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Every morning when I was a child I would wake up and over breakfast tell my mom my dreams, I would go on for an hour, finally one day she told me to stop lying , that I was making it up. I’ll never forget that. I’m 43 years old male, Every night I dream the most incredible crazy adventures, meet and interact with people I’ve never met, I’ve never had a recurring dream. I explain it like this…
“If you took a Wes Anderson, Magnolia Pictures, Guillermo del Toro, Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, Roman Polanski Films, horror, drama, sci-fi, porn, daytime tv including commercials, Epic Shit, Low budget shit, and throw a mishmash of every other film, wildest thing you've ever thought of, and then max that by a million, shatter it into a billion pieces, throw them in a kaleidoscope.
And as I fall asleep even before l'm really dreaming, the kaleidoscope starts turning…I wake exhausted every day, they are giving me Modafinil and that helps but other than that I’m an anomaly. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one. I wish there was a medication that helped me get into slow wave sleep but there isn’t. I’ve tried everything from meditation, to gabapentin, exercise, everything..nothing has ever come close to helping me feel rested. It’s a gift I feel but many days I wake and wish I hadn’t dreamed so much. I love them but it’s wearing my brain out and really starting to catch up with me…

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Replies to "Every morning when I was a child I would wake up and over breakfast tell my..."

I forgot to mention, I’m very healthy, I’ve never taken medication until Modafinil, and have had a very stress free life..

It's a relief to see that I'm not alone in this. I've been waking up tired nearly every day for the last 30 years, and it's really starting to get to me. Last night I dreamt the craziest stuff, and much of it involved me running, jumping, swimming, and fighting. The insane complexity of the dreams was very well covered by your description. I had the entire cast of Star Trek TNG running around with me last night as we fought aliens, shapeshifters, zombies, Celts (at one point I was suddenly a Roman general fighting Celts). The dreams shatter and blend, or sometimes cease and start from a random point, and I'm always moving, always running or swimming, fighting and trying to stay alive. Sometimes I form intense emotional attachments to people in my dreams, and the dream seems to go on for weeks and months, all in one night. It gets so bad that I spent my waking moments missing these people even though they are figments I'm not likely to encounter again as the dreams are always changing and are never quite the same twice.

Honestly I was starting to wonder if I was going insane, or perhaps had been all along.

Hey this is exactly how it is for me! My dreams are epic movie masterpieces and I have several in a night! Sometimes they are pure fantasy/science fiction type dreams with people I’ve never met, and other times they are more personal and nightmarish, family members dying and
Then the dream recurs, and each time I remember that this happened before in another dream but I still cannot break that barrier of being fully aware that I am dreaming. It’s like I am there in the background as a witness, and I can sometimes control or change things, it’s funny how I cannot fully wake my conscious mind up! I have always wondered why I dream this way as friends/people that I talk to do not experience the same thing. I think that my brain is just too active, i can never switch off. And like you- I feel the dreams pulling me in as soon as I nod off! And can wake up and go back into it also. It has always felt as though the dream side of my life has the strongest pull and a very strong effect on my waking world.