PN: Current research?

Posted by Ray Kemble @ray666, Jun 26, 2023


Is anyone following recent research on PN? I've checked, and although I've found lists of clinical trials, most are over or have closed due to a lack of funding. Yesterday's NYT had an interesting article about the high hopes placed on Crispr research. A dozen maladies were mentioned as possible beneficiaries in the coming years (and decades), but not PN. Have any of you read any recent promising research stories?

Ray (@ray666)

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Good morning, John

I hope your exercise bike didn't insist you stay in the saddle for 20-30 miles! 

Since I created this topic about current research, I've been asked by a few why I'm suddenly interested in current research. I guess it's just sort of a natural segue for me. I'm the kind of guy who can get lost thinking only about his own predicament. When that happens, I find my spirit goes down and down and down. Finding something else to attach my thinking to has always helped me keep my spirits up. PN is so dominant in my life that it's hard to find something to involve myself in that's not related to PN. That's why I came up with the idea of learning something about PN research. (I have other things going on in my life besides PN, like my work, but I can't totally escape thoughts of PN––and why should I try to? Trying to "make" myself not think about my disease would be self-defeating, like trying to "make" myself not think about that toothache: my tooth would only hurt more. ) So, why my interest in current research? That's just me. I long ago learned that if I'm going to keep my spirits up––for my sake as well as for my partner's and my friends'––I need things to be thinking about other than me and what PN is doing to me.

I'm due to climb on board my exercise bike in a few minutes. Every time I climb on board that devil machine, I'm hoping the stirrups don't grab hold of my toes and keep me peddling for days. 

Have a great day, John!

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I don’t know if you’ve visited the “INF" section of this website about the research/treatment being given at Loma Linda University and Medical Center in Calif. Their claims and testimonials, though limited, make it sound too good to be true. Which we usually need to be careful of. But LL is a highly respected, legitimate medical university and I want to believe that they would not risk that reputation by running a scam. But you never know.

I am hoping to go to Loma Linda for the initial evaluation and treatment using the INF, Intranural Facilitation Therapy.

I live about 7 hours away in the Silicon Valley area of Calif. But I starting to have the numbness balance issue on and off, some days pretty bad. I'm having some issues trying to get someone to drive me there since I’m getting leery of my driving abilities, and my circle of friends is now very limited, since about 7 of my close friends have left Calif in the past few years. But that’s another story.

So since you were talking about research, I thought I’d send this to you. Have a great 4th! I enjoy you writings.



I don’t know if you’ve visited the “INF" section of this website about the research/treatment being given at Loma Linda University and Medical Center in Calif. Their claims and testimonials, though limited, make it sound too good to be true. Which we usually need to be careful of. But LL is a highly respected, legitimate medical university and I want to believe that they would not risk that reputation by running a scam. But you never know.

I am hoping to go to Loma Linda for the initial evaluation and treatment using the INF, Intranural Facilitation Therapy.

I live about 7 hours away in the Silicon Valley area of Calif. But I starting to have the numbness balance issue on and off, some days pretty bad. I'm having some issues trying to get someone to drive me there since I’m getting leery of my driving abilities, and my circle of friends is now very limited, since about 7 of my close friends have left Calif in the past few years. But that’s another story.

So since you were talking about research, I thought I’d send this to you. Have a great 4th! I enjoy you writings.


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Hi, Dave

Thanks for this information and the links. Tomorrow when I've more time, I'm going to look carefully into this. You're right, I doubt Loma Linda would risk its reputation on something they didn't fully believe in, which makes their involvement all that more fascinating.

A Happy Fourth to you, too, Dave!'
Ray (@ray666)


I ordered Nooro NMES today, Check out their Website. Seems to be to good to be true. Has return policy.
I have Neuropathy about 4 years. Good luck, will report my findings after trying it.


That's interesting. VERY interesting! I've been scouring the web looking for things like this. The trick now is how to put together a program capable of raising enough money for it to be of real help. That's a puzzler. As a guy retired from a lifetime of working in the arts, I could spare maybe twenty bucks. LOL How do we get people and/or corporations who do have the means excited about helping with PN research? There must be a way.

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Wonder if a go fund me would work. You got people who say they have a splinter in their vbig toe and end up with 200k


I ordered Nooro NMES today, Check out their Website. Seems to be to good to be true. Has return policy.
I have Neuropathy about 4 years. Good luck, will report my findings after trying it.

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Good morning, gba (@gba)

Please do report your findings.

When I read what you wrote, "Seems too good to be true," I smiled. There are so many "quick fixes" out there, especially online, I find I'm telling myself "Seems too good to be true" a half-dozen times every day!

Good luck!
Ray (@ray666)


Good morning, gba (@gba)

Please do report your findings.

When I read what you wrote, "Seems too good to be true," I smiled. There are so many "quick fixes" out there, especially online, I find I'm telling myself "Seems too good to be true" a half-dozen times every day!

Good luck!
Ray (@ray666)

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Good morning, Ray
You might also check out two others, Walkasins and scrambler Calmare. Both have good reviews.


How many of you with the numbness and balance issues are still able to drive? Does the state take away your license or did you voluntarily stop?


@dpso - I'm asked same question by family and friends, and I drive fine. Since I have PN with bilateral drop foot, I was prescribed AFO's made by Ottobock which eliminate the slapping of the foot and provide me with much better balance. I can feel the pressure of the gas peddle and pressure on the brake. I think the AFO's help a lot. I also don't drive more than 90 minutes without getting out and walking around for 5 minutes. Also, hand controls might be an option. From what I've read, good idea to have a certified dealership for that made vehicle install the hand controls. Ed


How many of you with the numbness and balance issues are still able to drive? Does the state take away your license or did you voluntarily stop?

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I have enough feeling and security to know I’m lifting my knee/foot and can feel the pressure against the pedals. However, I only drive in daylight for the added safety of knowing I can glance down at my foot. As for state driving requirements, I believe there’s been a checklist of questions when transferring states 3 times, but none that I had an answer for that had them questioning. I think the only thing they deny is if you can’t pass a vision test, which might be be increased to every 5 years vs 10 yrs when we hit a certain age.


How many of you with the numbness and balance issues are still able to drive? Does the state take away your license or did you voluntarily stop?

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Hi, dpso (@dpso)

I've no problem driving. Of course, I'm unaware of numbness, although the EMG insists I've got some. I'm only troubled by poor balance––poorer at some hours of the day than others. Something Michael J. Fox said in his latest memoir, No Time Like the Future, about one of Parkinson's more curious effects, has stuck with me. Fox said that as challenging as it is for him to walk a straight line on a flat surface, he has far less difficulty going up and down stairs. He believes something is exacting about the "geography" of stairs that tells his brain, "Put your right foot exactly here, now your left foot exactly here, now your right … " I suspect there may be a similar exactness about driving that (at least for me) temporarily clears away the inexactness I contend with when I'm simply trying to walk down the street.

Ray (@ray666)

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