Any testimonies where cancer didn't return?

Posted by Rom828 @jgallagher04921, Jun 4, 2023

I am new to this support group ( few weeks), but from what I have read there seems to be a trend with cancer coming back ( with all different diagnosis and treatment types). As I am still in the process of deciding on treatment, I'm starting to wonder " why bother going through all the side effects and feel ugly in the process if she-devil is just going to return".

Is there anyone out there that can speak to their win of cancer not coming back. What was ur diagnosis and treatment plan.. how long has it been since u were diagnosed?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.


I started tamoxifen last night. Was very nervous to swallow that pill. Did not have any side effects my first night.

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I took for 2 years. Switched by the second opinion oncologist only because I was post menopausal. Try not to be afraid. Also, be sure you get any "reading material" on these drugs from actual medical study sources. There are great disparities in information received online, and one needs to be careful of the sources of this information.


I started tamoxifen last night. Was very nervous to swallow that pill. Did not have any side effects my first night.

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Oh wow, that is good.
Can I ask your diagnosis?
Let me know how you feel.


Yes, I thought for sure at least nausea. I have such anxiety over " when symptoms will start though" .

44, Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, ER/Pr +, HER -, double mastectomy, no lymph node involvement, Oncotype 6 so no chemo, no radiation.

Tamoxifen for 10 years, Lypron shot in ovaries for 5 years ( but will be having ovaries out in Aug instead)


Yes, I thought for sure at least nausea. I have such anxiety over " when symptoms will start though" .

44, Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, ER/Pr +, HER -, double mastectomy, no lymph node involvement, Oncotype 6 so no chemo, no radiation.

Tamoxifen for 10 years, Lypron shot in ovaries for 5 years ( but will be having ovaries out in Aug instead)

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@rom828 if your ovaries come out will you switch to an aromatase inhibitor?


@rom828 if your ovaries come out will you switch to an aromatase inhibitor?

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I was given the option of Tamoxifen or AI. I chose Tamoxifen but can switch to AI if I don't tolerate Tamoxifen.

Is there a particular reason you ask? Should I consider switching?


I was diagnosed in 1968 with breast cancer. I cannot tell anything about it, because that type of testing was not done. I had 14 lymph nodes removed because 1 looked suspect (it was not malignant). No Chemo, no radiation, etc. Nothing was offered. Except RADICAL MASTECTOMY. Radiation only if lymph nodes were positiave. 2 year later breast removed. No followup medication. In 1988 I had a DERMATOFIBRsSAROMA IN MY RIGHT LEG. Wide recissoon. No other treatment. 2020 squamous cell carcinoma on right collar bone. Excision. No other treatment. I am now 92. I sincerely hope this gives you some peace. You are very likely free of this Monster. We never had more than today. Tomorrow is a hope and a dream. Enjoy what you have, and let all the other days take care of themselves. God Bless you and keep you in his tender dare.


I was given the option of Tamoxifen or AI. I chose Tamoxifen but can switch to AI if I don't tolerate Tamoxifen.

Is there a particular reason you ask? Should I consider switching?

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@Roma828 some women seem to have ovaries removed so they can do an AI so I was wondering if that was true for you. I was told the AI's are slightly more effective but I have also read that the most effective thing is to do tamoxifen and then an AI. Sorry I cannot cite but your doc might know. Definitely whatever you tolerate best too!


I think posts are skewed to people who need advice because their cancer has returned. I'm 14 years out!


Currently awaiting surgery for breast cancer so I’m of no help as far as my story goes, but wanted to say back in 1970 my Mom had pre-menopausal breast cancer that had spread to all her lymph nodes and muscles. The doctor said she had less than a year to live. She had a radical mastectomy and cobalt radiation treatments, no chemo or anything else, and she lived 32 years afterwards with no recurrence of cancer ever. She died of a heart attack.

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