Something is wrong in the WORLD

Posted by lovelyday @lovelyday, Jun 19, 2023

I'm not sure if I'm right but I feel like I am something is not RIGHT environmentally autoimmune diseases and exposures they could be so invisible but yet they're right in your FACE I have an OCD and it's beating me up so badly and I really believe that this OCD is a result of so many things but at the same time my autoimmune diseases are doing the same thing and then these environmental exposures are like icing on the CAKE.. 😔

I guess I'll give you some examples I wear sandals when I go outside probably a big mistake so my feet are kind of exposed and I'm sweeping in the garage and of course there's probably poisonous crumbs like fertilizer from being spilled on the ground then I go to my neighbor's house and water her plants and she has mold ALL over her house and not a weed in her yard so you know she's using weed killer and then I go through boxes that were in a storage unit for 13 years that smell like musty mold dust and itchy I start feeling itchy and I have mold in my house around windows for SURE
And I've said hey black mold is hurting me and I can't be around fertilizer even when I go to the store I have a hard time down those aisle and I could NEVER work at a Menards or Home Depot no offense even Walmart and it's amazing when they put this stuff near FOOD when your shopping look for it they don't care this kind of stuff is what can make you wanna LIVE off the grid for me I'm just about there ANYONE else

And then recently I had a FULL body x-ray and they shot my arm up with some radiation crap and I get so MUCH anxiety now with the exposures to radiation because I feel like I've had a lot in my LIFE and I'm thinking its not GOOD as well I'm just a mess I'm sorry for sharing all this

I'm just feeling sick and the food that we're eating everything it's not the same like it's ALL bad food or something I don't know my stomach is a mess I know some of this is definitely stemming from my gut as well and I could barely walk yesterday after doing ALL this stuff I went through four boxes of stuff from the storage unit that my Aunt has that's a whole other story the stress that she's caused my LIFE due to this horrible storage unit really unbelievable

Then the OCD cutting my hair little by little I think I'm fixing it I'll make it right and it's worse so at times I think it's OKAY only to feel the unbalance the uneven distribution and I'm at it again it's taking my LIFE the TIME it's taken away from my LIFE is absolutely horrible and traumatic as well and FULL of anxiety and the pain from doing this so much the headaches it's mind blowing that I'm doing this and I wonder if the exposures and the autoimmune stuff can create this as well

I know that MOLD is extremely bad for me and the air quality lately out here now because of the fires in Canada has definitely added to this nightmare invisible to the EYE this stuff, funny how we THINK we're safe in our little homes when they could be the reason for our sicknesses and we don't EVEN know it

I have so much garbage in my home to much junk and I'm ready to give it ALL away for a healthy LIFE whatever it takes I'm waking up at times with tremors where my head shakes and how about the toothpaste we use I've been reading stuff on fluoride messing with the melatonin in our brain and calcification I really think my circadian rhythm is off for sure and I did a sleep study once a while back and the guy said I NEVER went into a REM sleep and that's not good what is happening I'm very scared and these phones well I'd give it ALL away to be healthy 🌈

And to top it off I'm in menopause and I'm getting the nightsweats ALL of sudden again last night I'm soaked and full of anxiety because of it any one dealing with this stuff or am I CRAZY I'm starting to feel that way at times it's really difficult I'm just tired of being sick I also have no more cartilage in my hips and I'm scared to get the surgery but I'm in pain often and it's getting worse I feel overwhelmed with the world and being ill 😥

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I really would like to give you a big hug right now! Wow!
Putting pressure on yourself causes the stress and the stress makes physical conditions worse. It is fine for me to say “slow down”, because I am not in your shoes! I would like to say to you - makes choices for yourself! We reach a time when we have given so much of ourselves we lose “me”. Take care of the things that are most important to you! Make a list and put yourself at the top of the list. The sooner you realize that taking care of “me”, the sooner you will feel some control over your life. Get out of that moldy life, let someone else water the plants and make plans to get rid of the mold in your house. There is even a spray you can purchase to stop the growth. All I am saying is we cannot take on all the problems of this world but we can take control of our own lives. We cannot be responsible for everything and everyone, but we can care.


I wish I could take the hormone therapies out there but I can't after breast cancer in 2016 I was hormonal positive so no replacement for me ..

And I'm in therapy now but it's a new therapist so we'll see and buds don't mix well with my autoimmune diseases at times I thought I could take them but it's been hard I have gummies here I'm in a legal state I wish I could find the right meds

I've been on low dose of Prednisone and Tramadol and even they're not helping me with my autoimmune diseases it's been really tough I've been on Norco at times horrible and I've tried different ones these drugs they ALL have so many side effects too that really make it difficult especially ones for anxiety and depression they're so difficult when it comes to finding the right ones I'm not sure if there is a right one for me I'm so sensitive that's for SURE..

I just really wish I could sleep well and wake up feeling good mornings are extremely hard for me getting up and if I didn't sleep well I feel it it's like I NEVER slept like I'm waking up from nothing and the pain upon waking up is horrible night and waking up it's very hard and mentally it's truly trying I'm in tears often

And I'm feeling sad and anxious I have to schedule my mammogram it's time and I'm always scared of this my hips are bone on bone and I'm scared to get the surgery but I'm in a lot of pain and it's TIME to much for me at times and I don't know where to start then on my bladder is showing an obstruction of some sort an UPJ Obstruction what is this so I have to see a Urologist now and getting in to see this doctor is taking time ugh

I'm so sorry I'm just tired of it being sick and I'm an outgoing free spirit REALLY I am if you met me you would know I have a big aura so I've been told I'm fun when I can be 😉 thank you for your thoughts and feedback it really helps to feel like you're NOT alone 🌈

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@lovelyday You sound so sad and hopeless. Have you got anyone to talk with? I know how having poor health colors everything in your life. Just today, I had a CT scan to see if I had a 3rd autoimmune disease. I told my husband that I just couldn’t handle another disease and all the pills and doctors involved. It’s like a full-time job that I never applied for. Working with a therapist can help. They help you put everything in perspective so you can deal with things. I finally got a therapist who has really helped me realize that I am not my diseases.
I hope you can take to heart some of the wonderful ideas other members have given. Please take care of yourself-you have value and are loved.


lovelyday, it's easy to feel overwhelmed these days just by everything going on in the world. Add in chronic medical issues which never seem to get better and it's a recipe for much unhappiness. All I can tell you is you're not alone, there are many of us who will listen to you, don't feel as if you're in this alone. Control what you can. I get up early, as the sun rises, the house is quiet. I go outside, walk the dogs, listen to the birds awakening and calling to each other and use the Merlin app to try and ID them. I read, maybe listen to favorite music with cats draped all over my lap. I do what I can on my chore list but don't stress it if I'm having a bad day and can't do much. I nap if I have to. I tey to watch what I eat. Very little processed foods and sugar. Minimal chemicals around the house. Please take care of yourself and remember, you're not alone.


Everyday (I try) I write down 10 things to be thankful or grateful for.
You would be amazed how it helps the “down days”. Even looking at a full blooming tree can fill your senses with appreciation! Bless you all!

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somde, I agree and I love this! Blessings....


I’m so sorry for all you are going through. So many, many issues. I understand your frustration. My late husband had a lot going on in his body. A couple of the doctors he went to just brushed him off when he explained his problems. One doctor was turning to leave the room and I asked him a question. He just turned and gave me a little wave and closed the door. Very frustrating! I am very lonely without him, but God is leading me, and helping me do things I thought I never could. When you are so miserable call out to God, our Heavenly Father loves his children and can be of much help.


Amen to that! God answers prayers and comforts!
God bless you on this journey! You and your husband should never have received such rude behaviour from a doctor! Maybe he had a lot of worries on his mind, one never knows, but it is not an excuse.


Thank you all for the thumbs up and a “hug”.
You all made my day!

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