Plant-based diet for autoimmune?

Posted by bayhorse @bayhorse, Jul 7, 2023

I'm wondering if any of you have had experience with or know anything about a completely plant-based diet for autoimmune diseases. The AIP diet allows meat and poultry and fish, so I'm not referring to AIP (which I did and found unhelpful). I have been having lupus flares, and several friends have mentioned that I should investigate a completely plant-based protocol. This seems to be completely contradictory to AIP tenets, which steers away from nuts, grains, legumes, etc. But there's apparently (?) medical thought supporting the plant route for autoimmune diseases.

I am already very careful about my diet as I have celiac disease and ulcerative colitis, so I steer clear of processed foods, sugars, bad fats, etc., and am strictly gluten-free.

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Hello @bayhorse -

I have the autoimmune disease myasthenia gravis and began a plant based diet one week after my diagnosis. This was not at my doctor’s suggestion but based on what I’ve read. That was more than a year and half ago. Since then, I have not had a flare or taken any medication. At the one year mark, I did start to have animal foods on occasions, like turkey at Thanksgiving. I’ve also eaten gluten free this whole time and started a low dose blood pressure medication. Of course I can’t say which if any of these are responsible for my lack of symptoms, but I will continue to eat gluten free and vegan until I have a reason to think it is not helping.

Best of luck and health to you!

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Hi, Lucylulu: Thanks for your input. How did you get started with your plant-based diet? Was there a particular plan or cookbook you used? I am worried in particular about not getting enough protein. Thanks for any help you can give.


Before my diagnosis of Sjogerns, I was eating vegan. I did this for about 6 months. And that’s when all my problems started. I had problems getting enough protein as I Can’t eat the amount of legumes required, nor do I like tofu. I also wasn’t getting enough calcium. I did take a supplement for vegans called Complement so if you do a plant based diet I highly recommend it. I think plant based is great but it didn’t work for me. The AIP diet, along with a food sensitivity test, did.

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Hi, cpd: I had trouble with AIP mostly because I have heart disease as well as my autoimmune issues, so am having to restrict saturated fats and could not include the more caloric items on the diet. And I have no gall bladder, so couldn't tolerate a lot of the allowed oils. As a result, I lost weight rapidly, an issue because I only weighed 90 pounds when starting. My body really was stressing!

I am on a ton of supplements prescribed by my primary care physician, and am back to eating "normally" for me -- gluten free, stay away from sugar, etc. But a couple of weeks ago I had the first UC flare I've had in years, my arthritis suddenly got worse, and I seem to be having lupus symptoms I never had before. Hence my search for some dietary help, if such a thing exists. Aside from the challenge of getting enough protein, did the plant-based diet actually cause problems for you autoimmune-wise?


I have EDS Mast Cell Gad and allergic to gluten . My life is finally bordering on normal thanks to going on. carnivore diet and that is not keto . The price of having my health and life restored, is knuckling down and living on it! That’s the price and the healthier I get the cheaper that feels! Non of any half steps even came close! And there are millions out here quietly doing that bec it works and we don’t want to hear from the naysayers. I think there is a blood type connection to O type. O was made by meat eaters. I’m O. And I am well only on Carnivore! Shawn Baker on You Tube will help if you are interested! Good Luck!

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Thanks for your input. I, too, am a Type O.


Please tell me what the AIP diet is. I also have Sjogrens, Schlerderma and have an ileostomy which really complicates my diet.

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Autoimmune Protocol diet. You can find it online just by googling "AIP diet." It didn't help me, and I questioned the logic behind some of the restrictions (particularly where eggs and legumes were concerned), but other people say it has worked for them. Wishing you the best...


Autoimmune Protocol diet. You can find it online just by googling "AIP diet." It didn't help me, and I questioned the logic behind some of the restrictions (particularly where eggs and legumes were concerned), but other people say it has worked for them. Wishing you the best...

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Thank you so much. Nothing has worked well for me especially mostly because of my ileostomy. It’s working well but not with the autoimmune food suggestions or medication! Thanks again.


Hi, Lucylulu: Thanks for your input. How did you get started with your plant-based diet? Was there a particular plan or cookbook you used? I am worried in particular about not getting enough protein. Thanks for any help you can give.

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I found the Wahls protocol very beneficial for autoimmune.
9 years now.


@bayhorse it has been my experience that well meaning family and friends offer me advice that is contrary to what I should be doing. I have several autoimmune diseases and have been told countless times that I should be taking immune boosting supplements like Vitamin C or Zinc or other supplements. That is incorrect and harmful.

Autoimmune diseases should NOT be treated with immune builders! That concept is so hard to get others to understand. Our immune system is trying to make us sicker so we don’t want to strengthen it.

I find sugar to be partially responsible for my flares. But, when you have any autoimmune disease, there are bound to be flares. I don’t have lupus. I have a form of Vasculitis, and fibromyalgia. I have good times and bad days like everyone else.

I choose to eat healthy but not restrict myself to doing anything I don’t like. I want to enjoy my life and not worry about having a piece of cake!

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Thank you. I wonder what your symptoms are and how you were diagnosed with Vasculitis?


Hi, Lucylulu: Thanks for your input. How did you get started with your plant-based diet? Was there a particular plan or cookbook you used? I am worried in particular about not getting enough protein. Thanks for any help you can give.

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Hi @bayhorse - No, I don’t follow a specific plan. That’s one of the nice things about plant-based is that’s the plan - plant based foods. 😋I do try to eat the whole plant as much as possible (ex I eat edamame but not soy milk).

I’ve found that religion, politics, and protein are three topics I try to avoid discussing! But I’ll go there for you. By eating a wide variety of vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes each day, I get about 20-30 grams of protein per meal. If I add something like pea powder to a smoothie or use chickpea pasta, I can get about 30-40 grams per meal.

Personally, since I’ve never been told I have a protein or iron deficiency, I don’t worry about it and probably only get about 60 grams total most days.

For reference, I’m 55, strength train four days a week, and hike 8-10 miles in the Colorado mountains every weekend.

I do take a B-12 supplement as that is a nutrient you can’t get from commercially grown plants in the US.

Having said all that, I know many people who say they don’t feel their best on a diet like mine. So definitely, talk to your doctor and listen to your body.

There are so many great vegan cookbooks and chefs on social media. I really like the Oh She Glows cookbooks by Angela Liddon.

Good luck and good health!


Please tell me what the AIP diet is. I also have Sjogrens, Schlerderma and have an ileostomy which really complicates my diet.

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@dancing1 , AIP is the Autoimmune Protocol diet. It’s basically meat, fish, fruit and vegetables that you stay on until your symptoms go away. Then you start reintroducing foods and watching to see if your symptoms return. You can search and find a lot of info in the net about it.


Hi, cpd: I had trouble with AIP mostly because I have heart disease as well as my autoimmune issues, so am having to restrict saturated fats and could not include the more caloric items on the diet. And I have no gall bladder, so couldn't tolerate a lot of the allowed oils. As a result, I lost weight rapidly, an issue because I only weighed 90 pounds when starting. My body really was stressing!

I am on a ton of supplements prescribed by my primary care physician, and am back to eating "normally" for me -- gluten free, stay away from sugar, etc. But a couple of weeks ago I had the first UC flare I've had in years, my arthritis suddenly got worse, and I seem to be having lupus symptoms I never had before. Hence my search for some dietary help, if such a thing exists. Aside from the challenge of getting enough protein, did the plant-based diet actually cause problems for you autoimmune-wise?

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@bayhorse I had a food sensitivity test done after I had been on the vegan diet and it showed that a lot of the foods I was eating I was sensitive to. Such as avocados and pineapples and potatoes, all plant foods. So, yes, plant based caused my symptoms to worsen. When I cut out the foods the sensitivity test showed I was sensitive to and added back meat and fish, I slowly got better.

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