Correlation between peripheral neuropathy and low RBC?

Posted by Ray Kemble @ray666, Jul 1, 2023

I have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. I've no pain but terrible balance. I also have two swollen feet. Doctors noticed my swollen feet long before I received my PN diagnosis, but they've never figured out why. I also have a low RBC (red blood count), for which I have seen a hematologist; he didn't appear to be terribly alarmed. I'm wondering: Do any of you with PN also have swollen feet? And has anyone (doctor-type) linked it to your PN? Same thing for a low RBC: Have any of you had a low RBC connected in some credible way to your PN? I'd sure love to know.

Ray (@ray666)

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If any of you are taking pregabalin, what mg are you taking daily? It is supposed to not have some of the side effects that gabapentin (which most people take) have. I still have alot of pain and keep wondering if I should up the 2 x 25 mg a day-sure I will check with dr before changing; but still want to know what most people are taking
Thanks!! Betty G

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I take pregabalin. 100mg - 3x/day
I also take duloxetine once a day 30mg
I have read that this combination is helpful for nerve pain.
Check with your doctor. Always best to take the minimal amount of meds that provide relief.

I have not had any issues with side effects.
It helps my pain - my feet are uncomfortable but more from sensations of feeling like I'm wearing a sock all the time and stiffness. Occasional discomfort at night.


I was wondering if I should be taking more pregabalin-am only taking 2 x 25 mg at bedtime; but, am having terrible leg pain! I still have the duloxetine here, so better start taking. Do you have any side effects at all? I have also been going to a pain specialist-got an appt in the morning-they have tried the SCS Boston Scientific-did nothing-did the Epidural that was supposed to last 4-6 months-nothing!! Going to get THC in a few minutes-I am taking Tramadol, which just barely takes the edge off of the pain. Thank heavens I take Ambien at night so do get a good night's rest. Neuropathy has sure made life terrible!! Thank you so much for your information!!


Yes-they get really swollen-purple and I guess they are small blood vessels showing-have no idea why or when they will swell or get like that because there are other times when I have been on my feet all day and they seem to be okay????


I take pregabalin. 100mg - 3x/day
I also take duloxetine once a day 30mg
I have read that this combination is helpful for nerve pain.
Check with your doctor. Always best to take the minimal amount of meds that provide relief.

I have not had any issues with side effects.
It helps my pain - my feet are uncomfortable but more from sensations of feeling like I'm wearing a sock all the time and stiffness. Occasional discomfort at night.

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Also I did not notice if you were male or female and how much you weigh? That could be a factor in what my Dr prescribed for me. Would you please let me know. Thank you so very much!!


I have the same thing with swollen feet but lots of pain! Small fiber neuropathy and a neuroma. I think damaged nerves from foot surgeries and lots of scarring but not sure! Did you try Mayo's neurology center? I'm still waiting for them to reach back out. I refuse anymore surgeries. Seems like nobody cares or research has a long way to go.


PN research does have a way to go; whether that's a long way or a short way (something tells me it won't be a short way) is impossible to say. As a Joe Civilian, I do what I can by phoning and writing to my legislators, asking that they get behind PN research. I phone or write at least once a month. I'm determined to play the part of the squeaky wheel. LOL ––Ray (@ray666)


I am so very sorry but this is not a part of my PN but I would definitely be willing to check with my Doctor at my appointment on the 14th of July . However I have no idea about the (Red Blood Cell Count) that’s not something I suffer with. I will get back to you on the swelling of the feet though. As far as my balance , yes it’s challenging to walk and stand though. Hopefully something was said that will bless your heart.


I am a diabetic since 2017 and diabetic neuropathy started with my feet (tingling, numb, painful nerve strikes, etc..) in 2018 which nerve damages eventually spread into my calves and thighs plus waist. Until this day(2023), I have been dealing with unmanaged/uncontrollably diabetes II and painful neuropathy.

After all the doctors, neurologist, emergency rooms, hospitals, etc.. , plus prescribed medications (gabapentin, Juniva, Metformin, Duloxetine, etc.. I completely regret to spend thousands and thousands of dollars (Out of Pocket and/or Insurance)…

After 5 years with such conditions, you DO NOT want the neuropathy (nerve damage) to quickly grow and affect your entire feet, calves, thighs, and hands as it is an extremely terrible feeling along with very poor state of mind, anxiety, stress, daily activities, etc..

Sadly, REAL answer for these serious mental and health complications and conditions were experienced as "NO CURE" ! The only solution provided is to amputate feet, legs, and hands. I could not live with myself with such situation as I will continue to suffer and convince mind it is part of the remaining part and style of my life.

I adopted a 5 year dog to help encourage walking at least 4 times a week.

My advice is to eat healthy, exercise, and most definitely "Save your Money"…

My prayers are with you ...


Also I did not notice if you were male or female and how much you weigh? That could be a factor in what my Dr prescribed for me. Would you please let me know. Thank you so very much!!

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I am female - weight is around 200 lbs.


I am a diabetic since 2017 and diabetic neuropathy started with my feet (tingling, numb, painful nerve strikes, etc..) in 2018 which nerve damages eventually spread into my calves and thighs plus waist. Until this day(2023), I have been dealing with unmanaged/uncontrollably diabetes II and painful neuropathy.

After all the doctors, neurologist, emergency rooms, hospitals, etc.. , plus prescribed medications (gabapentin, Juniva, Metformin, Duloxetine, etc.. I completely regret to spend thousands and thousands of dollars (Out of Pocket and/or Insurance)…

After 5 years with such conditions, you DO NOT want the neuropathy (nerve damage) to quickly grow and affect your entire feet, calves, thighs, and hands as it is an extremely terrible feeling along with very poor state of mind, anxiety, stress, daily activities, etc..

Sadly, REAL answer for these serious mental and health complications and conditions were experienced as "NO CURE" ! The only solution provided is to amputate feet, legs, and hands. I could not live with myself with such situation as I will continue to suffer and convince mind it is part of the remaining part and style of my life.

I adopted a 5 year dog to help encourage walking at least 4 times a week.

My advice is to eat healthy, exercise, and most definitely "Save your Money"…

My prayers are with you ...

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Hello, michhino (@michhino)

Yours was, without a doubt, one of the most eloquent, powerful posts I've read in a long, long time. And your closing advice that we all eat healthy, exercise, and not spend money foolishly couldn't possibly have summed things up in a more straightforward, uncomplicated, no-nonsense way.

Regardless of the severity of our symptoms, all of us are flailing about trying to figure out what's the best thing to do. That word "incurable," and that other word, "progressive,"––two words that have rattled us all, rendering us puzzled, desperate, and possibly even frightened.

I often feel I'm walking a balance beam (not an easy task for someone with PN), trying to go steadily straightforward (think: eat healthy, exercise, and don't waste money on snake oil), one cautious step at a time, avoiding as best I can tumbling either to one side or the other into a pit of despair.

Thank you, michhino, for your post. It's going to stay with me for quite some time.

Ray (@ray666)

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