Is there anything that helps relieve sensitivity and pain in the knee

Posted by wolfie54 @wolfie54, Jun 26, 2023

I just had a left total knee replacement about 6 weeks ago and have been dealing with sensitivity in the knee and down my leg. It hurts for anything to touch it. I have taken my pain medicine, tried massaging it, using pillows, etc, but nothing seems to help relieve this type of pain. If anyone has found anything helpful that worked for them could you please share it? The pain seems to be the worst at night for me and I find it difficult to get much sleep.

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I hear you for me was time …. I don’t really remember how long but one day I as able to wear pants, and put a blank over my leg…as far as nerves at 10 months I still did not feel right side of my knee …. I had a revision at 11 months I am almost year out of that still no feeling on right side …. But honestly come to think of it after revision I did not have the sensitivity issue I had the first time…but you are fresh out I know frustrating but just give it some time ….. it does get better

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Thank you so much for the encouragement! I really needed it! It is frustrating at times just dealing with the pain and the whole healing process and wondering when it is going to feel better. Glad you’re doing better after the revision! I believe that things will get better for me in time as well.


I am 5 weeks out from TKR and have the same problems . Can’t sleep at night. Pain meds not doing much. Can’t use pillows between my legs because of muscle pain in my thigh. Even a blanket on my knee is uncomfortable. Days are better but still painful. When will the no sleep cycle stop?


I am 5 weeks out from TKR and have the same problems . Can’t sleep at night. Pain meds not doing much. Can’t use pillows between my legs because of muscle pain in my thigh. Even a blanket on my knee is uncomfortable. Days are better but still painful. When will the no sleep cycle stop?

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Chiropractor helped me so much with the thigh pain ….the first time I lived with the pain it was terrible i used ice machine it was my best friend lol ….. helped with pain …. But like I said revision I experienced no thigh pain no sensitive…. But the difference was ….. I did mfr and chiropractor along with pt so I think made all the difference… so if you can find a therapist that does mfr trained by dr barnes you won’t disappointed … and a good chiropractor one that does cupping and laser therapy not just adjustments ….trust me I went through felt like an eternity…. But thank goodness for some dr do listen …. You will get it as long as you do exercise everyday keep moving ..,,,as you see your knee bend a little further and extend a little more, celebrate every degree because it is a huge accomplishment …,for sleeping I took olly my niece who is a nurse gave to me …. You can take two , I only had to take 1 ….. good luck to you all I hope you all get relief but like I said it does get better….


Thank you for sharing your experience and insight with me. I had actually thought about trying Voltaren gel to see if it would help. I’ll ask my doctor about it first. I agree with you that it is still early and I do need to give it time.

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Sounds good. Another thing I found was that once the swelling had subsided substantially around week 8, the knee felt better. Movement is hard and stressed and painful when there is a lot of fluid in the knee capsule. Good ol ice and elevation, and time, usually helps.

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