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Fibromyalgia -- Need help on how to handle severe pain

Fibromyalgia | Last Active: Oct 29, 2023 | Replies (156)

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Reading your words - "taking care of areas that were in MY control", really resonates and I'm glad you mentioned it. The power of mindset, shifting focus and replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts helps along with the valuable things you also point out like exercise, relaxation, and stress-management. When all else fails and begins losing effectiveness such as meds, injections and procedures, it's kind of like - Okay, now what?

Have you always been a motivated person? Taking yourself up on self-challenges is a valuable tool. Goals are important. As you bring up exercise, relaxation and stress-reduction, it reminds me that the physical component goes hand in hand with the emotional, behavioral and chemical components. As Dr. Sletten from Mayo's Pain Rehab Center says - "you have to be in on ALL 4 components". These approaches can start small and increase gently to build upon step by step, day by day.

Thirty years later, as you walk up 12 floors to your apt building, you can thank perseverance and lifestyle for making it happen. That's awesome! May you continue to climb the stairs, with moderation of course, and test boundaries, but know that reaching plateaus are okay, too. How have you learned what physical activities have been best for your pain? Do you work with a physical therapist or pain rehabilitation program?

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Replies to "Reading your words - "taking care of areas that were in MY control", really resonates and..."

Frankly, I don't think I ever been a fan of what is called 'motivation' because I ask: So where or how do I find it?

And yet I strongly believe that nature has done a darn good job of packing us with parts that we ALL need to live a fulfilling (enjoyable) life -- even if we die young, or end up in a serious accident, and (and this may be hard) been in an abusive relationship. Did Sisyphus have an 'unfair' share of his misfortune, condemned to roll up a heavy rock only to walk down and do it again?
The French Algerian author of the book says he was "free" on his way down,to 'live' his life His Way.

But life as we know does come in more flavors than we can imagine. And I'll be first to admit I don't know how I'll handle it; I've not given every possible terrible situation a test. Life can happen unawares. But fables like that tell us a deeper universal truth: Humans are capable of living in most trying situations. Vikto Frankl was one, a four time survivor of holocaust camps.

My impetus (not motivation) to live generally sensible life springs from my universal qualities of play (that's why I was doing air soccer kicks in place of steps) curiosity (I am mostly occupied figuring out non-med solution to drug overdose crisis as its carnage is more than than car accidents and gun shots combined. Think about it we are killing ourselves in Increasing numbers because we take in to give us escape from our Existential pain ends up snuffing our lives)

Which brings me to next human (free) need: friends
Psychiatrist Singer in Cato Institute and our Surgeon General thinks this is what's killing us. Too bad this is ONE thing that's not in my control. Yet need so strong I and you cannot not contnue pursuing ways out. So I am I (a rationalist) am going to Baptist church dinner Saturday party to meet my friends.

So Rachel, this is how a deeper purpose spurs me to a healthier life as healthier I could be closer to my purpose. Note that it's Not personal. Patrick Hill of Washington Stae University at St louis has written a lot about it.

May you find an Enjoyable life with health.