Are any other seniors experiencing a need to cry more often?

Posted by littleoaksc52 @littleoaksc52, Jun 11, 2023

I'm 71 and have started crying "at the drop of a hat." Hearing the news or watching the worst of the human condition unfold in a movie usually triggers it. And once I get started, it's hard to stop.

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I have been crying more as I was diagnosed with Metastic breast cancer in liver. Chemo. & side effects are nasty. I am 77 yrs. Old. Thank you for reading.

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Miles5513, Bless you! I am so sorry you are battling this. Crying is the release valves from the heart! Crying is good for us and you of all people need to cry and get out the hurt from this metastisis. Praying for you....


I was just trying to send my childhood girlfriend an email and it refused to send and it didn’t get saved in my draft file. I had written at least 2 paragraphs! How are we supposed to be able to deStress if others are seemingly controlling our electronic correspondence!


The second year of my husband's death is approaching and I don't seem to be any more accepting of it at all. I call myself the walking water pot. I cry at any time and any place. I also feel I am withdrawing from "society" more and more. I have two sons and one of them is not a help at all. In fact I would say more a hindrance and I feel him withdrawing from me, which makes me cry all the more. I do make plans for extremely short outings (1-2 days) and everyone things I am moving forward. Everyone except me. I have expressed to my sons that I would like to see them at least one more time while I am still alive. At my age I don't know how much longer I have left. It is hard.


The second year of my husband's death is approaching and I don't seem to be any more accepting of it at all. I call myself the walking water pot. I cry at any time and any place. I also feel I am withdrawing from "society" more and more. I have two sons and one of them is not a help at all. In fact I would say more a hindrance and I feel him withdrawing from me, which makes me cry all the more. I do make plans for extremely short outings (1-2 days) and everyone things I am moving forward. Everyone except me. I have expressed to my sons that I would like to see them at least one more time while I am still alive. At my age I don't know how much longer I have left. It is hard.

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After a lifetime of living for your husband and sons, it may be time to just think of your own life.
In your mind, without telling them, free your sons to do whatever they want to do and start thinking of your own self. What have you always wanted to do? What sort of life can you live now that you are on your own. Freedom awaits you. Freedom to do things just for you. Little things at first, small steps of becoming independent


Me too! I’ve been watching a lot of WorldNews on PBS and found I had become so depressed that I had to stop watching. Maybe our age (76) or just that the world news is more than I can handle

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Regarding TV , News and sadness…
Very touching and rational comments have been expressed. We were echoing some of the thoughts expressed in our own conversations. We took action!
We recognized that we had other choices. Other than conventional TV CABLE OR any method to get the news channels, today’s technology has given us positive and alternative choices.
We could CHOOSE how we want to stay updated, how much, by what methods, and from what sources.
We took action! The day we cancelled TV as our main source of securing information was a personal victorious experience for us !
The cable bill for same plan continuously was increasing while our viewing time was on a steady decline. . Over past couple of years, we noticed our TV watching was on a steady decline. We documented our viewing time over several quarters. Last quarter we checked: 1.5 hours a week. What media was reporting and even “ specials ” was no longer best for our outlook on life. May be fine for others.we made a personal decision.l. Three months ago, we cancelled cable TV ENTIRELY and kept our internet.
Oh what a celebratory feeling we had that day! We seemed to open up and LIFT UP a feeling of possitivity and an increase of JOY! Not fine for financial reasons, but even financially, it was a huge waste! We were paying but not using the equipment.
Since we curtailed our TV plan, many other areas of our life continue to expand: book reading, gardening, on line courses, excellent written commentary, radio on line, on line in depth presentations, walking even more, being with select friends and much better quality of rest and sleep time. It’s like we added a day to our week and have more hours to enjoy, explore, rest, plan, learn , create, and share with others. Continuous improvement is fun and we find that our attention span can ABSORB more in depth coverage and understanding. This little decision has enhanced and refined our quality of life. We feel uplifted . We keep up with the current stories and it’s players, but we are not saturated , emotionally drained, nor absorbed in them day after day , incident by incident, and allowing our demeanor on life to be one of turmoil , terror, fear, and grief.

Not suggesting this is “ the it” for others. We live in a big metropolitan city. It fit us.
Our decision process had 3 steps:
1. the thought ,
2. THE WILL and passion that we believed it fit who were are and our core values.
3. Most importantly, we took decisive action.
Can do step 1 and 2. But without ACTION, step 3, no change occurs.
There are so many positives alternatives to explore!
For us, this has been a good choice.
Life is good!


Regarding TV , News and sadness…
Very touching and rational comments have been expressed. We were echoing some of the thoughts expressed in our own conversations. We took action!
We recognized that we had other choices. Other than conventional TV CABLE OR any method to get the news channels, today’s technology has given us positive and alternative choices.
We could CHOOSE how we want to stay updated, how much, by what methods, and from what sources.
We took action! The day we cancelled TV as our main source of securing information was a personal victorious experience for us !
The cable bill for same plan continuously was increasing while our viewing time was on a steady decline. . Over past couple of years, we noticed our TV watching was on a steady decline. We documented our viewing time over several quarters. Last quarter we checked: 1.5 hours a week. What media was reporting and even “ specials ” was no longer best for our outlook on life. May be fine for others.we made a personal decision.l. Three months ago, we cancelled cable TV ENTIRELY and kept our internet.
Oh what a celebratory feeling we had that day! We seemed to open up and LIFT UP a feeling of possitivity and an increase of JOY! Not fine for financial reasons, but even financially, it was a huge waste! We were paying but not using the equipment.
Since we curtailed our TV plan, many other areas of our life continue to expand: book reading, gardening, on line courses, excellent written commentary, radio on line, on line in depth presentations, walking even more, being with select friends and much better quality of rest and sleep time. It’s like we added a day to our week and have more hours to enjoy, explore, rest, plan, learn , create, and share with others. Continuous improvement is fun and we find that our attention span can ABSORB more in depth coverage and understanding. This little decision has enhanced and refined our quality of life. We feel uplifted . We keep up with the current stories and it’s players, but we are not saturated , emotionally drained, nor absorbed in them day after day , incident by incident, and allowing our demeanor on life to be one of turmoil , terror, fear, and grief.

Not suggesting this is “ the it” for others. We live in a big metropolitan city. It fit us.
Our decision process had 3 steps:
1. the thought ,
2. THE WILL and passion that we believed it fit who were are and our core values.
3. Most importantly, we took decisive action.
Can do step 1 and 2. But without ACTION, step 3, no change occurs.
There are so many positives alternatives to explore!
For us, this has been a good choice.
Life is good!

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So cool! I haven't lived with a television since 1972 so I'm used to it. Everyone I know, even retired, complains about not having enough time...however I had plenty of time even as a single working mom. Those 2-3 hours a day that might go to TV can be almost an extra day a week...that is a lot of life since 1972. People tease me about it and actually do criticize it--so I rarely tell people. It certainly isn't for everyone, but heavenly for me. Enjoy!


Regarding TV , News and sadness…
Very touching and rational comments have been expressed. We were echoing some of the thoughts expressed in our own conversations. We took action!
We recognized that we had other choices. Other than conventional TV CABLE OR any method to get the news channels, today’s technology has given us positive and alternative choices.
We could CHOOSE how we want to stay updated, how much, by what methods, and from what sources.
We took action! The day we cancelled TV as our main source of securing information was a personal victorious experience for us !
The cable bill for same plan continuously was increasing while our viewing time was on a steady decline. . Over past couple of years, we noticed our TV watching was on a steady decline. We documented our viewing time over several quarters. Last quarter we checked: 1.5 hours a week. What media was reporting and even “ specials ” was no longer best for our outlook on life. May be fine for others.we made a personal decision.l. Three months ago, we cancelled cable TV ENTIRELY and kept our internet.
Oh what a celebratory feeling we had that day! We seemed to open up and LIFT UP a feeling of possitivity and an increase of JOY! Not fine for financial reasons, but even financially, it was a huge waste! We were paying but not using the equipment.
Since we curtailed our TV plan, many other areas of our life continue to expand: book reading, gardening, on line courses, excellent written commentary, radio on line, on line in depth presentations, walking even more, being with select friends and much better quality of rest and sleep time. It’s like we added a day to our week and have more hours to enjoy, explore, rest, plan, learn , create, and share with others. Continuous improvement is fun and we find that our attention span can ABSORB more in depth coverage and understanding. This little decision has enhanced and refined our quality of life. We feel uplifted . We keep up with the current stories and it’s players, but we are not saturated , emotionally drained, nor absorbed in them day after day , incident by incident, and allowing our demeanor on life to be one of turmoil , terror, fear, and grief.

Not suggesting this is “ the it” for others. We live in a big metropolitan city. It fit us.
Our decision process had 3 steps:
1. the thought ,
2. THE WILL and passion that we believed it fit who were are and our core values.
3. Most importantly, we took decisive action.
Can do step 1 and 2. But without ACTION, step 3, no change occurs.
There are so many positives alternatives to explore!
For us, this has been a good choice.
Life is good!

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I wish my husband felt the same about tv as I did but he uses it for entertainment and tge noise of it drives me into stress. We have stopped watching the news as he was never inretested in it anyway snd I was becoming negatively affected by it during covid shutdowns. But each evening and most weekends I get driven out of the lounge to early bed because of the noise of the tv and not being able to watch anything of intellect it’s all just screaming talent shows or stupid stuff. Over it.


I wish my husband felt the same about tv as I did but he uses it for entertainment and tge noise of it drives me into stress. We have stopped watching the news as he was never inretested in it anyway snd I was becoming negatively affected by it during covid shutdowns. But each evening and most weekends I get driven out of the lounge to early bed because of the noise of the tv and not being able to watch anything of intellect it’s all just screaming talent shows or stupid stuff. Over it.

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I bought my husband headphones. The TV sound gets turned off and he i able to sit there with his headphone on and listen to his heart's content! Headphones are very comfortable 'nowadays' and a good pair inexpensive because the trend is more towards ear pods hich I know nothing about. I know this irritation thus good luck.


Regarding TV , News and sadness…
Very touching and rational comments have been expressed. We were echoing some of the thoughts expressed in our own conversations. We took action!
We recognized that we had other choices. Other than conventional TV CABLE OR any method to get the news channels, today’s technology has given us positive and alternative choices.
We could CHOOSE how we want to stay updated, how much, by what methods, and from what sources.
We took action! The day we cancelled TV as our main source of securing information was a personal victorious experience for us !
The cable bill for same plan continuously was increasing while our viewing time was on a steady decline. . Over past couple of years, we noticed our TV watching was on a steady decline. We documented our viewing time over several quarters. Last quarter we checked: 1.5 hours a week. What media was reporting and even “ specials ” was no longer best for our outlook on life. May be fine for others.we made a personal decision.l. Three months ago, we cancelled cable TV ENTIRELY and kept our internet.
Oh what a celebratory feeling we had that day! We seemed to open up and LIFT UP a feeling of possitivity and an increase of JOY! Not fine for financial reasons, but even financially, it was a huge waste! We were paying but not using the equipment.
Since we curtailed our TV plan, many other areas of our life continue to expand: book reading, gardening, on line courses, excellent written commentary, radio on line, on line in depth presentations, walking even more, being with select friends and much better quality of rest and sleep time. It’s like we added a day to our week and have more hours to enjoy, explore, rest, plan, learn , create, and share with others. Continuous improvement is fun and we find that our attention span can ABSORB more in depth coverage and understanding. This little decision has enhanced and refined our quality of life. We feel uplifted . We keep up with the current stories and it’s players, but we are not saturated , emotionally drained, nor absorbed in them day after day , incident by incident, and allowing our demeanor on life to be one of turmoil , terror, fear, and grief.

Not suggesting this is “ the it” for others. We live in a big metropolitan city. It fit us.
Our decision process had 3 steps:
1. the thought ,
2. THE WILL and passion that we believed it fit who were are and our core values.
3. Most importantly, we took decisive action.
Can do step 1 and 2. But without ACTION, step 3, no change occurs.
There are so many positives alternatives to explore!
For us, this has been a good choice.
Life is good!

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Like you we only have internet and love the fact we are in control of what we put before our eyes.

We were overwhelmed by fake news, horrible sitcoms, gloom and doom of death and destruction, constant commercial interruptions, world disasters, sexual adult related commercials, and program sitcoms that kids should never watch. So, we canceled TV.

We talk more, get out the house more. We do in-state weekend getaways booking a hotel and pretend we are out of town on vacation or take mini road trip vacations.

We budget for our adventures and look forward to them. Sure we have health issues but we work around them and put our faith in God who gives us peace of mind as we deal with the known and unknown.

Life is short and you gotta accept the good with the bad and make yourself happy. Being happy is not just smiles.

You also can find happiness in your tears as you look back over your life and realize you are blessed to still be alive and you can choose to be a testimony of your own existence sharing your life experiences to encourage others.

At the end of the day it is up to each individual to make the most out of life in sickness or in health.

Time never pause for one second to let you catch up on missed opportunities.
Therefore, live each day with purpose. For us our purpose is to pray and walk in faith and celebrate the Lord and the moments he gives us in this life.

Enjoy your life today! Tomorrow’s not promised.

Thanks for sharing!


I bought my husband headphones. The TV sound gets turned off and he i able to sit there with his headphone on and listen to his heart's content! Headphones are very comfortable 'nowadays' and a good pair inexpensive because the trend is more towards ear pods hich I know nothing about. I know this irritation thus good luck.

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Yes! He now has headphones ! Wireless and wonderful. Blessed silence has descended upon me and my nerves are better. Thank you.

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