Hi, stage 4 colorectal cancer here

Posted by wifemom3 @wifemom3, Apr 23, 2022

Hi. I am new to the group. My name is Michele and I am located in Florida. I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer on January 19th 2022.
I am currently on my 7th round of chemo. Is anyone else newly diagnosed with stage 4? Looking for a little support.

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My husband is also newly diagnosed with stage 4colon cancer... We stay in South Africa.
Kindly share your experience with us about the side effects you experienced during your chemo and what you were eating during that time.

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I am also in SA but was diagnose with rectal cancer in Florida, USA. I flew back to SA and went to Busamed in Hillcrest and my oncologist is Dr. Rob Wilson.

I had 12 chemo sessions through a port that was surgically installed. I started in November 2022. First did 8 chemo sessions every 2 weeks. I would also go home with a chemo pump installed for two days then return to have it removed.

After 8 sessions I stopped chemo through the port and did 6 weeks of radiation every day and took chemo tablets. I then completed my last 4 chemo sessions.

I did not experience nausea but did take the anti-nausea pills they provided. My taste buds took a hammering and you will go off quite a few foods. I didn't lose my appetite but couldn't stomach some dishes. I also experience neuropathy in my hands and feet and took Neurobion (vitamin B) to help with that. The nurses also said to have a teaspoon of honey sprinkled with cinnamon every day.

I also had MRI's and CT scans to check on progress. I started with a 6cm tumor in the rectum and this shrunk to 4 cm and then 3.1 cm on my final MRI. I still had 2 more chemo sessions after that before my consultation with a surgeon.

I went to Dr. Strachan who is a surgeon at Busamed and had a colonoscopy done. He said he could see no sign of cancer. I was elated. He will check again in 6 weeks but I am feeling really hopeful, at the moment, that it has gone.

I will say, Busamed in Hillcrest is a world class facility. I am most impressed with that hospital and all of the staff. Dr Wilson works with Hopelands Cancer Center and is in Durban and Hillcrest.

Diet wise, I completely stopped consuming any sugar, which I did years ago, and have not had a drop of alcohol since my diagnosis. I stuck to a healthy diet of white meat (chicken), fish, eggs and vegetables. I also eat quite a bit of fruit and grain. No fried food at all.

I hope some of that helps.


I believe that I was also stage 4 rectal/anal cancer. 12 chemo sessions (every 2 weeks including 2 days on a chemo pump) and 6 weeks of daily radiation and the surgeon has told me that he can find no sign of cancer.

I am elated and it seems to show that chemo and radiation is very effective. Wishing you the very best on your journey, it's very doable but quite a tough road.


Reading your testimonies is really helpful, thank you so much for the great feedback.. There's nothing too big God cannot handle, it's worldly battles... I really appreciate and keeping positive attitude towards the journey ahead of us. 🙏🙏🙏


My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer with 22 metastatic tumors in his liver in September 2020 after a totally clean, see-you-in-10-years colonoscopy just 22 months before. We thought it was a death sentence. We opted to go to a research-based hospital and cannot recommend that enough! Yes, it’s 4 hours round trip, but those 4 hours compared to the level of local care we received is PRICELESS! Emergency surgery after colon blockage due to the size of his tumor, colostomy for six months, reversal and reconstruction as well as hepatic artery pump for his liver. He has had 39 chemo doses so far with extremely low side effects - he still has all his hair, only very mild nausea at the very beginning and very mild neuropathy after several doses. And the most positive attitude continues to amaze me. The team approach to care is invaluable. I still do my research via other high-level research facilities regarding options they may be exploring. Perhaps you have someone who can do that for you. I am sorry you are on this path…watching someone go through it is so hard because you can’t fix it for them. Lean on others. Accept ANY help offered. You need your energy for fighting this horrid disease! My prayers to you!

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My husband also has stage 4 colon cancer metastasized to his liver—11 spots. Would you be willing to share what cancer center your husband received treatment at? He’s thinking he needs the HAI pump and looking for a cancer center for that. Thank you!


I believe that I was also stage 4 rectal/anal cancer. 12 chemo sessions (every 2 weeks including 2 days on a chemo pump) and 6 weeks of daily radiation and the surgeon has told me that he can find no sign of cancer.

I am elated and it seems to show that chemo and radiation is very effective. Wishing you the very best on your journey, it's very doable but quite a tough road.

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health anxiety ?


My husband has stage 4. Spread to lungs Diagnosed July 2022 had 12 chemo treatments with terrible side effects. Has been on a 3 month chemo break. He has regained some of his strength. He has a PET scan July 18th. We are enjoying everyday but it is scary.


health anxiety ?

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I still have neuropathy and can feel the chemo still in my system. I am slightly anemic but I think vitamin B is the answer to that. Overall, my energy has returned, although not quite what it used to be. I am back to enjoying life though and things will get better day by day.



My husband is also newly diagnosed with stage 4colon cancer... We stay in South Africa.
Kindly share your experience with us about the side effects you experienced during your chemo and what you were eating during that time.

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Well, my husband is stage 4 rectal cancer. He has been fighting 2years and 2months. This round of chemo has been 9 months. If he goes off chemo, his CEA levels sky rocket. Once the cancer metastasized, it is moving in the body. We are not any better off now then we were when we started this journey. His cancer is not curable, which has been told to us by 2 teams of cancer doctors in 2 states. My husband did not want want believe this. But now he gets it. We have been married 54 years. Our children are sad. We are a close family. Cancer sucks!


Well, my husband is stage 4 rectal cancer. He has been fighting 2years and 2months. This round of chemo has been 9 months. If he goes off chemo, his CEA levels sky rocket. Once the cancer metastasized, it is moving in the body. We are not any better off now then we were when we started this journey. His cancer is not curable, which has been told to us by 2 teams of cancer doctors in 2 states. My husband did not want want believe this. But now he gets it. We have been married 54 years. Our children are sad. We are a close family. Cancer sucks!

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I survived rectal cancer. Had chemo, radiation, and then had aprox. 11 inches of my rectum removed. If I hadn't had this done, I might not be here right now. I think what a person has to do is go the route that gives the most Quality of life. I'm not saying your husband should stop cancer treatments but he and you should look at this hard and decide what will give him the best Quality of life. Live for today but plan for tomorrow. My heart goes out to you, him, and your family. Yes Cancer SUCKS!


I survived rectal cancer. Had chemo, radiation, and then had aprox. 11 inches of my rectum removed. If I hadn't had this done, I might not be here right now. I think what a person has to do is go the route that gives the most Quality of life. I'm not saying your husband should stop cancer treatments but he and you should look at this hard and decide what will give him the best Quality of life. Live for today but plan for tomorrow. My heart goes out to you, him, and your family. Yes Cancer SUCKS!

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Hi. Thank you. He had all his rectum taken out. Has a colostomy bag. When they did surgery, he now has no control over his bladder. It is in liver and lungs. While he has been taking chemo, there is a sack of fluid by where he had the surgery. And it is spreading to another area. By where he had the surgery. It kills me to see him like this. Linda

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