Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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what type of doctor would you see to address neuropathy in the feet? Neurologist, maybe?


I am still trying to figure out a cause to my idiopathic foot neuropathy, which came on fast in May 2019. The word "idiopathic" does not mean there is no cause, it just means no one knows what it is.
Blood sugar is not high (A1C within normal range), do not drink alcohol, B12 is low but with supplements and shots is fine, I have a lower back issue, but two MRIs do not see anything that could be the cause. Mine is numbness only, feet only, and I am told it is mild, though it borders on pain at times. I walk twice a day for an hour each time. Walking helps it to some extent. I take R Lipoic Acid, Magnesuium (glycinate), Acetyl-l-Carnitine, N-acetyl cysteine, BenfoMax (thiamine) -- so far they don't seem to do anything.
One possible smoking gun is weight, and possibly carbohydrates.
Earlier this year I put on 10 pounds relatively quickly (205 > 215) and I definitely noticed my feet were worse. I am now on a mission to get down to 185 which is a more or less ideal weight for me. Will report back if it works.
Foot neuropathy is worst when I first get out of bed. Also, sometimes I am very achy getting out of bed, including lower back, and sometimes I am not. I think there is a correlation between how much I eat late that day -- the more I eat the worse I feel the next morning. Fasting (skip dinner) is the main way I am trying to lose weight. It works great, but keep something like celery sticks around for munching at night as need.


I try to be proactive with my neuropathy. I do walk every night about a mile with my two Bernese Mountain Dogs. This undertaking is a full body workout, bunnies. I also do foot yoga at least once a week, and if I do not do a foot massage every night, my feet yell at me in the morning. I try to do a foot massage in the morning too! I also have cut back on sugar and know when I have had too much. For the most part I drink 60 to 80 ounces of water a day. Around my IVig days I double that. I also stretch, exercise, and lift weights. I did not do all of my routine for a week, as a result of finding new ways to challenge my doctors and boom, the neuropathy is back with a vengeance! I am getting back to the routine, as the alternative is pain. I also try to sleep on my side, so there is as little pressure as possible on the nerves in my feet.

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My doctor has me sleeping with a large pillow between my legs and that has been a huge improvement while I sleep on my side.


So, is your PN primarily in your feet? And, are you able to wear closed shoes?


I noticed that a good diet, avoiding fat food, alcoholic beverages and sugar lowers nuropathy side effects. I also had a very good experience with acupuncture, however, it is not covered by insurance and it's expensive.

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I haven't used acupuncture, but have had dry needling done on my neck and knees. I think that is what it is called. In Michigan, one needs to be a licensed Physical Therapist to administer dry needling, I think it helps and I think I might schedule a session or two for my foot.


This product is what has helped me for ten years. Nerve Renew and Nerve Optimizer. Under Nerve renew on the internet should take you to the manufacturers site. There is a lot of information on this site. I take two Nerve Renew and One Nerve Optimizer every morning. If I have to skip due to upcoming surgery then I know within a week I'm back to pain and suffering. This product took me four weeks to see the relief that I have to this day. This vitamin supplement has B1,B6,B12 and pure Alpha Lipoic Acid. All natural. Call them and they can set you up.


I haven't used acupuncture, but have had dry needling done on my neck and knees. I think that is what it is called. In Michigan, one needs to be a licensed Physical Therapist to administer dry needling, I think it helps and I think I might schedule a session or two for my foot.

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I hope it will help you.


So, is your PN primarily in your feet? And, are you able to wear closed shoes?

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My PN is in my feet.


@rickhood - My symptoms are not exactly like yours but close. I do not drink alcohol, all blood work comes in normal like A1-C, not diabetic. B-12 was in low range and 1500 mg daily keeps numbers up to normal. I have lower back problems L-3 to S-1 but multiple MRI's indicate issues but not to the point of surgery. I too have numbness but no pain with poor balance. My neuropathy developed into bilateral drop foot. I also take many of the same supplements you do, not much help. A head scratcher to say the least and I've been to several top places including Mayo. Weight? I think you are right. I've been able to cut back on food and have lost 10 pounds since April resulting in less back pain but has not decreased numbness.


@rickhood - My symptoms are not exactly like yours but close. I do not drink alcohol, all blood work comes in normal like A1-C, not diabetic. B-12 was in low range and 1500 mg daily keeps numbers up to normal. I have lower back problems L-3 to S-1 but multiple MRI's indicate issues but not to the point of surgery. I too have numbness but no pain with poor balance. My neuropathy developed into bilateral drop foot. I also take many of the same supplements you do, not much help. A head scratcher to say the least and I've been to several top places including Mayo. Weight? I think you are right. I've been able to cut back on food and have lost 10 pounds since April resulting in less back pain but has not decreased numbness.

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My doctor says to watch B-1 in addition to B-12. Some people are reporting improvement with a focus on B-1.

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