Has anyone had SBRT after prostate cancer recurrence post IMRT?

Posted by kuz @kuz, Jun 28, 2023

Has anyone had SBRT after a recurrence post Imrt.
I am 79 had radiation 16 years ago and now I have to tackle the beast again.

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I had a radical prostatectomy and then radiation 7 years later, for a recurrence. I was in remission for 2 years after that, and now I’m on my 2 nd recurrence. Watching and waiting for next treatment 😬😬😬

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Good luck to you.
We know how it feels.


I am wondering if anyone was treated with Brachytherapy (seeding). A number of my friends have and none of them has ever had a recurrence even though treated many years ago. I wonder if that is the way to go?


What i sthe plan

Me too at 78 back on Zolodex Then 2 ys later Xtandia nd Xgeva

Rad my L1 lumbar Now in L2

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Thank you and good luck.


I am wondering if anyone was treated with Brachytherapy (seeding). A number of my friends have and none of them has ever had a recurrence even though treated many years ago. I wonder if that is the way to go?

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I read that HDR is better than LDR because the seeds are not left in your body permanently.


Yes. It could be. Every time the PSA goes up it may signal spread . The good news is that is unlikely to be due to bone Mets with a PSA that low. A PSMA PET SCAN is needed. It detects small metastatic lesions better than other tests. Or your doctor may repeat PSA to see it keeps rising. Best to you. Stay strong.

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Repeating PSA August 7th PC Met has been in spine L1 L2 T 10 T11 for 2 years L1 was radiated out 1 inch No more radiation as it will weaken my spine I feel great yet concerned I wanted Xtandi to push PSA to 1 or less
40 rads in march 2018 and with zolodex clear till they took me off it in 2020 and I had 3 China Virus shots to travel on vacations

PC so far only in bones spine only and a small cm in right hip


Yes. It could be. Every time the PSA goes up it may signal spread . The good news is that is unlikely to be due to bone Mets with a PSA that low. A PSMA PET SCAN is needed. It detects small metastatic lesions better than other tests. Or your doctor may repeat PSA to see it keeps rising. Best to you. Stay strong.

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Going for PSA August 7th PC is in spine L2 L1 T10 T11
Also getting blood gene analysis to see if BCRI gene is present then Enz plus other drug
Now Enz and Xtandi and Zolodex Saay 1.7 to 2,3 is not a big rise is it


I read that HDR is better than LDR because the seeds are not left in your body permanently.

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Last week I finished my second dose of HDR Brachytherapy at Mayo in Rochester. I was offered the 5 sessions of proton therapy or the HDR Brachythearpy. In my case the RO at Mayo felt these were my best options. A RO that I previously met with felt the seeds created a greater risk of rectal burn. I am not sure if this was because of the location of my cancer or if this is just what he had experienced. I chose the HDR Brachytherapy becuase I could have this done in 2 visits 2 weeks apart or spend more time in Rochester getting the proton beam. My research showed that recurrence rate is very low with HDR (5% or less), also the acute urinary symptoms resolve within a couple of weeks. From what I read urinary symptoms with the seeds could last up to 6 months. I have seen comments on this site where the seeds at times can move out of the prostate, which typically does not create a problem, but I would be uncomfortable with these things floating around.


Last week I finished my second dose of HDR Brachytherapy at Mayo in Rochester. I was offered the 5 sessions of proton therapy or the HDR Brachythearpy. In my case the RO at Mayo felt these were my best options. A RO that I previously met with felt the seeds created a greater risk of rectal burn. I am not sure if this was because of the location of my cancer or if this is just what he had experienced. I chose the HDR Brachytherapy becuase I could have this done in 2 visits 2 weeks apart or spend more time in Rochester getting the proton beam. My research showed that recurrence rate is very low with HDR (5% or less), also the acute urinary symptoms resolve within a couple of weeks. From what I read urinary symptoms with the seeds could last up to 6 months. I have seen comments on this site where the seeds at times can move out of the prostate, which typically does not create a problem, but I would be uncomfortable with these things floating around.

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Look at Zolodex My late boss just had seeds alone Add Xtandi if advised later

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