Post covid itch and hives

Posted by tania7 @tania7, Apr 4, 2023

I’m 11 months post covid and have been experiencing red, itchy skin for a couple weeks now. When I itch my skin I get hives. Antihistamines seem to work but then it comes back after a few days. Hot water and heat seems to aggravate the situation. Anyone else experience this and find something that works?

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I have peeling skin all over my face and hives and raw skin all around my eyes. I am seventy-five and always looked at least 10 years younger. I had covid at the end of August and thought I was over it. In November I had a laser treatment on broken capillaries on my face. Instead of making my face look better, it seemed to trigger more rosacea. I was all broken out with acne the next day. Now my skin is mottled, keeps peeling and my eyelids and all around my eyes is raw and red, itchy and painful. I look like I am eight-five now. I don't even want to go out anywhere. At this point I just cry. The plastic surgeon who did the procedure and the dermatologist treat me like I am crazy. I am a widow so I have no support. The Rheumatologist believes I have long Covid and is the only one that treats me with respect.

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I am 72 and went through much the same but it manifested w open sores on my face. Turned out I have and you prob. Have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome! Once you study this and the diet it self you will have to be very careful but you can heal.. research it and go to Beth O’Hara’s site called Beth 360 and Becky Campbells site ….On Campbells I ordered Optimal Reset supplements and they have helped me immensely to reset my reactions of too much histamine in my diet. There is a way through this!….I am O blood type and for maybe that reason I got well on the Carnivore diet instead of the standard protocol of a plant based diet. My face literally looked like someone threw acid on it. It’s taken a long many months to correct the damage on my face but it is corrected but with spots occurring when I eat a high histamine food. I hope you research Mast Cell and become an authority on your own diet that works. God Bless!!


No rash or hives but severe itching, usually legs & ankles. Sometimes arms & hands. Worse at night. Benadryl helps but knocks me out. I found something that helps some: a liquid topical. Itchy Wart Vanishing Roll-on by Urban Releaf.

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Try eating a very low to no histamine diet …..which is necessary for Mast Cell Activation which is what I have post covid…..I had a lot of itching as well as well as lesions all over my face. MCAS is a real by product of the nightmare of Covid and the Covid shots and booster which is the source of mine.


Had COVID 19 back in May of this year. Was on paxlovid seemed to help after 5 days then had a COVID bounce back then felt fine . Then middle of June started with the extreme itching at night now a month later after being on prednisone more antihistamines , been to three doctors treating scabies but it turned out to be . Saw a dermatologist yesterday she really didn’t provide much help, except change a few things . I’m still on prednisone and see an allergist this Tuesday. I have to say I’ve discussed post with doctors some are on board with it but not until they eliminate everything else . Lab work chem liver and kidney was fine . This is very frustrating and prednisone is giving me side effects now . Any one else experiencing this ?


Is there a reason why you are on long term prednisone.. I’ve only ever been prescribed for a week at a time! I have MCAS itching is bad .. I was on xyzal that worked great for a year now I react to it so trying natural supplements for itching and reflux!


Had COVID 19 back in May of this year. Was on paxlovid seemed to help after 5 days then had a COVID bounce back then felt fine . Then middle of June started with the extreme itching at night now a month later after being on prednisone more antihistamines , been to three doctors treating scabies but it turned out to be . Saw a dermatologist yesterday she really didn’t provide much help, except change a few things . I’m still on prednisone and see an allergist this Tuesday. I have to say I’ve discussed post with doctors some are on board with it but not until they eliminate everything else . Lab work chem liver and kidney was fine . This is very frustrating and prednisone is giving me side effects now . Any one else experiencing this ?

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I’m a 2 1/2 year long hauler. Had the itching…Mine is self diagnosed based on the research on the internet. Citerizine(Zyrtec +Famotidine (Pepcid) to treat over expressing cytokines which is causing many long haul problems. Histamine is the culprit of the itching.
These are over the counter meds. Cures the problem. Tames the cytokine activity. You will be lucky if you find any doctor that can tell you anything that is beyond trial and error. If you Google the combo for treatment of Covid you can find lots of info doctors haven’t paid enough attention to.


I also suffer from a similar rash and was told it is Grover’s disease. He did not do a scrap only a visual exam. When I get overheated it feels like I am covered in stinging nettles then the rash.
I use a steroid cream and it helps but that is after the fact.


I’m a 2 1/2 year long hauler. Had the itching…Mine is self diagnosed based on the research on the internet. Citerizine(Zyrtec +Famotidine (Pepcid) to treat over expressing cytokines which is causing many long haul problems. Histamine is the culprit of the itching.
These are over the counter meds. Cures the problem. Tames the cytokine activity. You will be lucky if you find any doctor that can tell you anything that is beyond trial and error. If you Google the combo for treatment of Covid you can find lots of info doctors haven’t paid enough attention to.

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So are you saying not to take histamines/ Allegra/ Zyrtec? Cause I’m on prednisone and now Allegra and hydroxyzine at night if needed. Did u have blood work done checking thyroid/ diabetes, liver and kidney panel?


I also suffer from a similar rash and was told it is Grover’s disease. He did not do a scrap only a visual exam. When I get overheated it feels like I am covered in stinging nettles then the rash.
I use a steroid cream and it helps but that is after the fact.

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Thank you so much for your post! I am covid 3x & got a patch of grover's disease on my back after my first Pfizer vax. It has become progressively worse with each booster but the connection was made only last month. -Ironically, it was my cardiologist who dx it as a reaction to the latest booster.

As I study MCAS and the trigger has been ID'd I'm now experimenting with itch control. For some reason I seem to do best with one 20mg Pepcid every morning, and no Zyrtec. I'm finally able to sleep thru the night.


So are you saying not to take histamines/ Allegra/ Zyrtec? Cause I’m on prednisone and now Allegra and hydroxyzine at night if needed. Did u have blood work done checking thyroid/ diabetes, liver and kidney panel?

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Not sure what they are treating you for.. All my tests came back normal. No one appears to test the cytokine activity which according to studies needs to be done. So I just opt to take the Zyrtec and Pepcid that have been used in the studies successfully to lessen Covid problems resulting from over expressive cytokine activity. The drugs are antihistamines that address the overabundance of histamines in the system related to the cytokine abundance. Hope that clarifies. Are they treating a specific symptom you are having?


Thank you so much for your post! I am covid 3x & got a patch of grover's disease on my back after my first Pfizer vax. It has become progressively worse with each booster but the connection was made only last month. -Ironically, it was my cardiologist who dx it as a reaction to the latest booster.

As I study MCAS and the trigger has been ID'd I'm now experimenting with itch control. For some reason I seem to do best with one 20mg Pepcid every morning, and no Zyrtec. I'm finally able to sleep thru the night.

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Google the use of Pepcid and Zyrtec for long haul Covid. Each one calms different cytokines which is very interesting. I’m taking both just to see what symptoms lessen or hopefully disappear! I’m functioning! I’m exercising past the pains! I’m taking 30+ supplements that have been touted for long haul symptoms. I take no prescriptions because they are not indicated. Blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol normal. Monumental pain is down to minimal.
One can’t help but wonder why this is not getting more attention with all the long haul suffering.
Too simple and Big Pharma sure is not going to let this be promoted.

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