What was your experience with a pain pump?

Posted by twa1965 @twa1965, Feb 16, 2022

Who on the platform has a Pain Pump? What side effects did you have, if any? How much did it reduce your pain? What was the recovery time for surgery?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.

My wife is about to have the first trial pending the implantation of a pain pump. The brand is Promentra.
Any comments about results of pain pump therapy will be appreciated. She’s very concerned.


My wife is about to have the first trial pending the implantation of a pain pump. The brand is Promentra.
Any comments about results of pain pump therapy will be appreciated. She’s very concerned.

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Hello @cdog and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. How thoughtful and supportive of you to reach out to others on your wife's behalf given her concern.

You will notice that I have moved your post into an existing discussion on the topic of pain pumps here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/pain-pump-1/

@gcranor @idaandmike1967 and @mlmchem1 have all recently shared in this discussion and may be able to come back and share more with you.

In the meantime, perhaps you could share a bit more about the background of your wife's pain. How long has she been dealing with her pain and what has she tried?


I am new to this group. My pump has ins approval now just waiting on the doctor. Very apprehensive. It would be so nice to get up and go down the hall without dread. Lol


Silverdale Washington is where the medical center is at, if you a phone number for him let me know.

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(360) 830-1301 Sorry for the delay.


Hello. I am new to this group and trying to find help for my 79 year old mother who has had chronic back pain for 10 yrs. Had spine and neck fusions. Tried all meds. Finally a Medtronics pain pump was implanted in March 2023 and worked for about 3 weeks and since April she is back in pain. Makes no sense to me and pain mgmt doc has slowly increased dosages to now .92 mg per day of Morphine. I am seeing if others have same issue of pain returning after a few good weeks initially? Medtronics rep has no good answers right now. She has since relocated and will see a new pain mgmt doc on June 20. Thanks!


Hello. I am new to this group and trying to find help for my 79 year old mother who has had chronic back pain for 10 yrs. Had spine and neck fusions. Tried all meds. Finally a Medtronics pain pump was implanted in March 2023 and worked for about 3 weeks and since April she is back in pain. Makes no sense to me and pain mgmt doc has slowly increased dosages to now .92 mg per day of Morphine. I am seeing if others have same issue of pain returning after a few good weeks initially? Medtronics rep has no good answers right now. She has since relocated and will see a new pain mgmt doc on June 20. Thanks!

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This is my first time commenting on any support group. I just wanted to say that I’ll be thinking of you and your mother and the new doctor she will be seeing. I’ll be praying for a knowledgeable doctor and a good outcome.


I’m new to this group but have checked in frequently. Every time I open this group the tears flow. I suppose it’s because it proves to me that I’m not alone and my pain is real. I adored my father but I was raised to think that if you can get dressed then you’re fine and doctors are not necessary. He died when he was 42 years old.
I spend most of my time at home and rely on a small amount of oxycodone that is prescribed for me. I have pain throughout my body and I think my neck fusion from 12 years ago is failing. The neck and head pain are unbearable.
I have just started the process of getting a referral from my neurologist and the records required to be reviewed at a Pain Management Neurological Center at Oregon’s largest hospital, OHSU. It’s a 1 1/2 drive but a very highly regarded facility and my husband is available to drive me there. It would be nice to have a place closer to Corvallis where I live. I’m really afraid and I don’t want to go to just anybody.
I’m getting Botox injections in my neck muscles tomorrow which will be guided by an EMG. This is supposed to lessen my neck tightness and headaches.
I’m sorry I went on so long. I don’t have anyone to talk to who understands my pain and living with it. Thanks.


This is my first time commenting on any support group. I just wanted to say that I’ll be thinking of you and your mother and the new doctor she will be seeing. I’ll be praying for a knowledgeable doctor and a good outcome.

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Thank you!


I’m new to this group but have checked in frequently. Every time I open this group the tears flow. I suppose it’s because it proves to me that I’m not alone and my pain is real. I adored my father but I was raised to think that if you can get dressed then you’re fine and doctors are not necessary. He died when he was 42 years old.
I spend most of my time at home and rely on a small amount of oxycodone that is prescribed for me. I have pain throughout my body and I think my neck fusion from 12 years ago is failing. The neck and head pain are unbearable.
I have just started the process of getting a referral from my neurologist and the records required to be reviewed at a Pain Management Neurological Center at Oregon’s largest hospital, OHSU. It’s a 1 1/2 drive but a very highly regarded facility and my husband is available to drive me there. It would be nice to have a place closer to Corvallis where I live. I’m really afraid and I don’t want to go to just anybody.
I’m getting Botox injections in my neck muscles tomorrow which will be guided by an EMG. This is supposed to lessen my neck tightness and headaches.
I’m sorry I went on so long. I don’t have anyone to talk to who understands my pain and living with it. Thanks.

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Thank you for the hugs. I had the Botox injections yesterday. There were a lot of them and my doctor warned me that I would feel worse after the injections. Yep, it was a bad day. What’s ironic is that I have a bad headache today. There will be another round and larger amounts in 3 months.
***She is sending in the referral and my records needed to start my journey towards getting a pain pump. I’m scared but I know it’s my last option.


I am new to this group. My pump has ins approval now just waiting on the doctor. Very apprehensive. It would be so nice to get up and go down the hall without dread. Lol

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I’m new and I’m apprehensive. My neurologist is sending in my records for approval for a pain pump. There shouldn’t be a reason I won’t be approved. Like you, it would be so nice to stand up and walk without dread…but no lol. I hope you are closer to your providers than I am. Wishing you the best.

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