, fingers, shoulders, neck, lumbar and cervical spine, and a massive concussion courtesy of falling off my horse when he was stung by a bee.

Why do you ask?????


Hi there,

No @windyshores. GERD has never visited me. In fact, I don't have any internal diseases or issues. My challenges are bones, bones, and more bones. Orthopedic surgery should have been named after me. Toes, ankles, knees, fingers, shoulders, neck, lumbar and cervical spine, and a massive concussion courtesy of falling off my horse when he was stung by a bee.

Why do you ask?????

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@artscaping I had to look back a ways to see why I asked! I have GERD which may make it hard to take alendronate. I saw that you take it without side effects. If you said yes you have GERD but take alendronate successfully that would have been encouraging! I think I will have to stick with Reclast as my next med.


Wonder why he would put me on Prolia than. Rather than Reclast . They already screwed up. Had me on Forteo. Never was put on anything after that. Surgeon prescribed it. You don’t see surgeons after so long . It’s crazy. Now I’m suffering for their screw up.

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@dreamjean1958 Amgen makes both Evenity and Prolia and suggests that sequence. I believe a lot of people are doing that. You can do Prolia and then Reclast but the timing needs to be done based on blood tests. My docs don't use Prolia much, but many others do.


Thank you , I wonder why your Drs don’t use Prolia much .? Are they endocrinologists ? Mine is from Mayo . I’ll definitely talk to him about the options . We had a discussion and he told me . If I am on Evinity . After a yr . I will need Prolia . Otherwise my bones will go backwards very fast . I won’t be able to move and I’ll break a bone . Pretty Scarry


I'm right with you, have bad density, but so scared of all the drugs. Every one I've tried had bad side effects. The most worrisome thing I read from others is that stopping these drugs makes you lose bone faster and worse. How is that? Is that to the benefit of drug companies, to get you "hooked" on a drug that you then need forever? Something is very wrong with this, and more people need to question it. A medicine should improve you, and you stay improved, or at the worse, the same. How is it you get worse from using it and stopping it? This is flat out unethical and wrong.


Can you do the yoga for osteoporosis exercises that are online?

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Dr. Fishman has 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis. You can find him on you tube.


Dr. Fishman has 12 yoga poses for osteoporosis. You can find him on you tube.

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I have looked at those.

If you have arthritis in both knees, these are hard to do.

Can not get on floor to do floor exercises which are most of these 12 as can not get on floor and get up.

Do not know if doing them on a bed would be useful as a bed is soft and exercises are supposed to be weight bearing and put pressure on bones....


I'm right with you, have bad density, but so scared of all the drugs. Every one I've tried had bad side effects. The most worrisome thing I read from others is that stopping these drugs makes you lose bone faster and worse. How is that? Is that to the benefit of drug companies, to get you "hooked" on a drug that you then need forever? Something is very wrong with this, and more people need to question it. A medicine should improve you, and you stay improved, or at the worse, the same. How is it you get worse from using it and stopping it? This is flat out unethical and wrong.

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Thank you for that statement about bone drugs that further decrease bone to before you started and worse. Plus if then switched to another med afterwards, if not started at the exact right moment for the individual person, by testing until the right moment, which they do not do, bone just goes downhill anyway. PA admitted that it would be a lifetime drug. What happens if one has side effects to it.?..disaster...

I am thinking that they are just not saying that you will be injected with that one med the rest of your life for $5,000 a year without insurance.

Why would pharmaceutical companies look for better products when they can charge anything and make a fortune???


Has anyone gone to Osteostrong to build bones? We have one here and I am considering going.


Thank you , I wonder why your Drs don’t use Prolia much .? Are they endocrinologists ? Mine is from Mayo . I’ll definitely talk to him about the options . We had a discussion and he told me . If I am on Evinity . After a yr . I will need Prolia . Otherwise my bones will go backwards very fast . I won’t be able to move and I’ll break a bone . Pretty Scarry

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@dreamjean1958 my docs don't prescribe Prolia because it is hard to get off of it. Unless you go on Reclast or other bisphosphonate (preferably Reclast) bone density goes down quickly and fracture risk goes up. My doc does blood tests to make sure the transition to Reclast from Prolia isn't too early (won't work) or too late.

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