Does anyone else suffer from chronic intermittent hypoxia?

Posted by chinnk13 @chinnk13, Jun 18, 2023

I have been dealing with this since Covid in March 2020. It happens pretty much every time upon exertion and quite often at rest as well. I recently flew from Detroit to San Diego and wore my wellue pulse ox ring and I was around 83-85% the entire flight (once we got up in the air). The chronic hypoxia has wreaked havoc on my body and my inflammatory markers are very elevated and my cbc is so abnormal that I had to have a bone marrow biopsy last year ti rule out blood cancer. My hematologist thinks it is reactive due to the hypoxia. No one knows exactly what is causing it or how to fix it. I am so frustrated. I want my life back.

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Hi @chinnk13. When becoming familiar with many posts, believe will find most of us have common symptoms of hypoxia. As described to me by ER doctors, this can be due to metabolic/nervous system/vascular dysfunction that affects production of oxygen to blood and at the cellular level for mitochondrial function for tissue/muscle. Also why so many have within normal range lab values and oxygen saturation yet debilitating symptoms. With more doctors and healthcare professionals experiencing this first hand, more and more of us are getting help with this new unchartered condition. Little by little there is improvement and will see light at end of tunnel🌈


I want my life back too🥲My oxygen fluctuates with exercise and sometimes without.Can drop to 83 to 90 and within 30 seconds or so go back up to 94 ..95… 96.???? When oxygen drops heart rate goes up. Heart ok,blood pressures good. Moderate lung scarring fromCOVID. Have had COVID twice. Once Jan 2021 and again May2022. Have good days and bad days..on oxygen at night. Trying methylene blue and low dose of naltrexone for pain plus loads of vitamins and minerals .


To chinnk13 - you’ve mirrored my symptoms almost exactly. I’m a fairly newbie - had COVID w/ just a moderate cough in Feb. 2023. Since then I’ve also had dyspnea on exertion and also while at rest. Most times I’d feel congested but lots of times at rest, I could take a deep breath but still feel short of breath - more like air hunger. Also had heart irregularities but EKG & Holter monitoring were inconclusive. In May, I was diagnosed with complete heart block and had to have a pacemaker implanted. Doing better now but the shortness of breath still persists. I’m going to ask my primary doc for a referral to a pulmonologist, although from what I’ve read, most of the tests come back normal. I’m thinking of taking a flight next month and am a little nervous about that. I’m also frustrated and discouraged that there doesn’t seem to be any solutions out there. Anyway, know that you’re not alone in all this.


If you fly, be sure to arrange for Wheelchair Assist. We flew back from Sydney Australia recently, and it was life saver for husband who has difficulty walking long distances, and stairs
are a no-go. New to LC - since Feb 2023.


I have the oxygenation rates fluctuation, also. I had an auto wreck 2019 and was hospitalized for acute respiratory failure. I had two drs, but neither of them talked to me about what kinds of problems I might encounter, or anything, actually. Since that time, I have had problems and every time I have been in the hospital, I end up on oxygen from severe fluctuations. The last time I had Covid, I was diagnosed in the ER and then started having big dips in my oxygenation rates and was admitted. Once on the floor, I tried to explain to the RN that I had been on the finger reader and had some big dips and probably should be on it again. She was very rude with me, to the point of being hateful, and the second time I mentioned it to her she said FINE and came over and put the reader on my finger. Then she went out to the station and I heard her say my name and everyone laughed. Later I realized that she had put the reader on my finger, but the machine WAS NOT ON, and then went out and made a joke of me. I asked to see her, but waited over an hour and a half, then asked for a Dr and was told it may be late afternoon of evening before I could see a Dr. I told them that I could take care of myself better at home and checked myself out AMA, and received even ruder treatment from all involved after that. I had come by ambulance and no one would even speak to me about finding a ride home. Finally, the guy at the valet parking asked me if I was ok, I told him I didn't know how I was going to get home, and he called an Uber to come get me. Very nice guy! Oh, my experiences with Drs and hospitals are LOVELY! With this Covid [my 3rd bout], I am really having oxygenation rate dips. Comes on for no apparent reason, dips into the low eighties, even the upper seventies once, for a short time and then goes back into the nineties. I have no idea what is going on. My PC said to go the ER.........think I will go back to the Hosp after the experience I had? I don't think so! I am so frustrated.


I have the oxygenation rates fluctuation, also. I had an auto wreck 2019 and was hospitalized for acute respiratory failure. I had two drs, but neither of them talked to me about what kinds of problems I might encounter, or anything, actually. Since that time, I have had problems and every time I have been in the hospital, I end up on oxygen from severe fluctuations. The last time I had Covid, I was diagnosed in the ER and then started having big dips in my oxygenation rates and was admitted. Once on the floor, I tried to explain to the RN that I had been on the finger reader and had some big dips and probably should be on it again. She was very rude with me, to the point of being hateful, and the second time I mentioned it to her she said FINE and came over and put the reader on my finger. Then she went out to the station and I heard her say my name and everyone laughed. Later I realized that she had put the reader on my finger, but the machine WAS NOT ON, and then went out and made a joke of me. I asked to see her, but waited over an hour and a half, then asked for a Dr and was told it may be late afternoon of evening before I could see a Dr. I told them that I could take care of myself better at home and checked myself out AMA, and received even ruder treatment from all involved after that. I had come by ambulance and no one would even speak to me about finding a ride home. Finally, the guy at the valet parking asked me if I was ok, I told him I didn't know how I was going to get home, and he called an Uber to come get me. Very nice guy! Oh, my experiences with Drs and hospitals are LOVELY! With this Covid [my 3rd bout], I am really having oxygenation rate dips. Comes on for no apparent reason, dips into the low eighties, even the upper seventies once, for a short time and then goes back into the nineties. I have no idea what is going on. My PC said to go the ER.........think I will go back to the Hosp after the experience I had? I don't think so! I am so frustrated.

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Man, that sucks how they treated you. Is there a different hospital you can go to?


I hate to say it, but this is not an unusual experience for me with either hospitals or Drs, so when you have repeated issues like this, it discourages you from seeking any medical care! I had another episode this AM where my oxygenation dipped to 80% while I was laying in bed and my oxygenation reader alarm was going off like crazy, but after a few minutes, it goes back up into the nineties, then dips again. Hard to find out what is going on when no one seems interested enough to help! Thanks for your response.


Hi everyone. Saw recent replies about wheelchair and flying so sharing my recent trip, with verifying first safe to go with my other half for his work, so I could lay in bed in a place other than home 😄 Found airports with outside terminal baggage check in can offer curbside wheelchair with escort to departure gate and the airplane cabin pressure can be less expensive hyperbaric chamber treatment. Again, of course check with your healthcare system for your particular health needs and safety. Wish all quickest healing🌈

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