Pinched nerve in lower spine.

Posted by tadueo @tadueo, Jun 13, 2023

I'm 90, have A-Fib, CHF and high BP. I experience nervous system momentary, shut downs where I collapse to the floor (about one second duration.)
I'm considering having my spine scraped. Has anyone had similar?

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Congratulations on making it to 90 👍 but why would you want to traumatize your body by having surgery on your spine? At any age recovery from surgery is not easy on the body and at your young age anesthesia for back surgery might kill you. I doubt you’ll find any doctor in their right mind who would operate on you for an elective spine procedure.
I’m also not certain of your description (scrape my spine) as a fix for your “pinched nerve” in the lower back. I’m sorry you’re in pain. Have you recently sought medical care for this?


Thanks for your comments.
I saw my neurosurgeon yesterday and after viewing the third MRI of my spine he said I definitely didn't need surgery, which I guess is good news, and has referred me to to doctor for "Physiatric Evaluation". I'll see him soon.
I haven't had a shutdown since 6/21/23.
They don't have a clue.


I've had many surgeries from simple knee procedures to double bypass heart and two spinal surgeries as recently as 2020. I've had the luxury of my wife helping me through decisions and recoveries. I hope you have or can find someone to help you manage these difficult challenges. We have an 80 year old friend recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He has a friend helping him. It's so hard to to handle these things by oneself. My experience with spine surgery is not good. I've found out if you go to a surgeon, they can justify surgery. When in pain, we hope. In 2008 I needed a kidney procedure. After recovering from that surgery, I developed chest pains and had the double bypass, saving my life. The point is, I had pretesting for the long kidney surgery two months before the chest pains and no one followed up on anything indicating I had major blockages. They ignored high blood pressure and terrible family history. My wife learned how these things happen and asks a lot of questions I don't think about. Good luck going forward.


Thanks for your comments.
Fortunately, my daughter and her husband live within 29 mins. of me and we often meet.
Seems you've had considerable experience with surgery. I hope they work out well.
I'm afraid my health crew, PCP, pulmonologist, cardiologist and neurologist have , so far, been unable to find the root cause of my nervous system shut downs.
I recently tried to induce an attack by going through all sorts of bending exercises but failed to cause one. Dare I hope its vanished?
More neurological guys lined up for the near future.
Food luck to you too.


I have had my spine scrapped. Doesn't do anything and now I have to have spine surgery


Thanks for that input.
Good luck with the surgery.


Thanks for that input.
Good luck with the surgery.

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Thanks Tadueo! Going to need it. Surgery will last 90 minutes and they will open up my back 5 inches

In reply to @tadueo "Wow!" + (show)

I am having the back surgery on July 12th and I am getting really scared

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