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As we ALL know and large percentage of folks, like myself, also are dealing with anxiety, depression and or PTSD, caused by this awful best that covid is and messing up our hormones and nervous system.

I do realize that everyone is different and responds differently to the medication, but I thought it would be helpful to hear what most folks are using and what has helped. I'm down to 89 lbs and KNOW I need medication.

I'm a 2+ yrs LT Covid sufferer and in the beginning I tried Zoloft, which helped a little, then switched to Escitalopram and I remember waking up about 2 wks later and felt like my fabulous self! Unfortunately, that was short lived and I weaned off (probably should have stuck with it). From what I learned since, that is what Covid does, it makes us really sensitive to medications and since the anxiety/depression was not my only symptom (which I didn't know at the time) the other issues needed to be addressed. What I noticed didn't help, was {{{stress}}} It would really set me back, creating a nightmare and new symptoms. Seems like Covid loves to thrive on stress and nervous and immune system.

When I saw a pain specialist, the one medication that he prescribed that was incredible and a life savor was Tramadol. I later learned it has a tiny bit of opioid in it, which I didn't know; hence feeling better.

I don't take it because i don't want to become addicted to a pain killer drug. A friend tells me, "if it works and gives you a life, take it!"

Please chime in and let us know what med is working for you. We may begin to see a lot of similarities in the Rx used which will be very helpful.

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Replies to "As we ALL know and large percentage of folks, like myself, also are dealing with anxiety,..."

Hello seadogfarm - I'm sending you a private message.

I also tried Zoloft to no avail. After many months on waiting lists for psychiatrists , I finally got one who offers neuropsychiatric genetic testing through Genomind. After reviewing the results, my psychiatrist recommended Pristiq at a low dose of 25. Generic name is Desvenlafaxine. It is extended release so it doesn’t upset on my stomach. I’m feeling more even-keeled and better able to think clearly and cope with problems that come up in daily life. I meet with my psychiatrist every 2 weeks to see how things are going. And I am not finding that I need Xanax anymore. I didn’t want to rely on Xanax to manage my anxiety. I have many sensitivities to ingredients in products especially sensitivities to inactive ingredients like preservatives in medications, so doing genetic testing with Genomind has been helpful to understand how my body processes and metabolizes medication. The results helped my psychiatrist narrow down the field of choices for treating post-Covid anxiety and depression without having to do trial and error methods of treatment. I hope this information helps you.

Anyone find Clonzapam helps with the severe symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc that the beast of Covid causes to our nervous system?

I looked up the Rx on line and it has excellent ratings on so many levels and would like to speak to my Doctor about it. Right now my anxiety is off the charts since Covid (twice) and I'm barely functional and just want to jump out of my skin! I find that benzo's seem to work best.

If you find found that other meds worked better for you, I surely would appreciate you chiming in. I do realize meds work differently for everyone, however, it seems with Covid there is a common Rx and denominator that works best.

I tried Zoloft and Escitalopram already and at first after a few weeks felt it was working but then, BAM, back to square one. They also seemed to cause trembling in my hands, etc.

I hate asking this question, but I've been working with Doctors that know absolutely nada. Two MD's were so bad and tried to prescribe a bipolor Rx and I KNOW I'm not bipolar, trust me, and the other Doc tried to Rx and different drug and said, "try it, it's a good drug and you'll like it, they keep it on stock at all the hospitals." Turned me into a zombie and totally worse and unfunctional. It was awful!