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Anyone else have Symptomatic MGUS?

Blood Cancers & Disorders | Last Active: Nov 28, 2023 | Replies (73)

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Sounds very frustrating for you. Seems every institution including Mayo has a “watch and wait” protocol for MGUS. We are all different and our bodies react differently to just about everything. Seems most of the information you shared about your labs would not suggest having these issues from MGUS. Have you been checked for Amyloidosis? I was very pleased with my second opinion not just because it was good news for me but because Dr. Dingli at the Mayo explained everything to me, his reasoning for everything and exactly what each lab test was saying. I would highly recommend having the Mayo check things out if you’re able.

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Replies to "Sounds very frustrating for you. Seems every institution including Mayo has a “watch and wait” protocol..."

Hi there ChefT, thank you kindly for your reply 🙂 I have been concerned about amyloidosis, especially with random bouts of recurring pericarditis, so I have had an echocardiogram which did not show amyloidosis, and the last colonoscopy I had I requested Congo red staining be done to check the samples for a type of amyloidosis, which was negative. However, I do have kidney and liver changes on ultrasound, which medics haven’t wanted to biopsy, but I think it might be warranted considering +ve Bence Jones in urine, and continued altered liver enzymes. And also the mystery growths in my mediastinum (1x 5cm, the other 2.5cm, roughly round in shape). I am aware of their presence, particularly on trying to take a deep breath.
Being in Australia, I’ve not found any medics interested in proactively undertaking any targeted investigations beyond what’s considered standard. I’ve just recently requested some ana tests to see if I have some other parallel issue going on (the Gp is following up with the lab, as they lost the first lot of bloods, and didn’t label the second lot, so I may well have to go back for a third attempt at getting the blood draw examined). And due to persisting with obtaining the pathology from a tonsillectomy I had in April (I just got access to the results yesterday), I have a rare type of bacteria that can be invasive and cause progressive diseases in multiple organ systems if it’s not controlled. It’s only a problem for those who are immunocompromised (I am low in IgA), and my Gp - thank goodness - said even though she has no idea how to treat this bacteria that she hasn’t ever seen before, she is calling up a specialist microbiology lab to inquire about dose and type of antibiotics, as well as best method of administration, and she will be calling me back to act on her findings. The reason they took the tonsils is on examination they visualised like lymphoma, and so I was sent for excision. They had lots of white cells, but no lymphoma from what I read in the report I’ve just obtained.
Anyhow, I’m very pleased to hear your doctor explained tests and results to you well, that sounds really wonderful.
I’ve asked many times to be provided comprehensive copies of results relating to haematology, however unfortunately to date they have not been released. To be honest, I have other matters rather than pursue FOI for some blood test results, so I haven’t continued to ask him as I feel like a broken record.
Not to worry, hopefully the Gp will get back soon with some interesting findings and maybe treating this mystery bacteria might help.
Wishing you the best 🙂

ChefT, I tried to include some scholarly articles referencing research for nutritional supplementation of r-alpha lipoic acid (shown to support neuropathy in various metabolic and other mechanisms), and sunflower lecithin (shown to support brain cell integrity), however I received a message blocking my post due to new members being unable to share links for an unspecified timeframe.
The article titles are: Insights on the use of a-lipoic acid for therapeutic purposes (doi 10.3390/biom9080356), and Top 8 sunflower lecithin benefits and uses, published on Healthnews dot com, dated April 28, 2023.
I found them informative, and the references supporting the article are included at the end.
I also am investigating other nutritional methods of supporting the unique symptoms that accompany MGUS/SMM, with other quality and researched nutrients, and if I find further info I’ll list it here (hopefully I’ll be able to share links soon).